Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

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The Mischievous Monkey

Milo the mischievous monkey and Polly the Parrot become best friends, spreading laughter and joy throughout the jungle.

Try this story at a different level?


In a big jungle, there was a cheeky monkey named Milo who loved to play tricks. One day he decided to play the biggest prank yet. He went to where the friendly lion lived and quietly moved towards him. The lion was fast asleep, so Milo took some vines and tied the lion’s tail to a tree branch. Milo was excited to see the lion’s funny reaction when he woke up.

When the lion got up the next morning, he found his tail tied up. But instead of getting mad, he laughed out loud. He thought Milo’s trick was funny and played along. All the other jungle animals were surprised to see how well the lion took the joke. Milo understood that it’s nice to think of other people’s feelings when playing pranks.

Milo then promised to only play small, fun pranks that made everyone laugh. He became known as the funny guy of the jungle, making everyone happy with his jokes. His tricks made all the animals laugh, including the very smart ones who usually didn’t fall for pranks.

As Milo got older, he taught the younger animals to laugh instead of getting mad. He said laughing brings us closer while anger makes us sad and alone. The young animals listened to Milo and wanted to be like him. The jungle turned into a happy place with lots of laughter, all because of Milo.

One day, a new animal, Polly the Parrot, came to the jungle. Polly copied what the other animals said, and this made everyone laugh a lot. Soon, Polly became even more popular than Milo. But Milo was happy, not jealous, because he had set off this wave of happiness. He was glad to see others happy, even more than being the most popular himself. Milo and Polly became best pals and made everyone laugh wherever they went.

Over time, the whole jungle got to know each other better, thanks to Milo, who now knew how great it is to make others happy. He kept playing his funny tricks, but always made sure no one got hurt and that everyone smiled. The jungle was a merry place with lots of love, where animals danced under the moonlight, enjoying the laughter that made them feel like a big, fun family.

🎧 Listen:



📖 Vocabulary:

1cheekyPlayfully rude or impolite
2prankA practical joke or mischievous act
3vinesLong, flexible stems of climbing plants
4fast asleepSleeping very deeply
5reactionThe way someone responds to something
6surprisedShocked or amazed because something unexpected happened
7feelingsEmotions or emotional perceptions
8promisedGave one’s word to do or not do something
9smartHaving a quick-witted intelligence
10closerMore intimate or friendly with someone
11jealousFeeling unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had
12popularLiked by many people
13palsFriends, especially ones that you like a lot
14merryFull of high spirits and fun
15laughterThe sound of people chuckling or giggling

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. Who was the cheeky monkey in the story?
2. What prank did Milo play on the lion?
3. How did the lion react when he found his tail tied up?
4. What did Milo promise to do after playing the big prank?
5. How did Milo teach the younger animals to react to pranks?
6. Who was the new animal that came to the jungle?
7. How did Milo feel when Polly became more popular than him?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

In a big jungle, there was a (1)______ monkey named Milo who loved to play (2)______. One day he decided to play the biggest prank yet. He went to where the (3)______ lion lived and quietly moved towards him. The lion was fast asleep, so Milo took some vines and tied the lion’s tail to a tree branch. Milo was excited to see the lion’s funny reaction when he woke up.

When the lion got up the next morning, he found his tail tied up. But instead of getting mad, he (4)______ out loud. He thought Milo’s trick was funny and played along. All the other jungle animals were surprised to see how well the lion took the joke. Milo understood that it’s nice to think of other people’s feelings when playing pranks.

Milo then promised to only play small, fun pranks that made everyone laugh. He became known as the (5)______ guy of the jungle, (6)______ everyone happy with his jokes. His tricks made all the animals laugh, including the very (7)______ ones who usually didn’t fall for pranks.

As Milo got (8)______, he taught the younger animals to laugh instead of getting mad. He said laughing brings us closer while anger makes us sad and alone. The (9)______ animals listened to Milo and (10)______ to be like him. The jungle (11)______ into a happy (12)______ with lots of laughter, all because of Milo.

One day, a new animal, Polly the Parrot, came to the jungle. Polly copied what the other animals said, and this made everyone laugh a lot. Soon, Polly became even more popular than Milo. But Milo was happy, not jealous, because he had set off this wave of happiness. He was glad to see (13)______s (14)______, even more than being the most (15)______ himself. Milo and Polly became best pals and made everyone laugh wherever they went.

