Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Fast-Food Places Offer Deals to Attract Customers

Fast-food chains are ramping up promotions to attract budget-conscious customers amid rising prices and declining sales.

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Fast-food places like McDonald’s and KFC are giving more special deals to get people to come and eat. They are doing this because things are getting more expensive, and people are eating at home more. From April to June, there were more deals than last year. Fast-food places want people to come back, so they are offering cheaper prices. They hope this will make people happy and want to eat there again.

Some people worry about these deals because they might make people eat too much unhealthy food. The deals are meant to make people buy more, not always save money. Fast-food places are using phone apps to give special deals to keep customers coming back. Experts think these deals might not last forever, but people might get used to them. For now, fast-food places will keep using these deals to make people happy and loyal.

Original news source: Why are there so many fast-food offers on? (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1dealsSpecial prices or offers to buy things
2expensiveCosts a lot of money
3offeringGiving something to someone
4unhealthyNot good for your body
5customersPeople who buy things from a store or restaurant
6expertsPeople who know a lot about something
7foreverA very long time, never ending
8loyalAlways being there for someone or something
9specialDifferent and not like the usual
10worryFeeling scared or nervous about something

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Students will take turns acting out a fast-food related word or phrase (e.g., “McDonald’s,” “KFC,” “cheap deals”) without speaking, while the rest of the class guesses what it is. This helps them learn vocabulary in a fun way.

Instructions: Each student will express their opinion about fast food deals. Create a simple chart on the board with two columns: “Like” and “Dislike.” Students will place their names under the column that represents their opinion, and then a few students can share why they feel that way.

Instructions: Divide students into two teams. One student from each team will draw a word related to the article (e.g., “fast food,” “deal,” “unhealthy”) on the board for their team to guess. This activity encourages vocabulary recall and visual learning.

Instructions: Pose a question related to the article, such as “Do you think fast-food deals are good or bad?” Students will first think about their answers individually, then discuss their thoughts with a partner before sharing with the class. This encourages speaking and listening skills.

Instructions: Ask students to predict what they think fast-food places will do in the future regarding deals. They can write down their predictions and then share them with the class. This activity promotes critical thinking and speaking practice.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What are some fast-food places mentioned in the article?
2. Why are fast-food places giving special deals?
3. When were there more deals than last year?
4. What do fast-food places hope to make people feel with their deals?
5. Why do some people worry about the special deals?
6. How do fast-food places tell people about their special deals?
7. What do experts think about the special deals?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Fast-food places like McDonald’s and KFC are giving more (1)______ deals to get people to come and eat. They are (2)______ this because things are getting more expensive, and people are eating at home more. From April to June, there were more deals than last year. Fast-food places want people to come back, so they are (3)______ cheaper prices. They hope this will (4)______ people happy and want to eat there again.

Some people worry about these deals because they might make people eat too much unhealthy food. The deals are (5)______ to make people buy more, not always (6)______ money. Fast-food places are using phone apps to give special (7)______ to keep customers coming back. Experts (8)______ these deals might not last forever, but people might get used to them. For now, fast-food places will keep using these deals to make people happy and loyal.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. Do you like fast food? Why or why not?
2. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
3. How would you feel if your favorite restaurant had a special deal?
4. Do you think eating fast food is healthy? Why or why not?
5. What is a special deal? Can you give an example?
6. How often do you eat fast food?
7. Do you think it is good to eat at home more? Why?
8. How would you feel if fast food prices go up?
9. Do you like using phone apps for food deals? Why?
10. What do you think makes people want to eat at fast food places?
11. How would you feel if fast food restaurants disappeared?
12. Do you think people will always want fast food? Why or why not?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. deals
2. expensive
3. offering
4. unhealthy
5. customers
6. experts
7. forever
8. loyal
9. special
10. worry

(A) Costs a lot of money
(B) Special prices or offers to buy things
(C) Feeling scared or nervous about something
(D) A very long time, never ending
(E) People who buy things from a store or restaurant
(F) People who know a lot about something
(G) Always being there for someone or something
(H) Different and not like the usual
(I) Not good for your body
(J) Giving something to someone
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What do fast-food places want people to do?
(a) Eat there
(b) Sleep
(c) Run
(d) Sing

