Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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AI: The Word of the Year


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A book with words picked “AI” as the best word for this year. “AI” means when computers can think like people. People talked about AI a lot this year. It was in the news four times more than before. A man named Alex said everyone was talking about AI this year because it is now a big part of new things we use.

Leaders and smart computer people are talking about AI being good and maybe not good. The Beatles made a new song with AI. They made it sound like their friend John, who is not here anymore, is singing. There were other new words this year too. But AI is the most important because it is changing how we do things and learn.

Original news source: AI named word of the year by Collins Dictionary (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Draw a picture on the board that represents the concept of “AI” or other related words from the article such as “computer,” “think,” “news,” or “learn.” Students must guess the word in English. If they struggle, you can give them the first letter of the word as a hint.

– News Reporter Role-play
Instructions: Students pretend to be news reporters discussing the significance of AI. They can work in pairs, with one student acting as the reporter and the other as an expert on AI. They’ll use simple sentences to explain why AI was chosen as the word of the year and its impact on society.

– Synonym Challenge
Instructions: Write the word “AI” on the board along with other simpler words from the article, such as “smart,” “important,” or “change.” Students must come up with synonyms for these words or use a thesaurus to find them. Discuss the nuances in meaning between the synonyms and the original words.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Conduct a class survey by asking students whether they think AI is good or not good, as mentioned in the article. Tally the responses on the board and then have a group discussion, encouraging students to use simple English to explain their opinions.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: Pose a question related to the article, such as “What new things do you think AI can help us with?” or “Do you think AI can really think like people?” Students first think about their answer alone, then pair up to discuss their thoughts, and finally, share their conclusions with the class. This activity encourages speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What word was picked as the best word for this year?
2. What does “AI” mean?
3. How much more did people talk about AI this year?
4. Who is Alex?
5. Why is AI important?
6. What did The Beatles do with AI?
7. What happened to their friend John?
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

A book with (1)______ picked “AI” as the best word for this year. “AI” (2)______ when computers can think like people. People talked about AI a lot this year. It was in the news four (3)______ more than before. A man named Alex said everyone was talking about AI this (4)______ because it is now a big part of new things we use.

Leaders and (5)______ computer people are talking about AI being (6)______ and maybe not good. The Beatles made a new song with AI. They made it sound like their friend John, who is not here anymore, is singing. There were (7)______ new words this year too. But AI is the most important because it is changing how we do (8)______ and learn.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a computer?
2. Do you like computers? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if a computer could think like you?
4. Do you think computers that think are good? Why?
5. Can you tell me what “AI” means?
6. Have you heard about AI before? Where?
7. Do you think AI is important? Why or why not?
8. What is a song?
9. How would you feel if a song had a friend’s voice who is not here anymore?
10. Do you like to learn new things? Why?
11. Do you think AI can help us learn better? Why or why not?
12. What new thing would you like a computer to do for you?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. AI
2. computers
3. people
4. news
5. Alex
6. leaders
7. Beatles
8. song

(a) Humans, like you and me
(b) Music with words that you can sing along to
(c) Machines that can think like humans
(d) Information about what’s happening in the world
(e) People who tell others what to do
(f) A man’s name
(g) A famous band from a long time ago
(h) Machines that can do math and play games
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What does “AI” stand for?
(a) Artificial Intelligence
(b) Amazing Invention
(c) Awesome Idea
(d) Active Ingredient

2. Why did people talk about AI a lot this year?
(a) It is a new word
(b) It is a funny word
(c) It is a scary word
(d) It is now a big part of new things we use

3. Who made a new song with AI?
(a) The Rolling Stones
(b) The Beatles
(c) Queen
(d) The Beach Boys

4. What did The Beatles make sound like their friend John was singing?
(a) A joke
(b) A story
(c) A secret
(d) The new song

5. Why is AI the most important word this year?
(a) It is changing how we do things and learn
(b) It is a funny word
(c) It is a scary word
(d) It is a new word

6. What is AI?
(a) A type of food
(b) When computers can think like people
(c) A type of animal
(d) A type of game

7. Who is talking about AI being good and maybe not good?
(a) Teachers and doctors
(b) Firefighters and police officers
(c) Leaders and smart computer people
(d) Actors and singers

8. How much more was AI in the news this year compared to before?
(a) Two times more
(b) Ten times more
(c) Four times more
(d) The same amount

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True or False Questions:

1. 2. “AI” means when computers cannot think like people.
2. A man named Alex said everyone was talking about AI this year.
3. Leaders and smart computer people are not talking about AI being good and maybe not good.
4. A book did not choose “AI” as the best word for this year.
5. AI is changing how we do things and learn.
6. People talked about AI a lot this year.
7. AI was in the news four times less than before.
8. The Beatles made a new song with AI.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What word did the book say is the best this year?
2. What does “AI” stand for?
3. How much more did people talk about AI this year?
4. Who made a new song with AI?
5. Why is AI important?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What word was picked as the best word for this year?
The best word for this year is “AI.”

2. What does “AI” mean?
“AI” means computers can think like people.

3. How much more did people talk about AI this year?
People talked about AI four times more this year.

4. Who is Alex?
Alex is a man who said everyone was talking about AI this year.

5. Why is AI important?
AI is important because it is a big part of new things we use and helps us learn differently.

6. What did The Beatles do with AI?
The Beatles made a new song with AI that sounds like their friend John is singing.

7. What happened to their friend John?
Their friend John is not here anymore.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) words
(2) means
(3) times
(4) year
(5) smart
(6) good
(7) other
(8) things
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. AI
Answer: (c) Machines that can think like humans

2. computers
Answer: (h) Machines that can do math and play games

3. people
Answer: (a) Humans, like you and me

4. news
Answer: (d) Information about what’s happening in the world

5. Alex
Answer: (f) A man’s name

6. leaders
Answer: (e) People who tell others what to do

7. Beatles
Answer: (g) A famous band from a long time ago

8. song
Answer: (b) Music with words that you can sing along to
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What does “AI” stand for?
Answer: (a) Artificial Intelligence

2. Why did people talk about AI a lot this year?
Answer: (d) It is now a big part of new things we use

3. Who made a new song with AI?
Answer: (b) The Beatles

4. What did The Beatles make sound like their friend John was singing?
Answer: (d) The new song

5. Why is AI the most important word this year?
Answer: (a) It is changing how we do things and learn

6. What is AI?
Answer: (b) When computers can think like people

7. Who is talking about AI being good and maybe not good?
Answer: (c) Leaders and smart computer people

8. How much more was AI in the news this year compared to before?
Answer: (c) Four times more
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True or False Answers:

1. 2. “AI” means when computers cannot think like people. (Answer: False)
2. A man named Alex said everyone was talking about AI this year. (Answer: True)
3. Leaders and smart computer people are not talking about AI being good and maybe not good. (Answer: False)
4. A book did not choose “AI” as the best word for this year. (Answer: False)
5. AI is changing how we do things and learn. (Answer: True)
6. People talked about AI a lot this year. (Answer: True)
7. AI was in the news four times less than before. (Answer: False)
8. The Beatles made a new song with AI. (Answer: True)
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How about these other Level 1 articles?
