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English Professor

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Are Ultra-Processed Foods Bad for Our Health

Ultra-processed foods raise health concerns, yet experts debate their direct impact on well-being.

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Ultra-processed foods are foods like chicken nuggets, sugary snacks, and fizzy drinks. Many people in the UK eat a lot of these foods, especially kids and people with less money. Some experts think these foods might make people sick, like causing heart problems or making people sad. But not everyone agrees on how bad these foods are. They are still trying to figure out if these foods are the reason people get sick.

Studying these foods is hard because it’s tricky to see if they really cause health problems. One study showed people who eat a lot of these foods might die earlier, but it doesn’t prove it’s the food’s fault. To know for sure, scientists need to do big, expensive studies. These studies are hard because people have to eat certain foods for a long time, and that’s tough to manage. Even though it’s not clear how bad these foods are, experts say eating more fruits and veggies is good.

Original news source: Why we might never know the truth about ultra-processed foods (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1ultra-processedMade in a factory with lots of steps
2expertsPeople who know a lot about something
3figureTo understand or find out something
4studyLooking closely at something to learn about it
5proveTo show something is true
6expensiveCosts a lot of money
7manageTo take care of or control something
8trickyHard to do or understand
9veggiesShort for vegetables, like carrots and peas
10certainA specific one or some, not any or all

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Each group will take turns acting out different ultra-processed foods (like chicken nuggets or fizzy drinks) without speaking, while the other groups guess what they are. This will help students learn vocabulary related to food.

Instructions: Start with the word “food.” Students will take turns saying a word related to food, trying to connect it to the previous word. For example, if someone says “pizza,” the next might say “cheese.” This encourages vocabulary expansion and quick thinking.

Instructions: Write vocabulary words from the article (like “ultra-processed,” “fruits,” “veggies”) on slips of paper. Students will take turns drawing a word from the paper and then drawing it on the board while their classmates guess the word. This reinforces vocabulary retention in a fun way.

Instructions: Pose a question related to the article, such as “Do you think ultra-processed foods are good or bad for health?” Students will think individually, pair up to discuss their thoughts, and then share with the class. This promotes speaking and listening skills.

Instructions: Ask students to predict what they think will happen in the future regarding ultra-processed foods and health. They can share their ideas in pairs and then discuss as a class. This activity encourages creative thinking and speaking practice.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What are some examples of ultra-processed foods?
2. Who eats a lot of these foods in the UK?
3. What do some experts think these foods might do to people?
4. Why is it hard to study ultra-processed foods?
5. What did one study say about people who eat a lot of these foods?
6. What do scientists need to do to know more about these foods?
7. What do experts say is good to eat instead of ultra-processed foods?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Ultra-processed foods are foods like chicken nuggets, sugary snacks, and fizzy drinks. Many (1)______ in the UK eat a lot of these foods, especially kids and people with less (2)______. Some experts think these foods might make people sick, like causing heart problems or making people sad. But not everyone (3)______ on how bad these foods are. They are still trying to figure out if these foods are the (4)______ people get sick.

Studying these foods is hard because it’s tricky to see if they really cause health problems. One (5)______ showed people who eat a lot of these foods might die earlier, but it doesn’t prove it’s the food’s fault. To know for sure, scientists (6)______ to do big, expensive studies. These studies are hard because people (7)______ to eat (8)______ foods for a long time, and that’s tough to manage. Even though it’s not clear how bad these foods are, experts say eating more fruits and veggies is good.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is your favorite food?
2. Do you like chicken nuggets? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if you could only eat sugary snacks?
4. Do you think eating fruits and veggies is important? Why?
5. What is a fizzy drink? Do you like them?
6. How do you feel when you eat healthy food?
7. Do you think kids should eat less fast food? Why?
8. What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?
9. How would you feel if you had to eat the same food every day?
10. Do you think it is easy or hard to eat healthy? Why?
11. What do you think makes people happy?
12. How do you feel when you see someone eating a lot of junk food?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. ultra-processed
2. experts
3. figure
4. study
5. prove
6. expensive
7. manage
8. tricky
9. veggies
10. certain

(A) A specific one or some, not any or all
(B) Short for vegetables, like carrots and peas
(C) Made in a factory with lots of steps
(D) To show something is true
(E) Costs a lot of money
(F) People who know a lot about something
(G) To take care of or control something
(H) Looking closely at something to learn about it
(I) Hard to do or understand
(J) To understand or find out something
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What are ultra-processed foods?
(a) Fresh fruits
(b) Home-cooked meals
(c) Chicken nuggets
(d) Whole grains

