Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

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The Rainbow Fish’s Journey

A fish named Rainbow learns the importance of sharing its unique beauty with others.

Try this story at a different level?


Once upon a time, in the beautiful ocean, there lived a fish named Rainbow. Rainbow was no ordinary fish. Its scales shimmered in the sunlight, displaying all the colors of the rainbow. All the other fish admired Rainbow and loved to swim alongside it, gazing at its iridescent beauty.

One day, as Rainbow was swimming along, it noticed something unusual. The other fish were not swimming with it as usual. Curious, Rainbow asked a little fish named Finny, “Where is everyone? Why are they not swimming with me?” Finny replied, “They are upset because you don’t share your scales with them. They think you are too proud and selfish.”

Rainbow realized that the other fish were right. It had never stopped to think about how its unique scales made the other fish feel. Determined to make amends, Rainbow set off on a journey to find the wise octopus who lived deep in the ocean. The wise octopus was known for helping fish with their problems.

On its journey, Rainbow met many fascinating sea creatures. There was Whaley, the friendly whale who offered to take it on a thrilling ride through the reefs. There was Hermie, the curious hermit crab, who showed Rainbow hidden treasures in the sandy seabed. Rainbow soon realized that there was so much more to the ocean than just its own dazzling scales.

Finally, after an adventurous journey, Rainbow reached the octopus’s secret lair. The octopus listened intently as Rainbow explained its dilemma. The wise octopus smiled and said, “Rainbow, sharing your scales will not make you any less special. In fact, it will make you even more magnificent.” It then gave Rainbow a magical pearl that could multiply its scales, ensuring that it could share its unique beauty with all the other fish.

With the magical pearl, Rainbow returned to its friends, and one by one, shared its scales with them. The other fish were amazed and overjoyed at Rainbow’s generosity. They soon realized that Rainbow’s true beauty lay not just in its scales, but also in its kind and giving heart.

From that day on, Rainbow and all the other fish swam together in harmony, their colors blending and interweaving like a beautiful underwater rainbow. And so, the story of the Rainbow Fish’s journey became legendary in the ocean, teaching all the sea creatures the importance of sharing and spreading joy.

And the moral of the story, my little friends, is that true beauty lies not in what we possess but in the kindness and love we show to others.

🎧 Listen:

📖 Vocabulary:

1iridescentDisplaying a spectrum of colors that shimmer and change due to light reflection
2amendsThe act of making up for a wrong or mistake
3fascinatingExtremely interesting or charming
4reefsStructures underwater formed by corals and other marine life
5seabedThe bottom of a sea or ocean
6lairA secret or secluded place, often used by animals as a dwelling
7intentlyWith great attention or concentration
8dilemmaA situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives
9magnificentExceptionally beautiful or splendid
10generosityThe willingness to give or share unselfishly
11overjoyedExtremely happy and delighted
12harmonyA state of agreement or concord
13blendingMixing or combining together smoothly
14legendaryWell-known or famous, especially for something of historical significance
15possessTo have or hold as one’s own

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What makes Rainbow different from the other fish?
2. Why were the other fish upset with Rainbow?
3. Who does Rainbow seek help from to solve its dilemma?
4. What are some of the sea creatures that Rainbow meets on its journey?
5. What does the wise octopus give Rainbow?
6. How do the other fish react when Rainbow shares its scales with them?
7. How do Rainbow and the other fish swim together after Rainbow shares its scales?
8. What is the moral of the story?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Once upon a time, in the beautiful ocean, there lived a fish named Rainbow. Rainbow was no ordinary fish. Its scales shimmered in the (1)______, displaying all the colors of the rainbow. All the other fish admired Rainbow and loved to swim alongside it, gazing at its iridescent beauty.

One day, as Rainbow was swimming along, it (2)______ something (3)______. The other fish were not swimming with it as usual. Curious, Rainbow (4)______ a little fish named Finny, “Where is everyone? Why are they not swimming with me?” Finny replied, “They are upset because you don’t share your scales with them. They think you are too proud and (5)______.”

(6)______ realized that the other fish were right. It had never stopped to think about how its unique scales made the other fish feel. Determined to make amends, Rainbow set off on a journey to find the wise octopus who lived deep in the ocean. The wise octopus was known for (7)______ fish with their problems.

On its journey, Rainbow met many fascinating sea creatures. There was Whaley, the friendly whale who offered to take it on a thrilling ride through the reefs. There was Hermie, the curious hermit crab, who showed Rainbow hidden treasures in the (8)______ seabed. Rainbow soon realized that there was so much more to the ocean than just its own dazzling (9)______.

Finally, after an adventurous journey, Rainbow reached the (10)______’s secret lair. The octopus listened intently as Rainbow explained its dilemma. The wise octopus smiled and said, “Rainbow, sharing your scales will not make you any less special. In fact, it will make you even more magnificent.” It then gave Rainbow a magical (11)______ that could multiply its scales, ensuring that it could share its unique beauty with all the (12)______ fish.

