Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

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The Giant’s Garden

Try this story at a different level?


Once upon a time, in a magical land, there was a giant named Greg. Greg was no ordinary giant – he had a green thumb! His garden was a sight to behold, with vibrant flowers and lush green plants that seemed to grow taller than the sky. Every morning, Greg would tend to his garden with great passion and love.

One day, Greg discovered a stray kitten wandering through his garden. The tiny creature was playful and mischievous, causing all sorts of trouble. Greg named the kitten Whiskers and decided to keep him as a pet. From that moment, Whiskers became a constant companion, full of curiosity and always exploring the garden.

However, a group of mischievous creatures known as the Goblins were jealous of Greg’s magnificent garden. Envious of his plants, they hatched a plan to steal all the seeds. One night, as Greg and Whiskers slept, the Goblins snuck into the garden, tiptoeing through the flowerbeds. They quietly plucked every seed they could find, leaving empty spaces in their wake.

When Greg woke up the next morning and discovered the missing seeds, he was devastated. His garden had lost its charm, and he felt heartbroken. But Whiskers was on the case! He raced around the garden, sniffing every corner until he found the hiding spot of the Goblins.

With a courageous leap, Whiskers pounced on the Goblin’s leader, causing a chaotic chase through the garden. The Goblins tripped and stumbled into their own traps, falling into a pit of mud and creating a slippery mess. Greg and Whiskers watched in amusement as the Goblins struggled to escape from the clutches of their own mischief.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Greg realized that even without the stolen seeds, his garden still had something special – Whiskers. Together, they planted new seeds and nurtured them with love. Slowly but surely, the garden bloomed back to life, transforming into an even more vibrant wonderland.

The positive lesson from this tale is that sometimes, unexpected obstacles may come our way, but with the help of friends and a positive attitude, we can overcome them. Greg learned that even when things don’t go as planned, the love and passion we bring to our pursuits can make all the difference. And Whiskers, well, he never stopped causing mischief in the Giant’s Garden, but this time, it was to bring joy and laughter to everyone he met.

🎧 Listen:

📖 Vocabulary:

1magicalPossessing or using supernatural powers
2vibrantFull of energy and life; bright and striking
3passionStrong and barely controllable emotion
4strayHaving wandered away from the correct place or area
5mischievousPlayfully causing trouble or annoyance
6enviousFeeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has
7hatchedConceived or devised a plan or idea
8tiptoeingWalking quietly and carefully with one’s heels raised and one’s weight on the balls of the feet
9pluckedPicked or pulled something off from where it was growing
10devastatedFilled with profound sadness or disappointment
11charmThe quality that pleases or attracts; a delightful characteristic
12courageousShowing bravery and readiness to face and endure danger
13chaoticIn a state of complete confusion and disorder
14nurturedCared for and encouraged the growth or development of
15obstaclesThings that block one’s way or prevent or hinder progress

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What made Greg’s garden so special?
2. How did Greg come across Whiskers?
3. Why were the Goblins jealous of Greg’s garden?
4. What did the Goblins do to Greg’s garden?
5. How did Whiskers help Greg find the Goblins?
6. What happened to the Goblins when they were chased by Whiskers?
7. How did Greg and Whiskers restore the garden?
8. What is the lesson learned from this story?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Once upon a time, in a magical land, there was a giant named Greg. Greg was no ordinary giant – he had a green thumb! His (1)______ was a sight to behold, with vibrant flowers and lush green plants that seemed to grow taller than the sky. Every (2)______, Greg would tend to his garden with great (3)______ and love.

One day, Greg discovered a stray kitten wandering through his garden. The tiny creature was playful and mischievous, causing all sorts of trouble. Greg named the kitten Whiskers and decided to keep him as a pet. From that (4)______, Whiskers became a constant companion, full of curiosity and always exploring the garden.

However, a group of mischievous creatures known as the (5)______ were jealous of Greg’s magnificent garden. Envious of his (6)______, they hatched a plan to steal all the seeds. One night, as Greg and Whiskers slept, the Goblins snuck into the garden, tiptoeing through the flowerbeds. They quietly plucked every seed they could find, leaving empty (7)______ in their wake.

When Greg woke up the next morning and (8)______ the missing seeds, he was devastated. His garden had lost its charm, and he felt heartbroken. But Whiskers was on the case! He raced around the garden, sniffing every corner until he found the (9)______ spot of the Goblins.

With a courageous leap, Whiskers pounced on the Goblin’s leader, causing a (10)______ chase through the garden. The Goblins tripped and (11)______ into their own traps, falling into a pit of mud and creating a slippery mess. Greg and Whiskers watched in amusement as the Goblins struggled to escape from the clutches of their own mischief.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Greg realized that even without the (12)______ seeds, his garden still had something special – Whiskers. Together, they planted new (13)______ and nurtured them with love. Slowly but surely, the garden bloomed back to life, transforming into an even more vibrant wonderland.

