Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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English Newsroom

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Big Cave Found on the Moon for Future Living

A newly discovered lunar cave could revolutionize human habitation on the Moon and beyond.

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Scientists have found a big cave on the Moon. It is at least 100 meters deep. This discovery might help humans live on the Moon one day. The cave can protect people from dangerous space weather and temperatures.

Two researchers, Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer, found the cave using radar. The cave has a hole at the top, walls, and a sloped floor. It was made by old lava flows a long time ago. The scientists think this cave is like volcanic caves in Spain.

The cave is not fully explored yet. Scientists want to use special tools to learn more about it. This discovery could help us understand the Moon better. It might also help us explore Mars in the future.

Original news source: Cave discovered on Moon could be home for humans (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1discoveryFinding something new
2protectKeep safe from harm
3dangerousNot safe, could cause harm
4temperaturesHow hot or cold something is
5researchersPeople who study things to learn more
6radarA device that uses waves to find things
7slopedNot flat, tilted
8lavaHot, melted rock from a volcano
9volcanicRelated to a volcano
10exploredLooked at closely to learn more
11toolsThings used to do a job or task
12understandKnow what something means or how it works

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Each group will take turns acting out words or phrases related to the article (e.g., “cave,” “Moon,” “protect,” “researcher,” “lava”) without speaking. The other groups will guess the word or phrase.

Instructions: Create a series of statements based on the article (e.g., “Living on the Moon is a good idea,” “Exploring Mars is more important than exploring the Moon”). Have students walk around the classroom and ask their classmates if they agree or disagree with these statements, gathering opinions.

Instructions: Provide students with paper and colored pencils. Ask them to draw a picture of what they imagine the cave on the Moon looks like based on the article. After they finish, have them share their drawings with the class and describe their ideas in English.

Instructions: On the board, write “Cave on the Moon” in the center. Ask students to brainstorm related words and ideas from the article, such as “scientists,” “exploration,” “protection,” and “lava.” Write these words around the center to create a mind map together.

Instructions: Choose vocabulary words from the article (e.g., “discovery,” “explore,” “temperature”). One student will draw a word on the board while the other students try to guess what it is. The drawer cannot speak or write any letters or numbers. Rotate roles after each round.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What did scientists find on the Moon?
2. How deep is the cave that was discovered?
3. Who are the two researchers that found the cave?
4. How did the researchers find the cave?
5. What did the scientists think the cave was made from?
6. Why is this cave important for humans?
7. What do scientists want to do with the cave in the future?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Scientists have found a big cave on the Moon. It is at least 100 meters (1)______. This discovery might help (2)______ live on the Moon one day. The cave can protect (3)______ from dangerous space weather and temperatures.

Two researchers, Lorenzo (4)______ and (5)______ Carrer, found the (6)______ using radar. The cave has a hole at the top, walls, and a sloped floor. It was made by old lava flows a long time ago. The scientists (7)______ this cave is like volcanic (8)______ in (9)______.

The cave is not fully explored yet. Scientists (10)______ to use special (11)______ to (12)______ more about it. This discovery could help us understand the Moon better. It might also help us explore Mars in the future.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a cave?
2. How would you feel if you could visit the Moon?
3. Do you like exploring new places? Why or why not?
4. What is your favorite thing about space?
5. Do you think it is important to explore other planets? Why?
6. How would you feel if you lived on the Moon?
7. What do you think it would be like to live in a cave?
8. Do you think scientists should keep looking for more caves on the Moon? Why?
9. What is something you would want to take with you to the Moon?
10. How do you think humans could live safely on the Moon?
11. Do you think there are other caves on different planets? Why or why not?
12. What is your dream place to explore?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. discovery
2. protect
3. dangerous
4. temperatures
5. researchers
6. radar
7. sloped
8. lava
9. volcanic
10. explored
11. tools
12. understand

(A) Looked at closely to learn more
(B) Not safe, could cause harm
(C) A device that uses waves to find things
(D) Know what something means or how it works
(E) Not flat, tilted
(F) Hot, melted rock from a volcano
(G) People who study things to learn more
(H) Things used to do a job or task
(I) How hot or cold something is
(J) Related to a volcano
(K) Keep safe from harm
(L) Finding something new
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What have scientists found on the Moon?
(a) A new planet
(b) A big cave
(c) A spaceship
(d) A giant rock