With the magical pearl, Rainbow returned to its friends, and one by one, shared its scales with them. The other fish were amazed and overjoyed at Rainbow’s generosity. They soon realized that Rainbow’s true (13)______ lay not just in its scales, but also in its kind and (14)______ heart.

From that day on, Rainbow and all the other fish swam together in harmony, their colors (15)______ and interweaving like a beautiful underwater rainbow. And so, the story of the Rainbow Fish’s journey became legendary in the ocean, teaching all the sea creatures the importance of sharing and spreading joy.

And the moral of the story, my little friends, is that true beauty lies not in what we (16)______ but in the kindness and love we show to others.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is the significance of Rainbow’s unique scales in the story?
2. How would you feel if you were Rainbow and all the other fish were upset with you?
3. Do you think it is important for people to share their unique qualities with others? Why or why not?
4. What do you think the wise octopus meant by saying that sharing Rainbow’s scales would make it even more magnificent?
5. Have you ever had an experience where you realized that there was more to something than what you initially thought? Can you share that experience?
6. How do you think Rainbow’s friends felt when Rainbow shared its scales with them?
7. Do you think it is possible for someone to be beautiful on the outside, but not kind or loving on the inside? Why or why not?
8. Have you ever encountered someone who seemed proud or selfish? How did it make you feel?
9. What does the story teach us about the importance of kindness and love?
10. Do you think it is easy or difficult for people to share their unique qualities with others? Why or why not?
11. How do you think the ocean would be different if Rainbow had never shared its scales with the other fish?
12. Can you think of a real-life example where someone’s kindness or love made them more beautiful in your eyes?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. iridescent
2. amends
3. fascinating
4. reefs
5. seabed
6. lair
7. intently
8. dilemma
9. magnificent
10. generosity
11. overjoyed
12. harmony
13. blending
14. legendary
15. possess

(A) The bottom of a sea or ocean
(B) Well-known or famous, especially for something of historical significance
(C) Mixing or combining together smoothly
(D) Extremely happy and delighted
(E) With great attention or concentration
(F) A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives
(G) Exceptionally beautiful or splendid
(H) A state of agreement or concord
(I) The willingness to give or share unselfishly
(J) Displaying a spectrum of colors that shimmer and change due to light reflection
(K) Structures underwater formed by corals and other marine life
(L) The act of making up for a wrong or mistake
(M) Extremely interesting or charming
(N) A secret or secluded place, often used by animals as a dwelling
(O) To have or hold as one’s own
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What made Rainbow Fish different from the other fish?
(a) It could swim faster than any other fish
(b) It had the ability to talk to humans
(c) Its scales shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow
(d) It could breathe both underwater and on land

2. Why were the other fish upset with Rainbow Fish?
(a) They were jealous of Rainbow Fish’s scales
(b) They didn’t like the way Rainbow Fish swam
(c) They thought Rainbow Fish was too slow
(d) They thought Rainbow Fish was too proud and selfish

3. Who did Rainbow Fish seek help from?
(a) The friendly whale
(b) The wise octopus
(c) The curious hermit crab
(d) The magical pearl

4. What did the wise octopus give to Rainbow Fish?
(a) A map to find hidden treasures in the ocean
(b) A magical pearl that could multiply its scales
(c) A secret code to communicate with other fish
(d) A potion to make Rainbow Fish invisible

5. How did Rainbow Fish’s friends react when it shared its scales?
(a) They were amazed and overjoyed
(b) They were angry and jealous
(c) They didn’t notice any difference
(d) They were scared and swam away

6. What did the other fish realize about Rainbow Fish’s true beauty?
(a) It lay in its ability to swim fast
(b) It lay in its ability to talk to humans
(c) It lay in its ability to breathe both underwater and on land
(d) It lay in its kind and giving heart

7. How did Rainbow Fish and the other fish swim after sharing the scales?
(a) In harmony, with their colors blending and interweaving like a beautiful underwater rainbow
(b) In separate groups, avoiding each other
(c) In a race to see who could swim the fastest
(d) In a straight line, following Rainbow Fish’s lead

8. What was the moral of the story?
(a) True beauty lies in possessing unique and dazzling scales
(b) True beauty lies in being the fastest swimmer in the ocean
(c) True beauty lies in the kindness and love we show to others
(d) True beauty lies in having the ability to talk to humans

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Rainbow is not a fish with shimmering scales that display all the colors of the rainbow.
2. Rainbow returns to its friends and shares its scales with them, spreading joy and harmony in the ocean.
3. Rainbow notices that the other fish are not swimming with it one day.
4. Rainbow sets off on a journey to find the wise octopus who can help with its dilemma.
5. The other fish believe Rainbow is too proud and selfish because it doesn’t share its scales.
6. Rainbow never encounters Whaley, the friendly whale, or Hermie, the curious hermit crab.
7. The other fish do not admire Rainbow and do not love to swim alongside it.
8. The wise octopus tells Rainbow that sharing its scales will not make it even more magnificent.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What makes Rainbow different from the other fish?
Rainbow’s scales shimmer in all the colors of the rainbow, making it unique and beautiful.

