Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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New Pandas Arrive in San Diego from China

San Diego's giant pandas symbolize wildlife conservation and strengthen international ties through panda diplomacy.

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San Diego has two new giant pandas from China. Their names are Xin Bao and Yun Chuan. It’s been 21 years since pandas came to the U.S. from China. August 8 is now called California Panda Day to celebrate their arrival.

China uses “panda diplomacy” to make friends with other countries. This means sharing pandas to help with conservation and friendship. Xin Bao and Yun Chuan’s arrival shows countries working together to help endangered animals. The pandas will help teach people about saving their species.

People are very excited to see the pandas in San Diego. Many visitors will come to learn about them and conservation. The pandas can inspire kids to care about the environment. They show how countries can work together for good causes.

Original news source: San Diego debuts first giant pandas from China in decades (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1diplomacyThe way countries talk and work together
2conservationProtecting nature and animals
3endangeredAt risk of disappearing forever
4speciesA group of animals or plants that are similar
5inspireTo make someone want to do something good
6celebrateTo have a party or event for something special
7arrivalComing to a place
8friendshipBeing friends with someone
9environmentThe world around us, like nature and air
10visitorsPeople who come to see a place
11sharingGiving something to others
12causesImportant things people care about and work for

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Students will take turns acting out different words or phrases related to pandas and conservation without using any words. The rest of the class will guess what they are acting out. Suggested words/phrases: panda, conservation, endangered species, friendship, San Diego.

Instructions: Create a simple survey with questions about pandas and conservation. For example, “Do you think pandas are cute?” or “Should countries share animals?” Students will walk around the classroom asking these questions to their classmates and recording their answers.

Instructions: Students will work in pairs to create a catchy headline based on the article about the pandas. They can use keywords like “panda,” “California,” “friendship,” and “conservation.” Afterward, each pair will share their headline with the class.

Instructions: On a large piece of paper or whiteboard, draw a mind map centered around the topic of pandas. Students will brainstorm ideas and vocabulary related to pandas, conservation, and the article. They can add branches for different categories like “habitat,” “endangered,” “countries,” etc.

Instructions: Each student will write down two true statements and one false statement related to pandas or the article. They will then share their statements with a partner, who will guess which statement is the lie. Afterward, they can share some of their statements with the class.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What are the names of the two new giant pandas in San Diego?

2. How many years has it been since pandas came to the U.S. from China?

3. What special day is celebrated on August 8 in California?

4. What does “panda diplomacy” mean?

5. How will Xin Bao and Yun Chuan help people learn?

6. Why are many visitors excited to see the pandas in San Diego?

7. How can the pandas inspire kids to care about the environment?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

San Diego has two new giant (1)______ from China. Their names are Xin Bao and Yun Chuan. It’s been 21 years since pandas (2)______ to the U.S. from China. August 8 is now called (3)______ Panda Day to (4)______ their (5)______.

China uses “panda diplomacy” to (6)______ friends with other countries. This means sharing pandas to help with conservation and friendship. Xin Bao and Yun Chuan’s arrival shows (7)______ working together to help endangered (8)______. The pandas will help teach people about saving their species.

(9)______ are very excited to see the pandas in San Diego. Many (10)______ will (11)______ to learn about them and conservation. The pandas can inspire kids to care about the environment. They (12)______ how countries can work together for good causes.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is your favorite animal and why?
2. How would you feel if you saw a panda in real life?
3. Do you think it is important to save endangered animals? Why or why not?
4. Have you ever visited a zoo? What animals did you see there?
5. What is a good way to help the environment?
6. Do you like learning about animals? Why or why not?
7. How would you feel if you had a panda as a pet?
8. Do you think sharing animals with other countries is a good idea? Why?
9. What do you think makes pandas special?
10. How would you feel if you could visit San Diego to see the pandas?
11. Do you think kids can help save the environment? How?
12. What is your favorite way to celebrate an animal or nature?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. diplomacy
2. conservation
3. endangered
4. species
5. inspire
6. celebrate
7. arrival
8. friendship
9. environment
10. visitors
11. sharing
12. causes

