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Wild Chimpanzees in Uganda Use Plants with Medicinal Properties

Wild chimpanzees in Uganda have been observed eating plants with pain-relieving and antibacterial properties, potentially offering insights into new medicines.

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Scientists have discovered that wild chimpanzees in Uganda eat plants with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves. The researchers observed injured or sick chimpanzees in the forests and collected samples of the plants they sought out to eat. These plants were then analyzed and found to have antibacterial properties. The scientists believe that studying the medicinal properties of these plants could lead to the discovery of new medicines. Lead researcher Dr. Elodie Freymann from the University of Oxford spent four years observing chimpanzees in the Budongo Central Forest Reserve and collected samples of droppings and urine to check for illness and infection. The researchers paid special attention when injured or ill chimpanzees sought out unusual foods, such as tree bark or fruit skin, as these could be potential medicinal plants. One injured chimpanzee in particular was observed seeking out and eating ferns, which were found to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. In total, the researchers collected 17 samples from 13 different plant species and found that almost 90% of the extracts inhibited bacterial growth and a third had natural anti-inflammatory properties. All of the injured and ill chimpanzees in the study fully recovered. The researchers emphasize the importance of preserving these “forest pharmacies” for future generations.

Original news source: Chimpanzees ‘self-medicate’ with healing plants (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1anti-bacterialCapable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria
2medicinalRelated to the treatment of illness and the promotion of health
3propertiesQualities or characteristics of something
4discoveredFound or learned something for the first time
5observedWatched carefully, especially to learn something
6analyzedExamined methodically and in detail
7potentialPossible or capable of becoming real
8potentHaving great power, influence, or effect
9extractsSubstances removed from a mixture or compound
10inhibitedPrevented or hindered the progress of something
11preservingMaintaining something in its original or existing state
12generationsAll of the people born and living at about the same time
13emphasizedGave special importance or prominence to something
14reservesAreas of land set aside for a specific purpose
15inflammationA condition in which a part of the body becomes red, swollen, and often painful

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with a copy of the article. Instruct the groups to read the article and then work together to create a concise summary of the main points. After a designated amount of time, have each group share their summary with the class.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Instruct each pair to discuss their opinions on the following question: “Do you think studying the medicinal properties of plants eaten by chimpanzees could lead to the discovery of new medicines for humans?” After discussing their opinions, have each pair conduct a mini opinion poll by asking other pairs in the class for their opinions. Instruct them to tally the results and then share the overall class opinion with the rest of the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write a list of vocabulary words from the article on the board. Divide the class into two teams. Call up one student from each team and show them a vocabulary word. Instruct them to draw a quick sketch of the word on the board while their team tries to guess what it is. The first team to guess correctly earns a point. Continue until all the words have been drawn and guessed. The team with the most points at the end wins.