2. Why were the other fish upset with Rainbow?
The other fish were upset because Rainbow did not share its scales with them, and they thought it was proud and selfish.

3. Who does Rainbow seek help from to solve its dilemma?
Rainbow seeks help from the wise octopus who lived deep in the ocean.

4. What are some of the sea creatures that Rainbow meets on its journey?
Rainbow meets Whaley, the friendly whale, and Hermie, the curious hermit crab.

5. What does the wise octopus give Rainbow?
The wise octopus gives Rainbow a magical pearl that can multiply its scales.

6. How do the other fish react when Rainbow shares its scales with them?
The other fish are amazed and overjoyed when Rainbow shares its scales with them.

7. How do Rainbow and the other fish swim together after Rainbow shares its scales?
Rainbow and the other fish swim together in harmony, their colors blending and interweaving like a beautiful underwater rainbow.

8. What is the moral of the story?
The moral of the story is that true beauty lies not in what we possess but in the kindness and love we show to others.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) sunlight
(2) noticed
(3) unusual
(4) asked
(5) selfish
(6) Rainbow
(7) helping
(8) sandy
(9) scales
(10) octopus
(11) pearl
(12) other
(13) beauty
(14) giving
(15) blending
(16) possess
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. iridescent
Answer: (J) Displaying a spectrum of colors that shimmer and change due to light reflection

2. amends
Answer: (L) The act of making up for a wrong or mistake

3. fascinating
Answer: (M) Extremely interesting or charming

4. reefs
Answer: (K) Structures underwater formed by corals and other marine life

5. seabed
Answer: (A) The bottom of a sea or ocean

6. lair
Answer: (N) A secret or secluded place, often used by animals as a dwelling

7. intently
Answer: (E) With great attention or concentration

8. dilemma
Answer: (F) A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives

9. magnificent
Answer: (G) Exceptionally beautiful or splendid

10. generosity
Answer: (I) The willingness to give or share unselfishly

11. overjoyed
Answer: (D) Extremely happy and delighted

12. harmony
Answer: (H) A state of agreement or concord

13. blending
Answer: (C) Mixing or combining together smoothly

14. legendary
Answer: (B) Well-known or famous, especially for something of historical significance

15. possess
Answer: (O) To have or hold as one’s own
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What made Rainbow Fish different from the other fish?
Answer: (c) Its scales shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow

2. Why were the other fish upset with Rainbow Fish?
Answer: (d) They thought Rainbow Fish was too proud and selfish

3. Who did Rainbow Fish seek help from?
Answer: (b) The wise octopus

4. What did the wise octopus give to Rainbow Fish?
Answer: (b) A magical pearl that could multiply its scales

5. How did Rainbow Fish’s friends react when it shared its scales?
Answer: (a) They were amazed and overjoyed

6. What did the other fish realize about Rainbow Fish’s true beauty?
Answer: (d) It lay in its kind and giving heart

7. How did Rainbow Fish and the other fish swim after sharing the scales?
Answer: (a) In harmony, with their colors blending and interweaving like a beautiful underwater rainbow

8. What was the moral of the story?
Answer: (c) True beauty lies in the kindness and love we show to others
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Rainbow is not a fish with shimmering scales that display all the colors of the rainbow. (Answer: False)
2. Rainbow returns to its friends and shares its scales with them, spreading joy and harmony in the ocean. (Answer: True)
3. Rainbow notices that the other fish are not swimming with it one day. (Answer: True)
4. Rainbow sets off on a journey to find the wise octopus who can help with its dilemma. (Answer: True)
5. The other fish believe Rainbow is too proud and selfish because it doesn’t share its scales. (Answer: True)
6. Rainbow never encounters Whaley, the friendly whale, or Hermie, the curious hermit crab. (Answer: False)
7. The other fish do not admire Rainbow and do not love to swim alongside it. (Answer: False)
8. The wise octopus tells Rainbow that sharing its scales will not make it even more magnificent. (Answer: False)
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📚 How about these other Level 4 stories?

Whiskers, the Queen of Cats, unites animals of all kinds and teaches them the power of compassion.

The Queen of Cats

Whiskers, the Queen of Cats, unites animals of all kinds and teaches them the power of compassion.

Captain Pete, the Polka-Dot Pirate, embarks on a treasure hunt and discovers the true meaning of sharing.

The Polka-Dot Pirate

Captain Pete, the Polka-Dot Pirate, embarks on a treasure hunt and discovers the true meaning of sharing.

In the magical land of Sprinkleville, a mischievous gnome named Minty Mischief plots to steal all the cupcakes from the famous cupcake castle, but a young girl named Ella is determined to stop him and save the town from chaos.

The Cupcake Castle Caper

In the magical land of Sprinkleville, a mischievous gnome named Minty Mischief plots to steal all the cupcakes from the famous cupcake castle, but a young girl named Ella is determined to stop him and save the town from chaos.
