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Bristol’s Tech Festival Showcases Innovative Ideas and Inventions


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Bristol’s technology festival is showcasing innovative ideas and inventions that have the potential to make a significant impact in various fields. One of the standout creations is a pair of socks that can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. Developed by Dr. Zeke Steer, these socks use sensors to monitor heart rate, sweat, and other secretions, alerting caregivers when the wearer may need assistance. This invention is particularly meaningful to Dr. Steer, as he witnessed his own great-grandmother’s decline into dementia.

Another exciting development at the festival is the electrification of lateral flow tests, which are commonly used in consumer health tests, including pregnancy tests. The team at ‘eclateral’ is working on making these tests more precise and quantifiable by eliminating the reliance on visible lines. This advancement not only improves the accuracy of test results but also allows blind women to receive their pregnancy test results discreetly.

Bristol’s technology festival is not only focused on healthcare innovations but also covers a wide range of topics, including AI, disruptive technology, and sustainability. The festival provides a platform for networking, pitching ideas to investors, and fostering collaboration among start-ups. Ben Shorrock, co-founder and CEO of TechSpark, highlights the rapid growth of Bristol’s tech sector, with numerous start-up communities and companies working on transformative technologies in healthcare and environmental sustainability.

One of the most intriguing demonstrations at the festival is an AI hologram of former US President Barack Obama. Created by tech firm Rocketmakers, this hologram uses artificial intelligence to simulate conversations with President Obama. The AI program gathers information from the internet to craft responses that align with what President Obama might say. The hologram has potential applications in various industries, such as education, customer service, and training.

Overall, Bristol’s technology festival showcases the innovative spirit and potential of the city’s tech sector. With a focus on healthcare, sustainability, and disruptive technologies, the festival provides a platform for start-ups to showcase their ideas, seek support from investors, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. The festival’s diverse range of inventions, from dementia-detecting socks to AI holograms, highlights the exciting advancements being made in the field of technology.

Original news source: Technology festival’s sock that detect Alzheimer’s signs (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
2. Give each group a copy of the article.
3. Instruct the groups to read the article and summarize the main points in a few sentences.
4. After a designated amount of time, have each group share their summary with the class.
5. Facilitate a discussion on the key ideas and innovations mentioned in the article.

– Opinion Poll
1. Write the following statement on the board: “Which innovation mentioned in the article do you find the most interesting?”
2. Have students individually choose one innovation and write it down.
3. Instruct students to walk around the classroom and ask their classmates which innovation they find the most interesting.
4. Students should record their classmates’ responses and tally the results.
5. After gathering the data, have students share their findings with the class and discuss the reasons behind their choices.

– Sketch It
1. Divide the class into pairs.
2. Give each pair a whiteboard or a piece of paper and markers.
3. Instruct one student to describe one of the innovations mentioned in the article while the other student sketches it.
4. After a certain amount of time, have pairs switch roles.
5. Once both students have had a chance to describe and sketch, have them compare their drawings and discuss any discrepancies or challenges they encountered.

– Word Association
1. Write the following words on the board: “technology, innovation, healthcare, sustainability, AI, start-ups.”
2. Instruct students to individually brainstorm related words or phrases for each of the given words.
3. After a designated amount of time, have students share their associations with the class.
4. Facilitate a discussion on the connections between the given words and the students’ associations.

– Pros and Cons
1. Divide the class into small groups.
2. Assign each group one of the innovations mentioned in the article.
3. Instruct the groups to create a list of pros and cons for their assigned innovation.
4. After a designated amount of time, have each group share their lists with the class.
5. Facilitate a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of each innovation, encouraging students to consider the potential impact on society and individuals.

Comprehension Questions:

1. How do the socks developed by Dr. Zeke Steer detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?
2. What is the purpose of electrifying lateral flow tests?
3. How does the electrification of lateral flow tests benefit blind women?
4. Besides healthcare innovations, what other topics are covered at Bristol’s technology festival?
5. What opportunities does the festival provide for start-ups?
6. How does the AI hologram of Barack Obama simulate conversations with him?
7. What industries could potentially benefit from the AI hologram technology?
8. What does the festival showcase about the city’s tech sector?
Go to answers ⇩

Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Bristol’s technology festival is showcasing (1)______ ideas and inventions that have the potential to make a significant impact in various fields. One of the standout creations is a pair of socks that can detect (2)______ signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. Developed by Dr. Zeke Steer, these socks use sensors to (3)______ heart rate, sweat, and other secretions, alerting caregivers when the wearer may need assistance. This invention is particularly meaningful to Dr. Steer, as he witnessed his own great-grandmother’s decline into dementia.

