Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Computer Pictures Called NFTs Not Worth Much


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Some pictures on the computer that people can buy, called NFTs, are not worth as much money now. A lot fewer people are buying them than before. A company that makes a famous kind of these pictures had to let some people go because they don’t have as much money now. People who bought these pictures when they cost a lot are sad because they can’t sell them for as much money.

But some people are happy because they can buy these pictures for less money now. One person bought a very special picture for less money and thought it was a good deal. Some people think that these pictures might become popular again because there are new kinds and ways to buy them. But some smart people say that these pictures might not be about making a lot of money anymore. They hope that people will find new and fun ways to use these pictures.

Original news source: Whatever happened to NFTs? (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Divide the class into two teams. On slips of paper, write down key vocabulary from the article such as “NFTs,” “buy,” “worth,” “company,” “sell,” “deal,” “popular,” and “money.” Students take turns drawing the word on the board without speaking or writing letters or numbers, while their team guesses the vocabulary. Set a timer for each turn (1 minute works well). The team with the most correct guesses wins.

– News Reporter Role-play
Instructions: Students pair up and take turns being a news reporter and a witness. The “reporter” asks questions about the article, such as “What is happening to the prices of NFTs?”, “Why are some people unhappy about NFTs?”, and “What do some people hope for the future of NFTs?” The “witness” answers in their own words, using information from the article.

– Sketch It
Instructions: Give each student a piece of paper and ask them to draw a simple comic strip based on the article. They should have at least three panels: one showing NFTs being expensive, one showing them being less expensive, and one showing people’s different reactions (sadness or happiness). This will help them understand the sequence of events and the contrast in perspectives.

– Opinion Spectrum
Instructions: Mark one side of the room as “Agree” and the other as “Disagree.” Read statements related to the article, like “People should only buy NFTs to make money,” or “NFTs will become popular again.” Students move to a spot in the room that represents their opinion. Then, select a few students to explain why they chose their position.

– Keyword Hangman
Instructions: Play a game of hangman using key terms from the article. Start by drawing dashes for each letter of the word on the board. Students guess letters in turns. If a student guesses a letter that is in the word, write it in the correct space. If the letter is not in the word, add a body part to the hangman drawing. Continue until the word is guessed or the hangman is fully drawn. This helps to reinforce vocabulary from the article in a fun and interactive way.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What are the special pictures on the computer that people can buy called?
2. Are the special pictures called NFTs worth more money or less money now?
3. Are more people buying the special pictures now or fewer people?
4. Why did the company that makes the famous pictures have to let some people go?
5. How do people feel who bought the special pictures for a lot of money?
6. Why are some people happy about the special pictures now?
7. What do some smart people hope for the special pictures in the future?
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Some pictures on the (1)______ that people can buy, called NFTs, are not worth as much money now. A lot fewer people are buying them than before. A company that makes a (2)______ kind of these pictures had to let some people go because they don’t have as much money now. People who (3)______ these pictures when they cost a lot are sad because they can’t (4)______ them for as much money.

But some people are happy because they can buy these (5)______ for less money now. One (6)______ bought a very special picture for less money and thought it was a good deal. Some people think that these pictures might become popular again because there are new kinds and (7)______ to buy them. But some (8)______ people say that these pictures might not be about making a lot of money anymore. They hope that people will find new and fun ways to use these pictures.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a picture?
2. Do you like to draw or color pictures? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if a picture you made was sold for money?
4. Have you ever bought something that became less valuable? How did it make you feel?
5. Do you think it is good to buy things that are cheaper now? Why?
6. What is something special that you bought for a good price?
7. How do you feel when you get a good deal on something?
8. Do you think pictures can be important even if they don’t cost a lot of money? Why or why not?
9. What do you like to do with pictures? Do you hang them up, give them to friends, or keep them in a book?
10. Do you think it is better to buy things that are fun or things that can make you money? Why?
11. Have you ever felt sad because something you have is not worth much money anymore?
12. Do you think it’s okay to let people go from their job if a company doesn’t have much money? Why or why not?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. pictures
2. NFTs
3. money
4. company
5. people
6. special
7. popular
8. smart

(a) Clever and knows a lot
(b) Something that is not like the others
(c) Digital art you can buy
(d) A group of workers
(e) Liked by many people
(f) More than one person
(g) What you use to buy things
(h) Things you look at
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What are the pictures on the computer that people can buy called?
(a) GIFs
(b) NFTs
(c) JPEGs
(d) PNGs

