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Sales to Kidults: The Growing Market for Adult Toys

Sales to kidults, adults who buy toys for themselves, have defied the overall downturn in toy sales, accounting for over a quarter of the UK toy market and worth over £1 billion a year, as adults find toys fun and beneficial for their mental health.

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Sales to “kidults,” adults who buy toys for themselves, increased by 6% last year in the UK, despite an overall 5% decline in toy sales. This group now accounts for more than a quarter of the toy market, worth over £1bn annually. Adults cited fun and mental health benefits as the main reasons for buying toys for themselves. Toy manufacturers and retailers experienced a challenging year in 2023, with a 7% decrease in sales and a 5% drop in the value of toy trading. However, the UK remains one of Europe’s largest toy markets, worth £3.5bn in 2023.

The annual Toy Fair in London recently concluded, and it was evident that many companies are targeting a wider range of age groups, not just young children. Kidults, defined as those aged 12 and over, are driving the increase in sales to this group, particularly those over 18. Gareth Edwards, a self-proclaimed kidult in his late 50s, showcased his board and card games at the fair. He has been collecting board games for over 40 years and has over 1,000 in his home. Other exhibitors, such as Adam Turner, have also turned their hobbies into businesses, capitalizing on the growing popularity of kidult games.

It’s not just board games that are appealing to kidults; action figures, collectables, building sets like Lego, and even cuddly toys are being sold to adults. Social media exposure and the perception that these toys help people relax have contributed to their popularity among adults. The declining birth rate and rising cost of living have also played a role in the shift towards adults buying toys for themselves. With fewer children to buy toys for, some young adults are treating themselves to comforting toys instead of going out or indulging in other activities.

Despite the challenges faced by the toy sector, the rise of kidults has provided a new market opportunity. Toy manufacturers and retailers are adapting to this trend and targeting a wider age range of consumers. The toy industry is constantly evolving to meet the changing demands and preferences of consumers.

Original news source: Cuddly toy sellers chase an unlikely audience: ‘Kidults’ (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1kidultsAdults who engage in traditionally childlike activities or collect items typically associated with children
2declineA decrease or reduction in numbers or quantities
3annuallyEvery year
4challengingDifficult to deal with or overcome
5targetingDirecting efforts or attention towards a specific group
6showcasedDisplayed or presented, typically in a public setting
7collectablesItems valued for their rarity or collectibility
8exposureThe state of being subject to potentially harmful attention or scrutiny
9perceptionThe way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted
10indulgingAllowing oneself to enjoy pleasures
11sectorA distinct subset of the economy or a group of businesses that share a common focus
12adaptingMaking changes to better suit a new purpose or situation
13evolvingUndergoing gradual transformation
14preferencesThe personal likes or choices of an individual or group
15consumersPeople who purchase goods and services for personal use

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Charades
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a list of toy-related words, such as “action figure,” “board game,” “building set,” etc. One person from each group will act out the word without speaking, while the others guess what it is. The team with the most correct guesses wins.

– News Summary
Instructions: Give each student a copy of the article. In pairs or small groups, have students take turns summarizing different parts of the article to their partner/group. Encourage them to use their own words and focus on the main ideas. Afterward, discuss as a class to see if any important points were missed.

– Sketch It
Instructions: Provide each student with a piece of paper and a pencil. Choose a toy-related word from the article and announce it to the class. Students have 1-2 minutes to sketch a representation of that word. Afterward, have students share their sketches and guess what word each sketch represents.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a set of statements related to the article, such as “Buying toys as an adult is a waste of money” or “Toys can provide stress relief for adults.” Have students discuss each statement and indicate whether they agree or disagree. Encourage them to provide reasons for their opinions. Afterward, have each group share their opinions with the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write a list of toy-related vocabulary words from the article on the board, such as “collectables,” “perception,” “capitalizing,” etc. Divide the class into two teams. One member from each team will come to the board and draw a picture to represent one of the words, while their team tries to guess it. The team with the most correct guesses wins.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What percentage of toy sales in the UK last year were made to adults?
2. What are the main reasons cited by adults for buying toys for themselves?
3. How did toy sales and the value of toy trading change in the UK in 2023?
4. What age group is considered “kidults”?
5. What types of toys are appealing to kidults?
6. What factors have contributed to the growing popularity of toys among adults?
7. What are some reasons why adults are buying toys for themselves instead of buying them for children?
8. How are toy manufacturers and retailers adapting to the rise of kidults in the market?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Sales to “kidults,” (1)______ who buy toys for themselves, increased by 6% last year in the UK, despite an overall 5% (2)______ in toy sales. This group now accounts for more than a quarter of the toy market, worth over £1bn annually. Adults (3)______ fun and mental (4)______ benefits as the main reasons for buying toys for themselves. Toy manufacturers and retailers experienced a challenging year in 2023, with a 7% decrease in sales and a 5% drop in the value of toy trading. However, the UK remains one of Europe’s largest toy (5)______, worth £3.5bn in 2023.