– Pros and Cons
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Instruct each group to discuss the pros and cons of studying the medicinal properties of plants eaten by chimpanzees. After a designated amount of time, have each group share their thoughts with the class. Encourage a class discussion to explore the different perspectives and ideas.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: Instruct each student to write down three predictions about the future impact of studying the medicinal properties of plants eaten by chimpanzees. After they have written their predictions, have them pair up and share their predictions with each other. Encourage them to discuss their reasoning behind each prediction. Finally, have a few students share their predictions with the class and facilitate a class discussion about the potential future impact.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What did scientists discover about wild chimpanzees in Uganda?
2. How did the scientists study the medicinal properties of the plants?
3. What did the researchers observe when injured or ill chimpanzees sought out unusual foods?
4. What did the researchers find about the ferns that one injured chimpanzee ate?
5. How many plant species did the researchers collect samples from?
6. What percentage of the extracts inhibited bacterial growth?
7. What percentage of the extracts had natural anti-inflammatory properties?
8. What is the importance of preserving these “forest pharmacies” according to the researchers?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Scientists have (1)______ that wild chimpanzees in Uganda eat (2)______ with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves. The (3)______ observed injured or sick chimpanzees in the (4)______ and collected samples of the plants they sought out to eat. These plants were then analyzed and found to have antibacterial properties. The scientists believe that studying the (5)______ properties of these plants could lead to the discovery of new medicines. Lead researcher Dr. Elodie Freymann from the University of Oxford spent four (6)______ observing (7)______ in the Budongo Central Forest Reserve and (8)______ samples of droppings and urine to check for illness and infection. The researchers paid special attention when (9)______ or ill chimpanzees (10)______ out unusual foods, such as tree bark or (11)______ skin, as these could be potential medicinal plants. One injured chimpanzee in particular was observed seeking out and eating ferns, which were found to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. In (12)______, the researchers collected 17 (13)______ from 13 different plant species and found that almost 90% of the (14)______ inhibited bacterial growth and a third had (15)______ anti-inflammatory (16)______. All of the injured and ill chimpanzees in the study fully recovered. The researchers emphasize the importance of preserving these “forest pharmacies” for future generations.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is your opinion on the idea that wild chimpanzees can use plants to heal themselves?
2. How would you feel if you discovered that plants in your local area had medicinal properties?
3. Do you think it is important for humans to study the medicinal properties of plants?
4. Why or why not?
5. Have you ever used natural remedies or alternative medicine to heal yourself? If so, what was your experience?
6. What do you think are the advantages of using natural remedies instead of pharmaceutical drugs?
7. Do you believe that traditional medicine and modern medicine can coexist? Why or why not?
8. How do you think the discovery of new medicines from studying chimpanzees could benefit humans?
9. What is your opinion on the idea of preserving “forest pharmacies” for future generations?
10. Have you ever encountered any traditional remedies or practices from your own culture? If so, what are they and do you believe in their effectiveness?
11. How would you feel if you were able to contribute to the discovery of a new medicine?
12. Do you think it is ethical for scientists to study animals in order to benefit humans? Why or why not?
13. How would you feel if you were able to witness chimpanzees using plants to heal themselves in person?
14. Do you think it is important for humans to learn from animals? Why or why not?
15. Have you ever had a personal experience with a plant or natural remedy that had healing properties? If so, what was it and how did it help you?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. anti-bacterial
2. medicinal
3. properties
4. discovered
5. observed
6. analyzed
7. potential
8. potent
9. extracts
10. inhibited
11. preserving
12. generations
13. emphasized
14. reserves
15. inflammation

(A) Areas of land set aside for a specific purpose
(B) Gave special importance or prominence to something
(C) Qualities or characteristics of something
(D) Found or learned something for the first time
(E) Substances removed from a mixture or compound
(F) Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria
(G) Having great power, influence, or effect
(H) Prevented or hindered the progress of something
(I) All of the people born and living at about the same time
(J) Maintaining something in its original or existing state
(K) A condition in which a part of the body becomes red, swollen, and often painful
(L) Watched carefully, especially to learn something
(M) Possible or capable of becoming real
(N) Related to the treatment of illness and the promotion of health
(O) Examined methodically and in detail
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What did scientists discover about wild chimpanzees in Uganda?
(a) They eat only fruits and nuts.
(b) They eat meat and insects.
(c) They do not eat any plants.
(d) They eat plants with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties.

2. What did the researchers collect from the chimpanzees to check for illness and infection?
(a) Hair and skin samples
(b) Blood samples
(c) Droppings and urine
(d) Saliva samples

3. What did the injured chimpanzee in the study seek out and eat?
(a) Tree bark
(b) Fruit skin
(c) All of the above
(d) Ferns

4. What percentage of the plant extracts collected by the researchers inhibited bacterial growth?
(a) Almost 90%
(b) 50%
(c) 25%
(d) 10%

5. What percentage of the plant extracts collected by the researchers had natural anti-inflammatory properties?
(a) Almost 90%
(b) Half
(c) A third
(d) None

6. What did the researchers believe studying the medicinal properties of these plants could lead to?
(a) The extinction of chimpanzees
(b) The discovery of new medicines
(c) The destruction of the forests
(d) The development of new technology

7. What did the researchers emphasize the importance of preserving?
(a) Wild chimpanzees
(b) “Forest pharmacies”
(c) Budongo Central Forest Reserve
(d) Injured and ill chimpanzees

8. Where did the lead researcher, Dr. Elodie Freymann, conduct her observations?
(a) Budongo Central Forest Reserve
(b) University of Oxford
(c) Uganda
(d) All of the above

