Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

Complete lesson plans, including stories, listening, classroom activities, quiz questions and more!

The Curious Case of the Crooked Crown

A young princess named Isabella embarks on a quest, armed with a magical crown and a talking parrot, to find an enchanted crystal and discovers that true strength lies within herself.

Try this story at a different level?


Once upon a time, in a cool place called Bumbleshire, there was a young fun-loving princess named Isabella. Isabella liked to check out all the secret spots in the castle because she loved adventures. During a game of hide-and-seek with her cousin Prince Oliver, she found a secret hallway hidden behind an old picture. Feeling excited, she walked through it and ended up in an old room full of cool old stuff.

In the room, Isabella found a weird bent crown that had all these sparkling stones. She couldn’t help but try it on and spin around. When she did that, the crown magically fixed itself and a map popped up, showing where to find some awesome treasure. She was so happy and decided to go find this special crystal she thought would be really cool.

On her way, Isabella met a parrot that could talk named Pablo, who said he’d go with her. They went on a long path and saw some strange animals and had to deal with tough stuff. The hardest thing they faced was a sneaky gnome named Grumblewort who also wanted the crystal because it was powerful. This gnome was tricky and made things hard for Isabella and Pablo.

But Isabella had something even better than the magic crystal. She was brave, nice, and always ready to help others. Every time she faced a problem, she got stronger and figured out that she didn’t need the crown or the crystal to be strong—it was all about her courage. With her smarts and friendliness, she was able to outsmart Grumblewort and beat the traps he set up.

Finally, Isabella and Pablo found the treasure. It wasn’t just the crystal, but also a box filled with something even better—total happiness. Isabella learned that real treasure isn’t just stuff you can hold, but things like friendships, courage, and never giving up. When she got back to Bumbleshire, she told everyone about what she learned and made the whole place happier. The bent crown became her sign of the cool adventure she had and reminded her to keep being curious and to rely on her own strength.

🎧 Listen:



📖 Vocabulary:

1BumbleshireA made-up place where the story happens
2IsabellaThe name of the princess in the story
3adventuresExciting experiences that involve risks or challenges
4sparklingShining brightly with flashes of light
5magicalHaving special powers that can’t be explained by science
6awesomeReally impressive and amazing
7parrotA type of bird that can copy and repeat human speech
8toughVery difficult or challenging
9sneakyActing in a secret and dishonest way to trick someone
10gnomeA small mythical creature that looks like a tiny old man
11braveHaving the courage to face danger without showing fear
12smartsIntelligence and the ability to think quickly
13outsmartTo defeat someone by being cleverer than them
14treasureValuable items that are hidden or kept in a safe place
15curiousHaving a strong desire to learn or know more about something

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. Who is the main character in the story?
2. What did Isabella find behind the old picture?
3. What happened when Isabella put on the bent crown?
4. Who did Isabella meet on her way to find the crystal?
5. Why did the gnome Grumblewort want the crystal?
6. How did Isabella outsmart Grumblewort?
7. What did Isabella learn about real treasure?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Once upon a time, in a cool place called Bumbleshire, there was a young fun-loving princess named Isabella. Isabella liked to check out all the secret spots in the (1)______ because she loved adventures. During a game of hide-and-seek with her cousin Prince Oliver, she found a secret hallway (2)______ behind an old picture. (3)______ excited, she walked through it and ended up in an old room full of cool old stuff.

In the room, Isabella found a weird bent crown that had all these sparkling (4)______. She couldn’t help but try it on and spin around. When she did that, the (5)______ magically (6)______ itself and a map popped up, (7)______ where to find some awesome treasure. She was so happy and decided to go find this (8)______ crystal she thought would be really cool.

On her way, Isabella met a parrot that could talk named Pablo, who said he’d go with her. They went on a long path and saw some strange animals and had to deal with tough stuff. The hardest thing they faced was a sneaky gnome named Grumblewort who also wanted the crystal because it was powerful. This gnome was tricky and made things hard for Isabella and Pablo.

But Isabella had something even better than the magic crystal. She was (9)______, nice, and always ready to help others. Every time she (10)______ a problem, she got (11)______ and figured out that she didn’t need the crown or the crystal to be strong—it was all about her courage. With her smarts and friendliness, she was able to outsmart (12)______ and beat the traps he set up.