The annual Toy Fair in London recently concluded, and it was evident that many companies are targeting a wider range of age (6)______, not just (7)______ children. Kidults, defined as those aged 12 and over, are driving the increase in sales to this group, particularly those over 18. Gareth Edwards, a self-proclaimed kidult in his late 50s, showcased his board and card games at the fair. He has been collecting board games for over 40 (8)______ and has over 1,000 in his home. Other exhibitors, such as Adam (9)______, have also (10)______ their hobbies into businesses, capitalizing on the growing popularity of kidult games.

It’s not just board games that are appealing to kidults; action figures, collectables, building sets like Lego, and even cuddly toys are being sold to adults. Social media (11)______ and the perception that these toys help (12)______ relax have contributed to their popularity among adults. The declining birth rate and rising cost of living have also played a role in the shift towards adults buying toys for themselves. With fewer children to buy toys for, some young adults are treating themselves to comforting toys instead of going out or indulging in other activities.

Despite the challenges faced by the toy sector, the rise of kidults has provided a new market (13)______. Toy manufacturers and retailers are adapting to this trend and targeting a wider age range of consumers. The toy (14)______ is constantly evolving to meet the changing (15)______ and (16)______ of consumers.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a “kidult” and do you consider yourself one?
2. How would you feel if someone judged you for buying toys as an adult?
3. Do you think it’s important for adults to have hobbies and interests like collecting toys? Why or why not?
4. Why do you think the toy market has seen a decline in sales overall, but an increase in sales to kidults?
5. Do you think it’s fair for toy manufacturers and retailers to target adults with their products? Why or why not?
6. How do you think social media exposure has contributed to the popularity of toys among adults?
7. Do you think buying toys can have mental health benefits? Why or why not?
8. How do you think the declining birth rate and rising cost of living have influenced adults’ decision to buy toys for themselves?
9. What other activities do you think adults could indulge in instead of buying toys?
10. How do you think the toy industry will continue to evolve in the future?
11. Do you think it’s important for adults to have a balance between work and play? Why or why not?
12. How do you think the perception of toys as a form of relaxation has changed over time?
13. What do you think are the main reasons adults buy toys for themselves?
14. How do you think the rise of kidults has impacted the toy market?
15. Do you think it’s important for adults to embrace their inner child? Why or why not?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. kidults
2. decline
3. annually
4. challenging
5. targeting
6. showcased
7. collectables
8. exposure
9. perception
10. indulging
11. sector
12. adapting
13. evolving
14. preferences
15. consumers

(A) Difficult to deal with or overcome
(B) The personal likes or choices of an individual or group
(C) A decrease or reduction in numbers or quantities
(D) Adults who engage in traditionally childlike activities or collect items typically associated with children
(E) The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted
(F) A distinct subset of the economy or a group of businesses that share a common focus
(G) Undergoing gradual transformation
(H) Allowing oneself to enjoy pleasures
(I) The state of being subject to potentially harmful attention or scrutiny
(J) Directing efforts or attention towards a specific group
(K) Making changes to better suit a new purpose or situation
(L) People who purchase goods and services for personal use
(M) Displayed or presented, typically in a public setting
(N) Every year
(O) Items valued for their rarity or collectibility
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What was the overall decline in toy sales in the UK last year?
(a) 6%
(b) 7%
(c) 8%
(d) 5%

2. What percentage of the toy market do “kidults” now account for in the UK?
(a) Less than a quarter
(b) More than a quarter
(c) Half
(d) None

3. What are the main reasons cited by adults for buying toys for themselves?
(a) Financial reasons
(b) Peer pressure
(c) Nostalgia
(d) Fun and mental health benefits

4. What was the decrease in sales experienced by toy manufacturers and retailers in 2023?
(a) 5%
(b) 7%
(c) 6%
(d) 8%

5. What is the value of the UK toy market in 2023?
(a) £1bn
(b) £5bn
(c) £3.5bn
(d) £2.5bn

6. What age group is driving the increase in sales to “kidults”?
(a) Those aged 12 and over
(b) Those aged 10 and over
(c) Those aged 18 and over
(d) Those aged 16 and over

7. What types of toys are being sold to adults?
(a) Action figures, collectables, building sets, and cuddly toys
(b) Only board games
(c) Only action figures
(d) Only cuddly toys

8. What factors have contributed to the popularity of toys among adults?
(a) Social media exposure and the perception that toys help people relax
(b) The declining birth rate and rising cost of living
(c) The declining birth rate and social media exposure
(d) The rising cost of living and the perception that toys help people relax