Over time, the (16)______ jungle got to know each other better, thanks to Milo, who now knew how great it is to make others happy. He kept playing his funny tricks, but always made sure no one got hurt and that everyone smiled. The jungle was a merry place with lots of love, where animals danced under the moonlight, enjoying the laughter that made them feel like a big, fun family.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a prank? Can you think of any pranks you have played or experienced?
2. How would you feel if someone played a prank on you? Why?
3. Do you like playing tricks on people? Why or why not?
4. Do you think it’s important to consider other people’s feelings when playing pranks? Why or why not?
5. What do you think the lion’s reaction to Milo’s prank says about his character? Why?
6. How do you think laughter can bring people closer together? Can you give an example from your own life?
7. Have you ever taught someone something important, like Milo taught the younger animals? What was it and how did it make you feel?
8. Do you think it’s important to make others happy? Why or why not?
9. How do you think Milo felt when Polly became more popular than him? Why?
10. Can you think of a time when you made someone else happy? How did it make you feel?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. cheeky
2. prank
3. vines
4. fast asleep
5. reaction
6. surprised
7. feelings
8. promised
9. smart
10. closer
11. jealous
12. popular
13. pals
14. merry
15. laughter

(A) Gave one’s word to do or not do something
(B) Liked by many people
(C) Playfully rude or impolite
(D) More intimate or friendly with someone
(E) Feeling unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had
(F) Long, flexible stems of climbing plants
(G) Having a quick-witted intelligence
(H) Emotions or emotional perceptions
(I) The sound of people chuckling or giggling
(J) Friends, especially ones that you like a lot
(K) The way someone responds to something
(L) Shocked or amazed because something unexpected happened
(M) Full of high spirits and fun
(N) Sleeping very deeply
(O) A practical joke or mischievous act
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the name of the cheeky monkey in the story?
(a) Leo
(b) Max
(c) Milo
(d) Sam

2. What did Milo tie the lion’s tail to?
(a) A rock
(b) A tree branch
(c) Another lion
(d) A bird’s nest

3. How did the lion react when he found his tail tied up?
(a) He got mad
(b) He laughed
(c) He cried
(d) He ignored it

4. What did Milo promise to do after the lion’s prank?
(a) Never play pranks again
(b) Play mean pranks
(c) Play small, fun pranks
(d) Play big, scary pranks

5. What did Milo teach the younger animals?
(a) To laugh instead of getting mad
(b) To get mad instead of laughing
(c) To ignore pranks
(d) To play mean pranks

6. Who became even more popular than Milo?
(a) Leo the Lion
(b) Max the Monkey
(c) Sam the Snake
(d) Polly the Parrot

7. Why was Milo happy when Polly became popular?
(a) Because he was jealous
(b) Because he wanted to be popular too
(c) Because he didn’t like Polly
(d) Because he had started the wave of happiness

8. What did the jungle become because of Milo?
(a) A merry place with lots of love
(b) A sad and lonely place
(c) A place full of anger
(d) A place where animals fought

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Milo realizes the importance of considering other people’s feelings when playing pranks.
2. Polly the Parrot comes to the jungle and becomes even more popular than Milo, but Milo is happy for Polly’s success.
3. Milo’s jokes make even the duller animals in the jungle laugh.
4. Instead of getting angry, the lion finds the prank frustrating and growls loudly.
5. All the other animals in the jungle are surprised by the lion’s reaction to Milo’s prank.
6. Milo decides to play a harmless prank on the friendly lion by tying his tail to a tree branch.
7. Milo promises to only play small, fun pranks that make everyone laugh.
8. Milo is a mischievous lion who loves playing tricks in the jungle.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Who was the cheeky monkey in the story?
The cheeky monkey in the story was Milo.

2. What prank did Milo play on the lion?
Milo tied the lion’s tail to a tree branch while the lion was asleep.

3. How did the lion react when he found his tail tied up?
The lion laughed out loud and thought Milo’s trick was funny.

4. What did Milo promise to do after playing the big prank?
Milo promised to only play small, fun pranks that made everyone laugh.

5. How did Milo teach the younger animals to react to pranks?
Milo taught the younger animals to laugh instead of getting mad when playing pranks.