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The assistant researcher, Dr. Elodie Freymann, spent four years observing chimpanzees in the Budongo Central Forest Reserve in Uganda.
2. Studying the medicinal properties of these plants could lead to the discovery of new medicines.
3. The plants that the chimpanzees sought out to eat were found to have antibacterial properties when analyzed.
4. None of the injured and ill chimpanzees in the study fully recovered, indicating limited effectiveness of these medicinal plants.
5. Wild chimpanzees in Uganda have been observed eating plants with no medicinal properties to heal themselves.
6. Samples of droppings and urine were collected from the chimpanzees to check for illness and infection.
7. Injured or ill chimpanzees were observed seeking out unusual foods, such as tree bark or fruit skin, which could potentially be medicinal plants.
8. One injured chimpanzee was observed avoiding and ignoring ferns, which were found to have no medicinal properties.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.
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Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.
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1. What did scientists discover about wild chimpanzees in Uganda?
2. How did the researchers collect samples of the plants the chimpanzees sought out to eat?
3. What potential benefit could come from studying the medicinal properties of these plants?
4. What type of foods did injured or ill chimpanzees seek out?
5. What percentage of the plant extracts collected by the researchers inhibited bacterial growth?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Scientists discovered that wild chimpanzees in Uganda eat plants with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties to heal themselves.
2. The scientists studied the medicinal properties of the plants by observing injured or sick chimpanzees in the forests and collecting samples of the plants they sought out to eat. These samples were then analyzed.
3. When injured or ill chimpanzees sought out unusual foods, such as tree bark or fruit skin, the researchers observed this as these foods could potentially be medicinal plants.
4. The ferns that one injured chimpanzee ate were found to have potent anti-inflammatory properties.
5. The researchers collected samples from 13 different plant species.
6. Almost 90% of the extracts inhibited bacterial growth.
7. A third of the extracts had natural anti-inflammatory properties.
8. The researchers emphasize the importance of preserving these “forest pharmacies” for future generations.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) discovered
(2) plants
(3) researchers
(4) forests
(5) medicinal
(6) years
(7) chimpanzees
(8) collected
(9) injured
(10) sought
(11) fruit
(12) total
(13) samples
(14) extracts
(15) natural
(16) properties
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. anti-bacterial
Answer: (F) Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of bacteria

2. medicinal
Answer: (N) Related to the treatment of illness and the promotion of health

3. properties
Answer: (C) Qualities or characteristics of something

4. discovered
Answer: (D) Found or learned something for the first time

5. observed
Answer: (L) Watched carefully, especially to learn something

6. analyzed
Answer: (O) Examined methodically and in detail

7. potential
Answer: (M) Possible or capable of becoming real

8. potent
Answer: (G) Having great power, influence, or effect

9. extracts
Answer: (E) Substances removed from a mixture or compound

10. inhibited
Answer: (H) Prevented or hindered the progress of something

11. preserving
Answer: (J) Maintaining something in its original or existing state

12. generations
Answer: (I) All of the people born and living at about the same time

13. emphasized
Answer: (B) Gave special importance or prominence to something

14. reserves
Answer: (A) Areas of land set aside for a specific purpose

15. inflammation
Answer: (K) A condition in which a part of the body becomes red, swollen, and often painful
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What did scientists discover about wild chimpanzees in Uganda?
Answer: (d) They eat plants with pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties.

2. What did the researchers collect from the chimpanzees to check for illness and infection?
Answer: (c) Droppings and urine

3. What did the injured chimpanzee in the study seek out and eat?
Answer: (d) Ferns

4. What percentage of the plant extracts collected by the researchers inhibited bacterial growth?
Answer: (a) Almost 90%

5. What percentage of the plant extracts collected by the researchers had natural anti-inflammatory properties?
Answer: (c) A third

6. What did the researchers believe studying the medicinal properties of these plants could lead to?
Answer: (b) The discovery of new medicines

7. What did the researchers emphasize the importance of preserving?
Answer: (b) “Forest pharmacies”

8. Where did the lead researcher, Dr. Elodie Freymann, conduct her observations?
Answer: (a) Budongo Central Forest Reserve
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The assistant researcher, Dr. Elodie Freymann, spent four years observing chimpanzees in the Budongo Central Forest Reserve in Uganda. (Answer: False)
2. Studying the medicinal properties of these plants could lead to the discovery of new medicines. (Answer: True)
3. The plants that the chimpanzees sought out to eat were found to have antibacterial properties when analyzed. (Answer: True)
4. None of the injured and ill chimpanzees in the study fully recovered, indicating limited effectiveness of these medicinal plants. (Answer: False)
5. Wild chimpanzees in Uganda have been observed eating plants with no medicinal properties to heal themselves. (Answer: False)
6. Samples of droppings and urine were collected from the chimpanzees to check for illness and infection. (Answer: True)
7. Injured or ill chimpanzees were observed seeking out unusual foods, such as tree bark or fruit skin, which could potentially be medicinal plants. (Answer: True)
8. One injured chimpanzee was observed avoiding and ignoring ferns, which were found to have no medicinal properties. (Answer: False)
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