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The rise of kidults has not provided a new market opportunity for toy manufacturers and retailers, who are struggling to adapt to this trend.
2. Kidults now make up less than a quarter of the toy market in the UK, which is worth less than £1bn annually.
3. Kidults aged 12 and over, particularly those over 18, are driving the increase in sales to this group.
4. The annual Toy Fair in London showcased companies targeting a wider range of age groups, including kidults.
5. Sales to adults in the UK decreased by 6% last year, despite an overall increase in toy sales.
6. The UK remains one of Europe’s largest toy markets, worth £3.5bn in 2023.
7. Adults cited fun and mental health benefits as the main reasons for buying toys for themselves.
8. In 2023, toy manufacturers and retailers in the UK experienced a 7% increase in sales and a 5% rise in the value of toy trading.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.
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Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.
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1. What is the main reason adults in the UK are buying toys for themselves?
2. How did the toy industry perform in 2023 in terms of sales and value?
3. Who are the main drivers behind the increase in sales to the “kidult” group?
4. What types of toys are appealing to adults in the UK?
5. How are toy manufacturers and retailers adapting to the rise of kidults in the market?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What percentage of toy sales in the UK last year were made to adults?
Sales to adults accounted for more than a quarter (25%) of toy sales in the UK last year.

2. What are the main reasons cited by adults for buying toys for themselves?
Adults cited fun and mental health benefits as the main reasons for buying toys for themselves.

3. How did toy sales and the value of toy trading change in the UK in 2023?
Toy sales decreased by 7% and the value of toy trading dropped by 5% in the UK in 2023.

4. What age group is considered “kidults”?
“Kidults” are considered to be those aged 12 and over.

5. What types of toys are appealing to kidults?
Board games, action figures, collectables, building sets like Lego, and even cuddly toys are appealing to kidults.

6. What factors have contributed to the growing popularity of toys among adults?
Factors such as social media exposure, the perception that toys help people relax, the declining birth rate, and the rising cost of living have contributed to the growing popularity of toys among adults.

7. What are some reasons why adults are buying toys for themselves instead of buying them for children?
With fewer children to buy toys for, some young adults are treating themselves to comforting toys instead of going out or indulging in other activities.

8. How are toy manufacturers and retailers adapting to the rise of kidults in the market?
Toy manufacturers and retailers are targeting a wider age range of consumers and offering a variety of toys that appeal to kidults. They are adapting to the trend and meeting the changing demands and preferences of consumers.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) adults
(2) decline
(3) cited
(4) health
(5) markets
(6) groups
(7) young
(8) years
(9) Turner
(10) turned
(11) exposure
(12) people
(13) opportunity
(14) industry
(15) demands
(16) preferences
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. kidults
Answer: (D) Adults who engage in traditionally childlike activities or collect items typically associated with children

2. decline
Answer: (C) A decrease or reduction in numbers or quantities

3. annually
Answer: (N) Every year

4. challenging
Answer: (A) Difficult to deal with or overcome

5. targeting
Answer: (J) Directing efforts or attention towards a specific group

6. showcased
Answer: (M) Displayed or presented, typically in a public setting

7. collectables
Answer: (O) Items valued for their rarity or collectibility

8. exposure
Answer: (I) The state of being subject to potentially harmful attention or scrutiny

9. perception
Answer: (E) The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted

10. indulging
Answer: (H) Allowing oneself to enjoy pleasures

11. sector
Answer: (F) A distinct subset of the economy or a group of businesses that share a common focus

12. adapting
Answer: (K) Making changes to better suit a new purpose or situation

13. evolving
Answer: (G) Undergoing gradual transformation

14. preferences
Answer: (B) The personal likes or choices of an individual or group

15. consumers
Answer: (L) People who purchase goods and services for personal use
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What was the overall decline in toy sales in the UK last year?
Answer: (d) 5%

2. What percentage of the toy market do “kidults” now account for in the UK?
Answer: (b) More than a quarter

3. What are the main reasons cited by adults for buying toys for themselves?
Answer: (d) Fun and mental health benefits

4. What was the decrease in sales experienced by toy manufacturers and retailers in 2023?
Answer: (b) 7%

5. What is the value of the UK toy market in 2023?
Answer: (c) £3.5bn

6. What age group is driving the increase in sales to “kidults”?
Answer: (c) Those aged 18 and over

7. What types of toys are being sold to adults?
Answer: (a) Action figures, collectables, building sets, and cuddly toys

8. What factors have contributed to the popularity of toys among adults?
Answer: (a) Social media exposure and the perception that toys help people relax
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The rise of kidults has not provided a new market opportunity for toy manufacturers and retailers, who are struggling to adapt to this trend. (Answer: False)
2. Kidults now make up less than a quarter of the toy market in the UK, which is worth less than £1bn annually. (Answer: False)
3. Kidults aged 12 and over, particularly those over 18, are driving the increase in sales to this group. (Answer: True)
4. The annual Toy Fair in London showcased companies targeting a wider range of age groups, including kidults. (Answer: True)
5. Sales to adults in the UK decreased by 6% last year, despite an overall increase in toy sales. (Answer: False)
6. The UK remains one of Europe’s largest toy markets, worth £3.5bn in 2023. (Answer: True)
7. Adults cited fun and mental health benefits as the main reasons for buying toys for themselves. (Answer: True)
8. In 2023, toy manufacturers and retailers in the UK experienced a 7% increase in sales and a 5% rise in the value of toy trading. (Answer: False)
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