Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Smart Tech Helps Kids Find Their Best Sports

AI technology at the Paris Olympics aims to uncover athletic talent in underserved communities worldwide.

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At the Paris Olympics, there is a new computer system that helps find kids who might win gold medals in the future. This smart technology helps kids in faraway places see if they are good at sports. Kids like Tacto and Tomo from Japan tried running and jumping to see how fast and strong they are. The computer looks at their results and compares them to famous athletes to see which sport they might be good at.

The system is easy to use because it works on a phone or tablet, so it can go anywhere. It was used in Senegal to test over 1,000 kids, and some were really good at sports. This helps kids in places without big sports centers find out if they can be athletes. Experts say this is a good way to find young talent, but it might not show everything a sport needs. Kids like Tacto had fun trying it, and it helps them learn what sports they might like.

Original news source: The AI tech aiming to identify future Olympians (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1computerA machine that helps you do things like play games or find information
2technologyNew tools and machines that make life easier
3athletesPeople who are very good at sports
4resultsWhat you get after doing something, like a test or a race
5comparesLooking at two things to see how they are the same or different
6tabletA small, flat computer you can carry around
7SenegalA country in Africa
8expertsPeople who know a lot about something
9talentBeing really good at something without trying too hard
10centersPlaces where people go to do things, like play sports or learn

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Each group will take turns acting out sports without speaking while the other groups guess the sport. Use simple sports vocabulary and encourage gestures to help convey the meaning.

Instructions: Ask students to walk around the classroom and ask their classmates which sport they like the most. They can use simple questions like, “Do you like soccer?” or “What is your favorite sport?” After a few minutes, gather the class and discuss the most popular answers.

Instructions: Write sports-related words on slips of paper (e.g., running, jumping, swimming). One student will pick a slip and draw the word on the board while the others guess what it is. This will help them learn and remember new sports vocabulary.

Instructions: Pose the question, “What sport would you like to try and why?” Give students a minute to think, then have them pair up to share their thoughts. Finally, ask a few pairs to share their ideas with the whole class.

Instructions: Have students think about which sport they might be good at based on their interests or skills. They can write or share with a partner what sport they would like to excel in and why they think they could be good at it. This encourages them to use future predictions in their speaking and writing.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the new computer system at the Paris Olympics for?
2. Who are Tacto and Tomo?
3. What do kids do to see how good they are at sports?
4. How does the computer help find out what sport kids might be good at?
5. Where can the computer system be used?
6. How many kids were tested in Senegal?
7. Why do kids like Tacto have fun using the computer system?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

At the (1)______ (2)______, there is a new computer system that helps find kids who might win gold medals in the future. This smart technology helps kids in faraway places see if they are good at sports. Kids like Tacto and Tomo from Japan tried running and jumping to see how fast and strong they are. The computer (3)______ at their (4)______ and compares them to famous athletes to see which sport they might be good at.

The system is easy to use because it works on a phone or tablet, so it can go anywhere. It was used in Senegal to test over 1,000 (5)______, and some were really good at sports. This helps kids in (6)______ without big sports centers find out if they can be athletes. Experts say this is a good way to find young talent, but it might not show everything a sport needs. Kids like (7)______ had fun trying it, and it helps them (8)______ what sports they might like.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is your favorite sport?
2. Do you like to run or jump? Why?
3. How would you feel if you won a gold medal?
4. Do you think kids should try many sports? Why or why not?
5. What is a sport you want to try?
6. How do you feel when you play sports with friends?
7. Do you think technology helps kids in sports? Why?
8. Have you ever tried a new sport? What was it?
9. What is a fun game you like to play?
10. Do you think it is important to be strong for sports? Why?
11. How would you feel if you were really good at a sport?
12. Do you like to watch sports on TV? Why or why not?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. computer
2. technology
3. athletes
4. results
5. compares
6. tablet
7. Senegal
8. experts
9. talent
10. centers

(A) Being really good at something without trying too hard
(B) People who are very good at sports
(C) A machine that helps you do things like play games or find information
(D) A small, flat computer you can carry around
(E) People who know a lot about something
(F) Places where people go to do things, like play sports or learn
(G) Looking at two things to see how they are the same or different
(H) What you get after doing something, like a test or a race
(I) New tools and machines that make life easier
(J) A country in Africa
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the new system at the Paris Olympics for?
(a) Cooking food
(b) Finding kids who can win medals
(c) Playing games
(d) Building houses