Another exciting development at the festival is the (4)______ of lateral flow tests, which are commonly used in consumer health tests, including pregnancy tests. The team at ‘eclateral’ is working on making these tests more precise and quantifiable by eliminating the reliance on visible lines. This advancement not only improves the accuracy of test results but also allows blind women to receive their pregnancy test results discreetly.

Bristol’s technology festival is not only (5)______ on healthcare innovations but also (6)______ a wide range of topics, including AI, disruptive technology, and (7)______. The festival provides a platform for (8)______, pitching ideas to investors, and fostering collaboration among start-ups. Ben Shorrock, co-founder and CEO of (9)______, highlights the rapid growth of Bristol’s tech sector, with numerous start-up communities and companies working on (10)______ technologies in healthcare and environmental sustainability.

One of the most intriguing (11)______ at the festival is an AI hologram of former US President Barack Obama. Created by tech firm Rocketmakers, this hologram uses artificial intelligence to simulate (12)______ with President Obama. The AI program gathers information from the internet to craft responses that align with what President Obama might say. The hologram has potential applications in various industries, such as education, customer service, and training.

Overall, Bristol’s technology festival showcases the innovative (13)______ and potential of the city’s tech sector. With a (14)______ on (15)______, sustainability, and disruptive technologies, the festival provides a platform for start-ups to showcase their ideas, seek support from investors, and (16)______ with like-minded individuals. The festival’s diverse range of inventions, from dementia-detecting socks to AI holograms, highlights the exciting advancements being made in the field of technology.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is the potential impact of the socks that can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?
2. How would you feel if you had a family member who could benefit from the dementia-detecting socks?
3. Do you think the electrification of lateral flow tests will improve the accuracy of test results? Why or why not?
4. How do you think the elimination of visible lines in pregnancy tests can benefit blind women?
5. What other topics do you think should be covered at a technology festival, besides healthcare and sustainability?
6. How important do you think networking and collaboration are for start-ups in the tech sector? Why?
7. Do you think AI holograms like the one of Barack Obama have ethical implications? Why or why not?
8. What industries do you think could benefit the most from the use of AI holograms?
9. How do you think the festival helps to foster innovation and creativity in the tech sector?
10. What other innovative ideas or inventions would you like to see showcased at a technology festival?
11. Why do you think Bristol’s tech sector is experiencing rapid growth?
12. How do you think the festival can help start-ups in the tech sector gain support from investors?
13. Do you think the advancements showcased at the festival have the potential to change the world? Why or why not?
14. How do you think technology can contribute to environmental sustainability?
15. What other ways do you think AI can be used to simulate conversations and interactions?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. festival
2. inventions
3. socks
4. Alzheimer’s Disease
5. lateral flow tests
6. AI hologram
7. healthcare
8. technology

(a) A progressive brain disorder that affects memory and thinking skills
(b) The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being
(c) Footwear made of fabric that covers the ankle and lower leg
(d) A gathering or event to showcase something
(e) Diagnostic tests that use a strip to detect certain substances
(f) A three-dimensional image created using artificial intelligence
(g) The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
(h) New and creative products or ideas
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is one of the standout creations showcased at Bristol’s technology festival?
(a) Socks that can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease
(b) A hologram of former US President Barack Obama
(c) An electrified pregnancy test
(d) AI technology for customer service

2. How do the socks developed by Dr. Zeke Steer detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?
(a) They analyze brain waves to detect abnormalities
(b) They track eye movements and facial expressions
(c) They use sensors to monitor heart rate, sweat, and other secretions
(d) They measure blood pressure and cholesterol levels

3. What is the purpose of electrifying lateral flow tests?
(a) To eliminate the need for visible lines in the test results
(b) To allow blind women to receive their pregnancy test results discreetly
(c) All of the above
(d) To make the test results more precise and quantifiable

4. What is one of the topics covered at Bristol’s technology festival?
(a) Disruptive technology
(b) Sustainability
(c) AI
(d) All of the above

5. What is the role of the festival in the tech sector?
(a) To showcase innovative ideas and inventions
(b) To provide a platform for networking and collaboration among start-ups
(c) To pitch ideas to investors
(d) All of the above

6. Who created the AI hologram of former US President Barack Obama?
(a) Rocketmakers
(b) Dr. Zeke Steer
(c) TechSpark
(d) ‘eclateral’

7. What are some potential applications of the AI hologram?
(a) Customer service
(b) Training
(c) All of the above
(d) Education