The positive lesson from this tale is that sometimes, unexpected (14)______ may come our way, but with the help of friends and a positive attitude, we can overcome them. Greg learned that even when things don’t go as (15)______, the love and passion we bring to our pursuits can make all the difference. And (16)______, well, he never stopped causing mischief in the Giant’s Garden, but this time, it was to bring joy and laughter to everyone he met.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is the significance of Greg’s green thumb in the story?
2. How would you feel if you discovered a stray kitten in your garden?
3. Do you think it was fair for the Goblins to be jealous of Greg’s garden? Why or why not?
4. What do you think was the motivation behind the Goblins’ plan to steal the seeds?
5. How do you think Greg felt when he woke up and discovered the missing seeds? Why?
6. Do you think Whiskers was a good companion for Greg? Why or why not?
7. How would you have reacted if you were in Greg’s situation? Would you have been as determined to find the Goblins?
8. Do you think it was right for Whiskers to cause mischief to bring joy and laughter to everyone? Why or why not?
9. What do you think the author is trying to teach us with this story?
10. How can unexpected obstacles in our lives help us grow and learn?
11. Have you ever faced an unexpected obstacle? How did you overcome it?
12. Do you think it’s important to have a positive attitude when facing challenges? Why or why not?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. magical
2. vibrant
3. passion
4. stray
5. mischievous
6. envious
7. hatched
8. tiptoeing
9. plucked
10. devastated
11. charm
12. courageous
13. chaotic
14. nurtured
15. obstacles

(A) Walking quietly and carefully with one’s heels raised and one’s weight on the balls of the feet
(B) The quality that pleases or attracts; a delightful characteristic
(C) Having wandered away from the correct place or area
(D) Showing bravery and readiness to face and endure danger
(E) Filled with profound sadness or disappointment
(F) Strong and barely controllable emotion
(G) Full of energy and life; bright and striking
(H) Playfully causing trouble or annoyance
(I) In a state of complete confusion and disorder
(J) Feeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has
(K) Possessing or using supernatural powers
(L) Conceived or devised a plan or idea
(M) Picked or pulled something off from where it was growing
(N) Things that block one’s way or prevent or hinder progress
(O) Cared for and encouraged the growth or development of
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What was special about Greg’s garden?
(a) It was filled with magical creatures
(b) It had vibrant flowers and lush green plants
(c) It was located in a magical land
(d) It was the tallest garden in the world

2. What did Greg name the stray kitten?
(a) Whiskers
(b) Fluffy
(c) Mittens
(d) Paws

3. Why were the Goblins jealous of Greg’s garden?
(a) They wanted his giant friend
(b) They wanted his green thumb
(c) They wanted his seeds
(d) They wanted his magical land

4. How did Whiskers help Greg find the hiding spot of the Goblins?
(a) He followed a trail of seeds
(b) He listened for their giggles
(c) He saw them hiding behind a tree
(d) He sniffed around the garden

5. What happened to the Goblins when they tried to escape from their own traps?
(a) They got stuck in a tree
(b) They disappeared into thin air
(c) They turned into flowers
(d) They fell into a pit of mud

6. What did Greg realize about his garden after the seeds were stolen?
(a) It was ruined forever
(b) It still had something special – Whiskers
(c) It needed a new gardener
(d) It needed more sunlight

7. What positive lesson can be learned from this story?
(a) Gardens are always full of mischief
(b) Goblins are jealous creatures
(c) Unexpected obstacles can be overcome with friends and a positive attitude
(d) Cats make great gardeners

8. What did Whiskers do after the Goblins were defeated?
(a) He continued causing mischief in the garden
(b) He disappeared into the magical land
(c) He became a giant himself
(d) He became a famous detective

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The Goblins fall into their own traps and struggle to escape.
2. The Goblins are jealous of Greg’s garden and hatch a plan to steal all the seeds.
3. Greg and Whiskers neglect to plant new seeds, causing the garden to wither and die.
4. Whiskers fails to discover the hiding spot of the Goblins and does not cause chaos by pouncing on their leader.
5. Whiskers is a stray kitten that Greg finds in his garden and decides to keep as a pet.
6. Greg realizes that even without the stolen seeds, his garden still has something special – Whiskers.
7. Greg is an ordinary person with no interest in gardening.
8. The Goblins fail to steal any seeds from Greg’s garden.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What made Greg’s garden so special?
Greg’s garden was special because it had vibrant flowers and lush green plants that seemed to grow taller than the sky.

