Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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English Newsroom

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Seventeen Uses Smart Computers to Help Make Music

The K-pop industry debates AI's role in music, balancing innovation with the need for human creativity.

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The K-pop group Seventeen is trying something new with computers to help make music. They are using a special technology called AI. AI is like a smart computer that can help with making songs. But Seventeen says real people still make their music. Some fans are talking about whether using AI is good or bad.

Some fans worry that AI might make music feel less special. They think music should show real feelings from the artists. If AI writes songs, they might not feel as real. Other people think AI can help when artists get stuck. The K-pop world is thinking a lot about how to use AI in music.

Original news source: Will K-pop’s AI experiment pay off? (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1technologyTools and machines that help us do things
2specialSomething that is different and important
3feelingsEmotions like happy or sad
4artistsPeople who make art, like songs or paintings
5computerA machine that helps us with work and play
6musicSounds that people make to create songs
7realSomething that is true and not pretend
8fansPeople who really like someone or something
9stuckWhen you can’t move or can’t think of what to do next
10worldThe Earth and everything on it

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Students will take turns acting out words related to the article (e.g., music, AI, Seventeen, feelings) without speaking, while the rest of the class guesses the word. This helps build vocabulary and encourages communication.

Instructions: The teacher will ask the class whether they think using AI in music is good or bad. Students will raise their hands to vote for one side and then discuss in pairs why they chose that side. This activity encourages speaking and critical thinking.

Instructions: Students will work in pairs. One student will draw a word related to the article (like AI, music, or artist) while the other student guesses what it is. This helps reinforce vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.

Instructions: Ask students to think about how they feel about AI in music for one minute. Then, they will pair up to share their thoughts with a partner. Finally, a few pairs will share their ideas with the class. This promotes speaking and listening skills.

Instructions: In small groups, students will discuss and predict how they think AI will change the music industry in the next 10 years. Each group will share one prediction with the class. This encourages creative thinking and collaboration.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the name of the K-pop group mentioned in the article?
2. What does AI help Seventeen do?
3. Who still makes the music for Seventeen?
4. What do some fans think about using AI for music?
5. Why do some fans worry about AI making music?
6. How can AI help artists when they have a problem?
7. What is the K-pop world thinking about?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

The K-pop group Seventeen is trying something new with (1)______ to (2)______ make music. They are using a special technology called AI. AI is like a smart (3)______ that can help with making songs. But Seventeen says real people still make their (4)______. Some fans are talking about whether using AI is good or bad.

Some (5)______ worry that AI might (6)______ music feel less special. They think music should show real feelings from the artists. If AI writes songs, they might not feel as (7)______. (8)______ people think AI can help when artists get stuck. The K-pop world is thinking a lot about how to use AI in music.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is your favorite song?
2. Do you like listening to music? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if a robot made a song?
4. Do you think music sounds better when a person makes it? Why?
5. What is a K-pop group?
6. How would you feel if your favorite singer used a computer to make music?
7. Do you think AI can help people make better songs? Why or why not?
8. What is your favorite thing about music?
9. How do you feel when you hear a sad song?
10. Do you think it is important for music to show real feelings? Why?
11. What is a song that makes you happy?
12. How would you feel if all songs were made by computers?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. technology
2. special
3. feelings
4. artists
5. computer
6. music
7. real
8. fans
9. stuck
10. world

(A) Tools and machines that help us do things
(B) A machine that helps us with work and play
(C) Emotions like happy or sad
(D) People who really like someone or something
(E) The Earth and everything on it
(F) Something that is different and important
(G) Something that is true and not pretend
(H) When you can’t move or can’t think of what to do next
(I) People who make art, like songs or paintings
(J) Sounds that people make to create songs
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the name of the K-pop group mentioned in the article?
(a) Twenty
(b) Fifteen
(c) Eighteen
(d) Seventeen

2. What technology is Seventeen using to help make music?
(a) TV
(b) AI
(c) Phone
(d) Radio

3. What do some fans think about AI writing songs?
(a) It is very funny
(b) It is very easy
(c) It might not feel real
(d) It is very loud

4. Who still makes the music for Seventeen?
(a) Real people
(b) Robots
(c) Animals
(d) Computers

5. What do some fans worry about with AI?
(a) Music will be too loud
(b) Music might feel less special
(c) Music will be too short
(d) Music will be too slow

6. What can AI help artists with?
(a) When they are happy
(b) When they are tired
(c) When they get stuck
(d) When they are busy

7. What is the K-pop world thinking about?
(a) How to use AI in music
(b) How to dance better
(c) How to sing louder
(d) How to play games

8. What does AI stand for?
(a) Amazing Ideas
(b) Awesome Instruments
(c) Active Imagination
(d) Artificial Intelligence

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The computers use something called AI.
2. AI is like a smart helper for making songs.
3. Fans think music should imitate real feelings.
4. Some people believe AI can help when artists are stuck.
5. Seventeen still has real robots producing their music.
6. They are using instruments to help make music.
7. Some fans are excited about using AI.
8. Seventeen is a K-pop group.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is the name of the K-pop group that is using computers to help make music?
2. What does AI stand for?
3. Why do some fans think AI is not good for music?
4. How do some people think AI can help music artists?
5. What do people in the K-pop world think about using AI in music?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What is the name of the K-pop group mentioned in the article?
The name of the K-pop group is Seventeen.

2. What does AI help Seventeen do?
AI helps Seventeen make songs.

3. Who still makes the music for Seventeen?
Real people still make the music for Seventeen.

4. What do some fans think about using AI for music?
Some fans think using AI for music is not good.

5. Why do some fans worry about AI making music?
Some fans worry that AI music might not feel real.

6. How can AI help artists when they have a problem?
AI can help artists when they get stuck making songs.

7. What is the K-pop world thinking about?
The K-pop world is thinking about how to use AI in music.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) computers
(2) help
(3) computer
(4) music
(5) fans
(6) make
(7) real
(8) Other
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. technology
Answer: (A) Tools and machines that help us do things

2. special
Answer: (F) Something that is different and important

3. feelings
Answer: (C) Emotions like happy or sad

4. artists
Answer: (I) People who make art, like songs or paintings

5. computer
Answer: (B) A machine that helps us with work and play

6. music
Answer: (J) Sounds that people make to create songs

7. real
Answer: (G) Something that is true and not pretend

8. fans
Answer: (D) People who really like someone or something

9. stuck
Answer: (H) When you can’t move or can’t think of what to do next

10. world
Answer: (E) The Earth and everything on it
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the name of the K-pop group mentioned in the article?
Answer: (d) Seventeen

2. What technology is Seventeen using to help make music?
Answer: (b) AI

3. What do some fans think about AI writing songs?
Answer: (c) It might not feel real

4. Who still makes the music for Seventeen?
Answer: (a) Real people

5. What do some fans worry about with AI?
Answer: (b) Music might feel less special

6. What can AI help artists with?
Answer: (c) When they get stuck

7. What is the K-pop world thinking about?
Answer: (a) How to use AI in music

8. What does AI stand for?
Answer: (d) Artificial Intelligence
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The computers use something called AI. (Answer: True)
2. AI is like a smart helper for making songs. (Answer: True)
3. Fans think music should imitate real feelings. (Answer: False)
4. Some people believe AI can help when artists are stuck. (Answer: True)
5. Seventeen still has real robots producing their music. (Answer: False)
6. They are using instruments to help make music. (Answer: False)
7. Some fans are excited about using AI. (Answer: False)
8. Seventeen is a K-pop group. (Answer: True)
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