8. What does Bristol’s technology festival highlight?
(a) The advancements being made in healthcare and environmental sustainability
(b) The innovative spirit and potential of the city’s tech sector
(c) The diverse range of inventions in the field of technology
(d) All of the above

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True or False Questions:

1. The festival also showcases the electrification of lateral flow tests, commonly used in consumer health tests.
2. Bristol’s technology festival features a pair of socks that can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.
3. The team at ‘eclateral’ aims to make these tests more precise and quantifiable by eliminating visible lines.
4. The socks use sensors to monitor heart rate, sweat, and other secretions.
5. The socks alert caregivers when the wearer may not need assistance.
6. This advancement allows blind men to receive their pregnancy test results discreetly.
7. The creator of the socks, Dr. Zeke Steer, was inspired by his great-grandmother’s ascent into dementia.
8. The festival covers a narrow range of topics, including AI, disruptive technology, and sustainability.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.
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Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.
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1. What is the purpose of the socks developed by Dr. Zeke Steer?
2. How does the electrification of lateral flow tests improve the accuracy of test results?
3. What topics are covered at Bristol’s technology festival?
4. How does the AI hologram of Barack Obama work?
5. What is the overall goal of Bristol’s technology festival?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. The socks use sensors to monitor heart rate, sweat, and other secretions to detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.
2. The purpose of electrifying lateral flow tests is to make them more precise and quantifiable, improving the accuracy of test results.
3. The electrification of lateral flow tests allows blind women to receive their pregnancy test results discreetly, as it eliminates the reliance on visible lines.
4. Besides healthcare innovations, other topics covered at Bristol’s technology festival include AI, disruptive technology, and sustainability.
5. The festival provides opportunities for start-ups to showcase their ideas, seek support from investors, and collaborate with like-minded individuals.
6. The AI hologram of Barack Obama uses artificial intelligence to simulate conversations with him. The AI program gathers information from the internet to craft responses that align with what President Obama might say.
7. The AI hologram technology could potentially benefit industries such as education, customer service, and training.
8. The festival showcases the innovative spirit and potential of Bristol’s tech sector, highlighting the rapid growth, start-up communities, and transformative technologies in healthcare and environmental sustainability.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) innovative
(2) early
(3) monitor
(4) electrification
(5) focused
(6) covers
(7) sustainability
(8) networking
(9) TechSpark
(10) transformative
(11) demonstrations
(12) conversations
(13) spirit
(14) focus
(15) healthcare
(16) collaborate
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. festival
Answer: (d) A gathering or event to showcase something

2. inventions
Answer: (h) New and creative products or ideas

3. socks
Answer: (c) Footwear made of fabric that covers the ankle and lower leg

4. Alzheimer’s Disease
Answer: (a) A progressive brain disorder that affects memory and thinking skills

5. lateral flow tests
Answer: (e) Diagnostic tests that use a strip to detect certain substances

6. AI hologram
Answer: (f) A three-dimensional image created using artificial intelligence

7. healthcare
Answer: (b) The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being

8. technology
Answer: (g) The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is one of the standout creations showcased at Bristol’s technology festival?
Answer: (a) Socks that can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

2. How do the socks developed by Dr. Zeke Steer detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease?
Answer: (c) They use sensors to monitor heart rate, sweat, and other secretions

3. What is the purpose of electrifying lateral flow tests?
Answer: (d) To make the test results more precise and quantifiable

4. What is one of the topics covered at Bristol’s technology festival?
Answer: (c) AI

5. What is the role of the festival in the tech sector?
Answer: (b) To provide a platform for networking and collaboration among start-ups

6. Who created the AI hologram of former US President Barack Obama?
Answer: (a) Rocketmakers

7. What are some potential applications of the AI hologram?
Answer: (d) Education

8. What does Bristol’s technology festival highlight?
Answer: (b) The innovative spirit and potential of the city’s tech sector
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True or False Answers:

1. The festival also showcases the electrification of lateral flow tests, commonly used in consumer health tests. (Answer: True)
2. Bristol’s technology festival features a pair of socks that can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease. (Answer: True)
3. The team at ‘eclateral’ aims to make these tests more precise and quantifiable by eliminating visible lines. (Answer: True)
4. The socks use sensors to monitor heart rate, sweat, and other secretions. (Answer: True)
5. The socks alert caregivers when the wearer may not need assistance. (Answer: False)
6. This advancement allows blind men to receive their pregnancy test results discreetly. (Answer: False)
7. The creator of the socks, Dr. Zeke Steer, was inspired by his great-grandmother’s ascent into dementia. (Answer: False)
8. The festival covers a narrow range of topics, including AI, disruptive technology, and sustainability. (Answer: False)
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