2. Where did Tacto and Tomo come from?
(a) Japan
(b) China
(c) Korea
(d) India

3. What do kids do to see how good they are at sports?
(a) Sing and dance
(b) Draw and paint
(c) Run and jump
(d) Read and write

4. What can the new system work on?
(a) TV or radio
(b) Computer or printer
(c) Camera or clock
(d) Phone or tablet

5. How many kids were tested in Senegal?
(a) 100 kids
(b) 500 kids
(c) Over 1,000 kids
(d) 10 kids

6. What do experts say about the new system?
(a) It is not helpful at all
(b) It is only for games
(c) It is too hard to use
(d) It is a good way to find young talent

7. Did Tacto have fun trying the new system?
(a) No, he was sad
(b) Yes, he had fun
(c) He did not try it
(d) He was angry

8. What does the system help kids learn?
(a) What sports they might like
(b) How to cook food
(c) How to sing songs
(d) How to ride bikes

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. It was used in Senegal to test many kids.
2. The system helps find kids who can win gold medals.
3. Kids from nearby places can see if they are good at sports.
4. Kids have fun avoiding the system and learn about sports they might not like.
5. The computer looks at how fast and strong kids are.
6. The system cannot be used on a phone or tablet.
7. There is a new computer system at the Paris Olympics.
8. Tacto and Tomo are kids from Spain.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is the new computer system for at the Paris Olympics?
2. Who are Tacto and Tomo?
3. What do kids do to see if they are good at sports?
4. Where was the system used to test kids?
5. Did Tacto have fun trying the computer system?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What is the new computer system at the Paris Olympics for?
It helps find kids who might win gold medals in the future.

2. Who are Tacto and Tomo?
They are kids from Japan who tried running and jumping.

3. What do kids do to see how good they are at sports?
They run and jump to see how fast and strong they are.

4. How does the computer help find out what sport kids might be good at?
It looks at their results and compares them to famous athletes.

5. Where can the computer system be used?
It can be used on a phone or tablet, so it can go anywhere.

6. How many kids were tested in Senegal?
Over 1,000 kids were tested in Senegal.

7. Why do kids like Tacto have fun using the computer system?
They have fun trying new sports and learning what they might like.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) Paris
(2) Olympics
(3) looks
(4) results
(5) kids
(6) places
(7) Tacto
(8) learn
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. computer
Answer: (C) A machine that helps you do things like play games or find information

2. technology
Answer: (I) New tools and machines that make life easier

3. athletes
Answer: (B) People who are very good at sports

4. results
Answer: (H) What you get after doing something, like a test or a race

5. compares
Answer: (G) Looking at two things to see how they are the same or different

6. tablet
Answer: (D) A small, flat computer you can carry around

7. Senegal
Answer: (J) A country in Africa

8. experts
Answer: (E) People who know a lot about something

9. talent
Answer: (A) Being really good at something without trying too hard

10. centers
Answer: (F) Places where people go to do things, like play sports or learn
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the new system at the Paris Olympics for?
Answer: (b) Finding kids who can win medals

2. Where did Tacto and Tomo come from?
Answer: (a) Japan

3. What do kids do to see how good they are at sports?
Answer: (c) Run and jump

4. What can the new system work on?
Answer: (d) Phone or tablet

5. How many kids were tested in Senegal?
Answer: (c) Over 1,000 kids

6. What do experts say about the new system?
Answer: (d) It is a good way to find young talent

7. Did Tacto have fun trying the new system?
Answer: (b) Yes, he had fun

8. What does the system help kids learn?
Answer: (a) What sports they might like
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. It was used in Senegal to test many kids. (Answer: True)
2. The system helps find kids who can win gold medals. (Answer: True)
3. Kids from nearby places can see if they are good at sports. (Answer: False)
4. Kids have fun avoiding the system and learn about sports they might not like. (Answer: False)
5. The computer looks at how fast and strong kids are. (Answer: True)
6. The system cannot be used on a phone or tablet. (Answer: False)
7. There is a new computer system at the Paris Olympics. (Answer: True)
8. Tacto and Tomo are kids from Spain. (Answer: False)
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