Finally, (13)______ and Pablo found the treasure. It wasn’t just the crystal, but also a box filled with something even better—total happiness. Isabella (14)______ that real treasure isn’t just stuff you can hold, but things like friendships, courage, and never giving up. When she got back to Bumbleshire, she told everyone about what she learned and made the whole place happier. The bent crown became her sign of the cool (15)______ she had and (16)______ her to keep being curious and to rely on her own strength.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is an adventure? Have you ever had an adventure before? Why or why not?
2. How would you feel if you found a secret hallway in your house? Why?
3. Do you like playing hide-and-seek? Why or why not?
4. Do you think Isabella was brave for going on the long path to find the treasure? Why or why not?
5. How would you feel if you met a talking parrot like Pablo? Why?
6. What is a gnome? Have you ever heard of gnomes before? Why or why not?
7. How would you feel if someone tried to take something special from you? Why?
8. Do you think Isabella was smart for figuring out how to outsmart Grumblewort? Why or why not?
9. What is something that makes you happy? Why?
10. Do you think it’s important to be curious and rely on your own strength? Why or why not?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. Bumbleshire
2. Isabella
3. adventures
4. sparkling
5. magical
6. awesome
7. parrot
8. tough
9. sneaky
10. gnome
11. brave
12. smarts
13. outsmart
14. treasure
15. curious

(A) Having special powers that can’t be explained by science
(B) Valuable items that are hidden or kept in a safe place
(C) A made-up place where the story happens
(D) Very difficult or challenging
(E) The name of the princess in the story
(F) Shining brightly with flashes of light
(G) To defeat someone by being cleverer than them
(H) A type of bird that can copy and repeat human speech
(I) Really impressive and amazing
(J) A small mythical creature that looks like a tiny old man
(K) Acting in a secret and dishonest way to trick someone
(L) Having a strong desire to learn or know more about something
(M) Intelligence and the ability to think quickly
(N) Exciting experiences that involve risks or challenges
(O) Having the courage to face danger without showing fear
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Where did Isabella find the secret hallway?
(a) Underneath the castle
(b) In the garden
(c) In the attic
(d) Behind an old picture

2. What did Isabella find in the old room?
(a) A weird bent crown
(b) A magic wand
(c) A treasure map
(d) A talking parrot

3. Who did Isabella meet on her way to find the crystal?
(a) A sneaky gnome named Grumblewort
(b) A talking parrot named Pablo
(c) A friendly dragon named Sparkle
(d) A wise old wizard named Merlin

4. What did Grumblewort want the crystal for?
(a) To sell it for lots of money
(b) To use it for magic spells
(c) Because it was powerful
(d) To give it to the queen

5. How did Isabella defeat Grumblewort?
(a) By taking the crystal away from him
(b) By calling for help from the castle guards
(c) By using her smarts and friendliness
(d) By using a magic spell from the crown

6. What did Isabella and Pablo find in the treasure box?
(a) Gold coins
(b) Total happiness
(c) Jewels and diamonds
(d) Magical potions

7. What did Isabella learn about real treasure?
(a) It is all about the money and expensive things
(b) It is only found in hidden caves and secret rooms
(c) It is something that can be bought with lots of gold
(d) It is things like friendships, courage, and never giving up

8. What did the bent crown become for Isabella?
(a) A sign of her cool adventure
(b) A symbol of her royal status
(c) A magical talisman
(d) A reminder of her friendship with Pablo

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. In the room, Isabella found a crown with sparkling stones that magically fixed itself and revealed a treasure map.
2. Isabella and Pablo never found the treasure, which turned out to be a box filled with sadness.
3. Isabella discovered a hidden hallway behind an old picture and found herself in a room filled with interesting old objects.
4. Isabella shared her newfound wisdom with the people of Bumbleshire and the bent crown became a symbol of her adventurous spirit and inner strength.
5. Isabella realized that her cowardice, meanness, and stupidity were more valuable than the magic crystal itself.
6. Along the way, Isabella avoided any encounters with strange animals and avoided challenges, including a friendly gnome named Grumblewort who also wanted the crystal.
7. Isabella was accompanied by a talking parrot named Pablo on her quest to find the special crystal.
8. Isabella, the young princess, hated exploring secret spots in the castle and going on adventures.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Who is the main character in the story?
The main character in the story is Isabella.

2. What did Isabella find behind the old picture?
Isabella found a secret hallway behind the old picture.

3. What happened when Isabella put on the bent crown?
When Isabella put on the bent crown, it magically fixed itself and a map popped up.