2. Why did a company have to let some people go?
(a) They don’t have as much money now
(b) They want to hire new people
(c) They are moving to a new office
(d) They don’t like the people they let go

3. Why are some people happy about the situation with the pictures?
(a) They can’t buy the pictures anymore
(b) They can sell the pictures for a lot of money
(c) They can buy the pictures for less money now
(d) They don’t like the pictures

4. What did one person think about buying a picture for less money?
(a) It was a bad deal
(b) It was too expensive
(c) It was not worth it
(d) It was a good deal

5. What do some people think might happen to these pictures in the future?
(a) They might disappear
(b) They might become popular again
(c) They might become more expensive
(d) They might become less popular

6. What do some smart people hope for these pictures?
(a) People will stop buying them
(b) They will become very expensive
(c) People will find new and fun ways to use them
(d) They will become boring

7. What is the full form of NFTs?
(a) Non-fungible tokens
(b) New fun toys
(c) Nice fuzzy turtles
(d) Not for trading

8. What do NFTs stand for?
(a) New fancy toys
(b) Nice furry tigers
(c) Not for taking
(d) Non-fungible tokens

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True or False Questions:

1. Some smart people say that these pictures might still be about making a lot of money.
2. Some people think that these pictures might not become popular again because there are no new kinds and ways to buy them.
3. A company that makes these pictures had to hire some people because they have a lot of money now.
4. Fewer people are buying these special pictures than before.
5. Some computer pictures called NFTs are worth just as much money now.
6. One person bought a very special picture for less money and thought it was a good deal.
7. People who bought these pictures for a lot of money are sad because they can’t sell them for as much money now.
8. Some people are happy because they can buy these pictures for less money now.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What are NFTs?
2. Are NFTs very expensive right now?
3. What happened to the company that makes NFTs?
4. How do people feel about the NFTs being cheaper?
5. What do some smart people hope for NFTs in the future?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What are the special pictures on the computer that people can buy called?
They are called NFTs.

2. Are the special pictures called NFTs worth more money or less money now?
They are worth less money now.

3. Are more people buying the special pictures now or fewer people?
Fewer people are buying them now.

4. Why did the company that makes the famous pictures have to let some people go?
The company doesn’t have as much money now.

5. How do people feel who bought the special pictures for a lot of money?
They are sad because they can’t sell them for as much money.

6. Why are some people happy about the special pictures now?
They are happy because they can buy the pictures for less money now.

7. What do some smart people hope for the special pictures in the future?
They hope people will find new and fun ways to use the pictures.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) computer
(2) famous
(3) bought
(4) sell
(5) pictures
(6) person
(7) ways
(8) smart
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. pictures
Answer: (h) Things you look at

2. NFTs
Answer: (c) Digital art you can buy

3. money
Answer: (g) What you use to buy things

4. company
Answer: (d) A group of workers

5. people
Answer: (f) More than one person

6. special
Answer: (b) Something that is not like the others

7. popular
Answer: (e) Liked by many people

8. smart
Answer: (a) Clever and knows a lot
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What are the pictures on the computer that people can buy called?
Answer: (b) NFTs

2. Why did a company have to let some people go?
Answer: (a) They don’t have as much money now

3. Why are some people happy about the situation with the pictures?
Answer: (c) They can buy the pictures for less money now

4. What did one person think about buying a picture for less money?
Answer: (d) It was a good deal

5. What do some people think might happen to these pictures in the future?
Answer: (b) They might become popular again

6. What do some smart people hope for these pictures?
Answer: (c) People will find new and fun ways to use them

7. What is the full form of NFTs?
Answer: (a) Non-fungible tokens

8. What do NFTs stand for?
Answer: (d) Non-fungible tokens
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True or False Answers:

1. Some smart people say that these pictures might still be about making a lot of money. (Answer: False)
2. Some people think that these pictures might not become popular again because there are no new kinds and ways to buy them. (Answer: False)
3. A company that makes these pictures had to hire some people because they have a lot of money now. (Answer: False)
4. Fewer people are buying these special pictures than before. (Answer: True)
5. Some computer pictures called NFTs are worth just as much money now. (Answer: False)
6. One person bought a very special picture for less money and thought it was a good deal. (Answer: True)
7. People who bought these pictures for a lot of money are sad because they can’t sell them for as much money now. (Answer: True)
8. Some people are happy because they can buy these pictures for less money now. (Answer: True)
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