6. Who was the new animal that came to the jungle?
The new animal that came to the jungle was Polly the Parrot.

7. How did Milo feel when Polly became more popular than him?
Milo felt happy for Polly and was not jealous because he had started the wave of happiness in the jungle.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) cheeky
(2) tricks
(3) friendly
(4) laughed
(5) funny
(6) making
(7) smart
(8) older
(9) young
(10) wanted
(11) turned
(12) place
(13) other
(14) happy
(15) popular
(16) whole
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. cheeky
Answer: (C) Playfully rude or impolite

2. prank
Answer: (O) A practical joke or mischievous act

3. vines
Answer: (F) Long, flexible stems of climbing plants

4. fast asleep
Answer: (N) Sleeping very deeply

5. reaction
Answer: (K) The way someone responds to something

6. surprised
Answer: (L) Shocked or amazed because something unexpected happened

7. feelings
Answer: (H) Emotions or emotional perceptions

8. promised
Answer: (A) Gave one’s word to do or not do something

9. smart
Answer: (G) Having a quick-witted intelligence

10. closer
Answer: (D) More intimate or friendly with someone

11. jealous
Answer: (E) Feeling unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had

12. popular
Answer: (B) Liked by many people

13. pals
Answer: (J) Friends, especially ones that you like a lot

14. merry
Answer: (M) Full of high spirits and fun

15. laughter
Answer: (I) The sound of people chuckling or giggling
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the name of the cheeky monkey in the story?
Answer: (c) Milo

2. What did Milo tie the lion’s tail to?
Answer: (b) A tree branch

3. How did the lion react when he found his tail tied up?
Answer: (b) He laughed

4. What did Milo promise to do after the lion’s prank?
Answer: (c) Play small, fun pranks

5. What did Milo teach the younger animals?
Answer: (a) To laugh instead of getting mad

6. Who became even more popular than Milo?
Answer: (d) Polly the Parrot

7. Why was Milo happy when Polly became popular?
Answer: (d) Because he had started the wave of happiness

8. What did the jungle become because of Milo?
Answer: (a) A merry place with lots of love
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Milo realizes the importance of considering other people’s feelings when playing pranks. (Answer: True)
2. Polly the Parrot comes to the jungle and becomes even more popular than Milo, but Milo is happy for Polly’s success. (Answer: True)
3. Milo’s jokes make even the duller animals in the jungle laugh. (Answer: False)
4. Instead of getting angry, the lion finds the prank frustrating and growls loudly. (Answer: False)
5. All the other animals in the jungle are surprised by the lion’s reaction to Milo’s prank. (Answer: True)
6. Milo decides to play a harmless prank on the friendly lion by tying his tail to a tree branch. (Answer: False)
7. Milo promises to only play small, fun pranks that make everyone laugh. (Answer: True)
8. Milo is a mischievous lion who loves playing tricks in the jungle. (Answer: False)
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📚 How about these other Level 3 stories?

Humphrey the Hippogriff embarks on a quest to cure his hiccups and discovers the power of laughter.

The Hiccuping Hippogriff

Humphrey the Hippogriff couldn’t stop hiccupping, but with the help of a wise unicorn, he discovered that laughter was the key to curing his hiccups and spreading joy to others.

Stella the unicorn uses her magical rainbow to spread happiness and love to all creatures.

The Rainbow Bridge

Stella, a magical unicorn, wins a competition and uses her wish to spread happiness and love.

A mischievous penguin named Percy and a wise snow owl named Oliver form an unbreakable friendship on their journey to the legendary "Penguin Parade."

The Penguin Parade

Percy the penguin and Oliver the owl become best friends on an exciting adventure to the Penguin Parade.

Penelope, the brave pirate princess, embarks on daring adventures, outsmarting sea monsters, cunning pirates, and even making a wish with a magical Golden Mermaid.

The Pirate Princess

Penelope, the pirate princess, sails the seas, outsmarting monsters, tricking pirates, and finding the true treasure of friendship.

Polly's determination pays off when she finds her lost puppy safe and sound.

Polly’s New Puppy

Polly really wanted a puppy, so she worked hard to prove to her parents that she could handle the responsibility, and they surprised her with an adorable puppy named Buttercup; but one day, Buttercup ran away and Polly had to search everywhere until a kind old man found him and Polly promised to keep a closer eye on her furry friend.