4. Who did Isabella meet on her way to find the crystal?
Isabella met a talking parrot named Pablo on her way to find the crystal.

5. Why did the gnome Grumblewort want the crystal?
Grumblewort wanted the crystal because it was powerful.

6. How did Isabella outsmart Grumblewort?
Isabella outsmarted Grumblewort by using her smarts and friendliness to beat the traps he set up.

7. What did Isabella learn about real treasure?
Isabella learned that real treasure isn’t just material things, but also things like friendships, courage, and never giving up.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) castle
(2) hidden
(3) Feeling
(4) stones
(5) crown
(6) fixed
(7) showing
(8) special
(9) brave
(10) faced
(11) stronger
(12) Grumblewort
(13) Isabella
(14) learned
(15) adventure
(16) reminded
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. Bumbleshire
Answer: (C) A made-up place where the story happens

2. Isabella
Answer: (E) The name of the princess in the story

3. adventures
Answer: (N) Exciting experiences that involve risks or challenges

4. sparkling
Answer: (F) Shining brightly with flashes of light

5. magical
Answer: (A) Having special powers that can’t be explained by science

6. awesome
Answer: (I) Really impressive and amazing

7. parrot
Answer: (H) A type of bird that can copy and repeat human speech

8. tough
Answer: (D) Very difficult or challenging

9. sneaky
Answer: (K) Acting in a secret and dishonest way to trick someone

10. gnome
Answer: (J) A small mythical creature that looks like a tiny old man

11. brave
Answer: (O) Having the courage to face danger without showing fear

12. smarts
Answer: (M) Intelligence and the ability to think quickly

13. outsmart
Answer: (G) To defeat someone by being cleverer than them

14. treasure
Answer: (B) Valuable items that are hidden or kept in a safe place

15. curious
Answer: (L) Having a strong desire to learn or know more about something
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. Where did Isabella find the secret hallway?
Answer: (d) Behind an old picture

2. What did Isabella find in the old room?
Answer: (a) A weird bent crown

3. Who did Isabella meet on her way to find the crystal?
Answer: (b) A talking parrot named Pablo

4. What did Grumblewort want the crystal for?
Answer: (c) Because it was powerful

5. How did Isabella defeat Grumblewort?
Answer: (c) By using her smarts and friendliness

6. What did Isabella and Pablo find in the treasure box?
Answer: (b) Total happiness

7. What did Isabella learn about real treasure?
Answer: (d) It is things like friendships, courage, and never giving up

8. What did the bent crown become for Isabella?
Answer: (a) A sign of her cool adventure
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. In the room, Isabella found a crown with sparkling stones that magically fixed itself and revealed a treasure map. (Answer: True)
2. Isabella and Pablo never found the treasure, which turned out to be a box filled with sadness. (Answer: False)
3. Isabella discovered a hidden hallway behind an old picture and found herself in a room filled with interesting old objects. (Answer: True)
4. Isabella shared her newfound wisdom with the people of Bumbleshire and the bent crown became a symbol of her adventurous spirit and inner strength. (Answer: True)
5. Isabella realized that her cowardice, meanness, and stupidity were more valuable than the magic crystal itself. (Answer: False)
6. Along the way, Isabella avoided any encounters with strange animals and avoided challenges, including a friendly gnome named Grumblewort who also wanted the crystal. (Answer: False)
7. Isabella was accompanied by a talking parrot named Pablo on her quest to find the special crystal. (Answer: True)
8. Isabella, the young princess, hated exploring secret spots in the castle and going on adventures. (Answer: False)
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📚 How about these other Level 3 stories?

Amy and the Magic Book

Amy discovers a magical book that transports her to a world where animals talk and giants are friendly, but she learns that too much magic can make people forget the joy in everyday things.

A group of curious animals befriends a lost robot in the rainforest, and together they weather a storm.

The Robot in the Rainforest

A group of animals in the jungle befriends a funny robot named Robbie who helps them during a big storm and teaches them about friendship.

Maya's wish for endless laughter brings joy and unity to her village, making her the laughter ambassador.

The Mysterious Mango

Maya finds a magical mango that grants her wish for never-ending laughter, bringing joy to her village.

The Giant’s Garden

Greg’s garden is a magical place filled with colorful flowers and tall plants, but when the mischievous Goblins steal all the seeds, it’s up to Whiskers the kitten to save the day and help Greg make the garden beautiful again.