2. Why are fast-food places giving special deals?
(a) To make toys
(b) To close down
(c) To get more people to eat
(d) To make ice cream

3. When did fast-food places have more deals than last year?
(a) January to March
(b) July to September
(c) April to June
(d) October to December

4. What do fast-food places hope to make people feel?
(a) Happy
(b) Sad
(c) Angry
(d) Tired

5. What do some people worry about with these deals?
(a) Losing their toys
(b) Eating too much unhealthy food
(c) Not having enough friends
(d) Getting lost

6. How are fast-food places giving special deals?
(a) Writing letters
(b) Making phone calls
(c) Sending emails
(d) Using phone apps

7. What do experts think about these deals?
(a) They are very funny
(b) They might not last forever
(c) They are too big
(d) They are very old

8. What do fast-food places want from people?
(a) To leave
(b) To cry
(c) To shout
(d) To come back

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Experts say the deals might last a long time.
2. Fast-food places use phone apps for special deals.
3. People are eating out more now.
4. Some people don’t worry about eating too much fast food.
5. Fast-food places want people to come back to eat.
6. The special deals are cheaper than before.
7. Burger King and Taco Bell are two fast-food places.
8. Fast-food places are giving special deals.
Go to answers ⇩

📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What are McDonald’s and KFC trying to do to get people to eat there?
2. Why are fast-food places offering special deals?
3. What do some people worry about with these special deals?
4. How are fast-food places telling people about their special deals?
5. Do experts think the special deals will last a long time?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What are some fast-food places mentioned in the article?
McDonald’s and KFC.

2. Why are fast-food places giving special deals?
They are giving deals because things are getting more expensive, and people are eating at home more.

3. When were there more deals than last year?
From April to June.

4. What do fast-food places hope to make people feel with their deals?
They hope to make people happy.

5. Why do some people worry about the special deals?
Some people worry that the deals might make people eat too much unhealthy food.

6. How do fast-food places tell people about their special deals?
They use phone apps to tell people about the deals.

7. What do experts think about the special deals?
Experts think the deals might not last forever, but people might get used to them.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) special
(2) doing
(3) offering
(4) make
(5) meant
(6) save
(7) deals
(8) think
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. deals
Answer: (B) Special prices or offers to buy things

2. expensive
Answer: (A) Costs a lot of money

3. offering
Answer: (J) Giving something to someone

4. unhealthy
Answer: (I) Not good for your body

5. customers
Answer: (E) People who buy things from a store or restaurant

6. experts
Answer: (F) People who know a lot about something

7. forever
Answer: (D) A very long time, never ending

8. loyal
Answer: (G) Always being there for someone or something

9. special
Answer: (H) Different and not like the usual

10. worry
Answer: (C) Feeling scared or nervous about something
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What do fast-food places want people to do?
Answer: (a) Eat there

2. Why are fast-food places giving special deals?
Answer: (c) To get more people to eat

3. When did fast-food places have more deals than last year?
Answer: (c) April to June

4. What do fast-food places hope to make people feel?
Answer: (a) Happy

5. What do some people worry about with these deals?
Answer: (b) Eating too much unhealthy food

6. How are fast-food places giving special deals?
Answer: (d) Using phone apps

7. What do experts think about these deals?
Answer: (b) They might not last forever

8. What do fast-food places want from people?
Answer: (d) To come back
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Experts say the deals might last a long time. (Answer: False)
2. Fast-food places use phone apps for special deals. (Answer: True)
3. People are eating out more now. (Answer: False)
4. Some people don’t worry about eating too much fast food. (Answer: False)
5. Fast-food places want people to come back to eat. (Answer: True)
6. The special deals are cheaper than before. (Answer: True)
7. Burger King and Taco Bell are two fast-food places. (Answer: False)
8. Fast-food places are giving special deals. (Answer: True)
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