2. Who eats a lot of ultra-processed foods in the UK?
(a) Cats
(b) Kids
(c) Trees
(d) Cars

3. What do some experts think ultra-processed foods can do?
(a) Make people sick
(b) Make people happy
(c) Help people run
(d) Make people sleep

4. What is hard to study about these foods?
(a) If they taste good
(b) If they are colorful
(c) If they are cheap
(d) If they cause health problems

5. What did one study show about people who eat a lot of ultra-processed foods?
(a) They might become taller
(b) They might die earlier
(c) They might get richer
(d) They might learn faster

6. What do scientists need to do big studies?
(a) Toys
(b) Candy
(c) Water
(d) Money

7. What do experts say is good to eat more of?
(a) Chips and soda
(b) Ice cream
(c) Fruits and veggies
(d) Candy bars

8. What is tricky about studying ultra-processed foods?
(a) People have to eat them for a long time
(b) They are very small
(c) They are always cold
(d) They are very colorful

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Not everyone agrees on the severity of the effects of these foods.
2. These foods might contribute to heart problems or cause you to feel upset.
3. Some people think these foods can make you sick.
4. Ultra-processed foods are things like chicken nuggets and sugary snacks.
5. Many kids in the UK eat a lot of these foods.
6. Some studies suggest eating a lot of these foods could potentially extend your lifespan.
7. Experts say it is good to eat more fruits and vegetables.
8. It is challenging to research if these foods improve people’s health.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What are ultra-processed foods?
2. Who eats a lot of these foods?
3. What do some experts think these foods can do to people?
4. Why is it hard to study these foods?
5. What do experts say is good to eat more of?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What are some examples of ultra-processed foods?
Chicken nuggets, sugary snacks, and fizzy drinks.

2. Who eats a lot of these foods in the UK?
Kids and people with less money.

3. What do some experts think these foods might do to people?
They think these foods might make people sick, like causing heart problems or making people sad.

4. Why is it hard to study ultra-processed foods?
It is hard because scientists need to see if the food really makes people sick, and that takes a long time to study.

5. What did one study say about people who eat a lot of these foods?
One study said people who eat a lot of these foods might die earlier.

6. What do scientists need to do to know more about these foods?
Scientists need to do big, expensive studies to find out more.

7. What do experts say is good to eat instead of ultra-processed foods?
Experts say eating more fruits and veggies is good.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) people
(2) money
(3) agrees
(4) reason
(5) study
(6) need
(7) have
(8) certain
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. ultra-processed
Answer: (C) Made in a factory with lots of steps

2. experts
Answer: (F) People who know a lot about something

3. figure
Answer: (J) To understand or find out something

4. study
Answer: (H) Looking closely at something to learn about it

5. prove
Answer: (D) To show something is true

6. expensive
Answer: (E) Costs a lot of money

7. manage
Answer: (G) To take care of or control something

8. tricky
Answer: (I) Hard to do or understand

9. veggies
Answer: (B) Short for vegetables, like carrots and peas

10. certain
Answer: (A) A specific one or some, not any or all
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What are ultra-processed foods?
Answer: (c) Chicken nuggets

2. Who eats a lot of ultra-processed foods in the UK?
Answer: (b) Kids

3. What do some experts think ultra-processed foods can do?
Answer: (a) Make people sick

4. What is hard to study about these foods?
Answer: (d) If they cause health problems

5. What did one study show about people who eat a lot of ultra-processed foods?
Answer: (b) They might die earlier

6. What do scientists need to do big studies?
Answer: (d) Money

7. What do experts say is good to eat more of?
Answer: (c) Fruits and veggies

8. What is tricky about studying ultra-processed foods?
Answer: (a) People have to eat them for a long time
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Not everyone agrees on the severity of the effects of these foods. (Answer: False)
2. These foods might contribute to heart problems or cause you to feel upset. (Answer: False)
3. Some people think these foods can make you sick. (Answer: True)
4. Ultra-processed foods are things like chicken nuggets and sugary snacks. (Answer: True)
5. Many kids in the UK eat a lot of these foods. (Answer: True)
6. Some studies suggest eating a lot of these foods could potentially extend your lifespan. (Answer: False)
7. Experts say it is good to eat more fruits and vegetables. (Answer: True)
8. It is challenging to research if these foods improve people’s health. (Answer: False)
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