2. How deep is the cave on the Moon?
(a) At least 50 meters
(b) At least 200 meters
(c) At least 100 meters
(d) At least 10 meters

3. Who discovered the cave on the Moon?
(a) Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
(b) Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton
(c) Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla
(d) Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer

4. What did the scientists use to find the cave?
(a) Telescopes
(b) Radar
(c) Binoculars
(d) Cameras

5. What is the cave made from?
(a) Ice
(b) Sand
(c) Water
(d) Old lava flows

6. What do scientists want to learn about the cave?
(a) More about it using special tools
(b) How to make it bigger
(c) How to live inside it
(d) How to fill it with water

7. What might the discovery of the cave help us understand better?
(a) The Earth
(b) The Sun
(c) The Moon
(d) The stars

8. What could this discovery help us do in the future?
(a) Explore Mars
(b) Build a spaceship
(c) Create a new planet
(d) Travel to the Sun

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The cave has a hole at the top and a sloped floor.
2. The cave was formed by recent lava flows.
3. The cave is less than 100 meters deep.
4. Researchers Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer did not find the cave using radar.
5. Scientists want to learn more about the cave with special tools.
6. This discovery could not help us understand the Moon and explore Mars.
7. The cave can protect people from bad space weather.
8. Scientists have discovered a large cave on the Moon.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What did scientists find on the Moon?
2. How deep is the cave that scientists discovered?
3. Who are the two researchers that found the cave?
4. Why is the cave important for humans?
5. What do scientists want to learn more about in the cave?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What did scientists find on the Moon?
Scientists found a big cave on the Moon.

2. How deep is the cave that was discovered?
The cave is at least 100 meters deep.

3. Who are the two researchers that found the cave?
The two researchers are Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer.

4. How did the researchers find the cave?
The researchers found the cave using radar.

5. What did the scientists think the cave was made from?
The scientists think the cave was made by old lava flows.

6. Why is this cave important for humans?
This cave is important because it can protect people from dangerous space weather and temperatures.

7. What do scientists want to do with the cave in the future?
Scientists want to explore the cave more and learn more about it.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) deep
(2) humans
(3) people
(4) Bruzzone
(5) Leonardo
(6) cave
(7) think
(8) caves
(9) Spain
(10) want
(11) tools
(12) learn
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. discovery
Answer: (L) Finding something new

2. protect
Answer: (K) Keep safe from harm

3. dangerous
Answer: (B) Not safe, could cause harm

4. temperatures
Answer: (I) How hot or cold something is

5. researchers
Answer: (G) People who study things to learn more

6. radar
Answer: (C) A device that uses waves to find things

7. sloped
Answer: (E) Not flat, tilted

8. lava
Answer: (F) Hot, melted rock from a volcano

9. volcanic
Answer: (J) Related to a volcano

10. explored
Answer: (A) Looked at closely to learn more

11. tools
Answer: (H) Things used to do a job or task

12. understand
Answer: (D) Know what something means or how it works
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What have scientists found on the Moon?
Answer: (b) A big cave

2. How deep is the cave on the Moon?
Answer: (c) At least 100 meters

3. Who discovered the cave on the Moon?
Answer: (d) Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer

4. What did the scientists use to find the cave?
Answer: (b) Radar

5. What is the cave made from?
Answer: (d) Old lava flows

6. What do scientists want to learn about the cave?
Answer: (a) More about it using special tools

7. What might the discovery of the cave help us understand better?
Answer: (c) The Moon

8. What could this discovery help us do in the future?
Answer: (a) Explore Mars
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The cave has a hole at the top and a sloped floor. (Answer: True)
2. The cave was formed by recent lava flows. (Answer: False)
3. The cave is less than 100 meters deep. (Answer: False)
4. Researchers Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer did not find the cave using radar. (Answer: False)
5. Scientists want to learn more about the cave with special tools. (Answer: True)
6. This discovery could not help us understand the Moon and explore Mars. (Answer: False)
7. The cave can protect people from bad space weather. (Answer: True)
8. Scientists have discovered a large cave on the Moon. (Answer: True)
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