2. How did Greg come across Whiskers?
Greg came across Whiskers when he discovered a stray kitten wandering through his garden.

3. Why were the Goblins jealous of Greg’s garden?
The Goblins were jealous of Greg’s garden because they were envious of his magnificent plants.

4. What did the Goblins do to Greg’s garden?
The Goblins snuck into Greg’s garden and stole all the seeds, leaving empty spaces in their wake.

5. How did Whiskers help Greg find the Goblins?
Whiskers sniffed around the garden until he found the hiding spot of the Goblins.

6. What happened to the Goblins when they were chased by Whiskers?
The Goblins tripped and stumbled into their own traps, falling into a pit of mud and creating a slippery mess.

7. How did Greg and Whiskers restore the garden?
Greg and Whiskers planted new seeds and nurtured them with love, slowly bringing the garden back to life.

8. What is the lesson learned from this story?
The lesson learned from this story is that with the help of friends and a positive attitude, unexpected obstacles can be overcome. Love and passion can make a difference even when things don’t go as planned.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) garden
(2) morning
(3) passion
(4) moment
(5) Goblins
(6) plants
(7) spaces
(8) discovered
(9) hiding
(10) chaotic
(11) stumbled
(12) stolen
(13) seeds
(14) obstacles
(15) planned
(16) Whiskers
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. magical
Answer: (K) Possessing or using supernatural powers

2. vibrant
Answer: (G) Full of energy and life; bright and striking

3. passion
Answer: (F) Strong and barely controllable emotion

4. stray
Answer: (C) Having wandered away from the correct place or area

5. mischievous
Answer: (H) Playfully causing trouble or annoyance

6. envious
Answer: (J) Feeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has

7. hatched
Answer: (L) Conceived or devised a plan or idea

8. tiptoeing
Answer: (A) Walking quietly and carefully with one’s heels raised and one’s weight on the balls of the feet

9. plucked
Answer: (M) Picked or pulled something off from where it was growing

10. devastated
Answer: (E) Filled with profound sadness or disappointment

11. charm
Answer: (B) The quality that pleases or attracts; a delightful characteristic

12. courageous
Answer: (D) Showing bravery and readiness to face and endure danger

13. chaotic
Answer: (I) In a state of complete confusion and disorder

14. nurtured
Answer: (O) Cared for and encouraged the growth or development of

15. obstacles
Answer: (N) Things that block one’s way or prevent or hinder progress
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What was special about Greg’s garden?
Answer: (b) It had vibrant flowers and lush green plants

2. What did Greg name the stray kitten?
Answer: (a) Whiskers

3. Why were the Goblins jealous of Greg’s garden?
Answer: (c) They wanted his seeds

4. How did Whiskers help Greg find the hiding spot of the Goblins?
Answer: (d) He sniffed around the garden

5. What happened to the Goblins when they tried to escape from their own traps?
Answer: (d) They fell into a pit of mud

6. What did Greg realize about his garden after the seeds were stolen?
Answer: (b) It still had something special – Whiskers

7. What positive lesson can be learned from this story?
Answer: (c) Unexpected obstacles can be overcome with friends and a positive attitude

8. What did Whiskers do after the Goblins were defeated?
Answer: (a) He continued causing mischief in the garden
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The Goblins fall into their own traps and struggle to escape. (Answer: True)
2. The Goblins are jealous of Greg’s garden and hatch a plan to steal all the seeds. (Answer: True)
3. Greg and Whiskers neglect to plant new seeds, causing the garden to wither and die. (Answer: False)
4. Whiskers fails to discover the hiding spot of the Goblins and does not cause chaos by pouncing on their leader. (Answer: False)
5. Whiskers is a stray kitten that Greg finds in his garden and decides to keep as a pet. (Answer: True)
6. Greg realizes that even without the stolen seeds, his garden still has something special – Whiskers. (Answer: True)
7. Greg is an ordinary person with no interest in gardening. (Answer: False)
8. The Goblins fail to steal any seeds from Greg’s garden. (Answer: False)
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📚 How about these other Level 4 stories?

A mischievous squirrel named Benny embarks on an unexpected journey after stealing a tangerine.

The Tangerine Thief

A mischievous squirrel named Benny embarks on an unexpected journey after stealing a tangerine.

A magical swan named Saffron and a brave boy named Milo embark on a journey to defeat an evil sorcerer and teach a lesson about friendship.

The Saffron Swan

A magical swan named Saffron and a brave boy named Milo embark on a journey to defeat an evil sorcerer and teach a lesson about friendship.

The Friendly Dragon

A friendly dragon named Fred defies stereotypes and spreads kindness, changing perceptions one act at a time.
