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Chuck Returns Library Book After 50 Years
Chuck returned a library book 50 years late, and the library was very kind to him.

Kevin’s Dart Problem and How He is Getting Help
Kevin, a darts player, is learning to throw darts again with help and therapy.

Smart Devices Help Check Health at Home
Smartwatches and rings can help you see how your heart and sleep are doing.

New Computer Helps Find Diabetes Early in People
A new computer in London helps find people who might get sick with diabetes early.

The Golden Egg Hunt
In Fantasia, there’s a cool game called the Golden Egg Hunt where you find shiny eggs

The Great Grape Escape
George the grape and his friends escape from the vineyard, dodge obstacles, make a new friend,

The Journey to the Starlit Sky
Tilly climbs a sparkling staircase to the stars and helps them shine bright again.

The Magic Portrait
Once upon a time, there was a small village in the middle of a deep, dark