(A) People who come to see a place
(B) The way countries talk and work together
(C) A group of animals or plants that are similar
(D) Important things people care about and work for
(E) To make someone want to do something good
(F) Being friends with someone
(G) To have a party or event for something special
(H) The world around us, like nature and air
(I) Giving something to others
(J) Protecting nature and animals
(K) At risk of disappearing forever
(L) Coming to a place
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What are the names of the new giant pandas in San Diego?
(a) Ling Ling and Huan Huan
(b) Xin Bao and Yun Chuan
(c) Bai Yun and Gao Gao
(d) Mei Xiang and Tian Tian

2. How long has it been since pandas came to the U.S. from China?
(a) 10 years
(b) 15 years
(c) 5 years
(d) 21 years

3. What special day is celebrated on August 8 in California?
(a) Panda Friendship Day
(b) California Panda Day
(c) Animal Conservation Day
(d) Wildlife Awareness Day

4. What does “panda diplomacy” mean?
(a) Sharing pandas to make friends
(b) Sending pandas to schools
(c) Giving pandas to zoos
(d) Training pandas to perform tricks

5. Why are Xin Bao and Yun Chuan important for people?
(a) They help teach about saving animals
(b) They can dance and sing
(c) They are very big and strong
(d) They play games with visitors

6. What can the pandas inspire kids to do?
(a) Watch more TV
(b) Eat more candy
(c) Care about the environment
(d) Play video games

7. What do the pandas show about countries?
(a) They should compete for animals
(b) They need to build more zoos
(c) They can ignore each other
(d) They can work together for good causes

8. Why are many visitors excited to see the pandas?
(a) They want to take pictures only
(b) They want to feed them snacks
(c) They want to learn about them and conservation
(d) They want to see how big they are

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. August 8 is not called California Panda Day.
2. It has been 21 years since pandas arrived in the U.S.
3. The pandas came from China.
4. Many people are uninterested to see the pandas in San Diego.
5. San Diego has two old giant pandas named Xin Bao and Yun Chuan.
6. China shares pandas with other countries to make friends.
7. The arrival of the pandas helps with conservation efforts.
8. The pandas cannot inspire kids to care about the environment.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What are the names of the two new giant pandas in San Diego?
2. Why is August 8 special in California?
3. What does “panda diplomacy” mean?
4. How can the pandas help people learn about conservation?
5. Why are people excited to see the pandas in San Diego?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What are the names of the two new giant pandas in San Diego?
Xin Bao and Yun Chuan.

2. How many years has it been since pandas came to the U.S. from China?
It has been 21 years.

3. What special day is celebrated on August 8 in California?
August 8 is called California Panda Day.

4. What does “panda diplomacy” mean?
“Panda diplomacy” means sharing pandas with other countries to make friends and help save animals.

5. How will Xin Bao and Yun Chuan help people learn?
They will help people learn about saving their species and conservation.

6. Why are many visitors excited to see the pandas in San Diego?
Many visitors are excited because they want to see the pandas and learn about them.

7. How can the pandas inspire kids to care about the environment?
The pandas can inspire kids by showing them how important it is to protect animals and nature.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) pandas
(2) came
(3) California
(4) celebrate
(5) arrival
(6) make
(7) countries
(8) animals
(9) People
(10) visitors
(11) come
(12) show
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. diplomacy
Answer: (B) The way countries talk and work together

2. conservation
Answer: (J) Protecting nature and animals

3. endangered
Answer: (K) At risk of disappearing forever

4. species
Answer: (C) A group of animals or plants that are similar

5. inspire
Answer: (E) To make someone want to do something good

6. celebrate
Answer: (G) To have a party or event for something special

7. arrival
Answer: (L) Coming to a place

8. friendship
Answer: (F) Being friends with someone

9. environment
Answer: (H) The world around us, like nature and air

10. visitors
Answer: (A) People who come to see a place

11. sharing
Answer: (I) Giving something to others

12. causes
Answer: (D) Important things people care about and work for
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What are the names of the new giant pandas in San Diego?
Answer: (b) Xin Bao and Yun Chuan

2. How long has it been since pandas came to the U.S. from China?
Answer: (d) 21 years

3. What special day is celebrated on August 8 in California?
Answer: (b) California Panda Day

4. What does “panda diplomacy” mean?
Answer: (a) Sharing pandas to make friends

5. Why are Xin Bao and Yun Chuan important for people?
Answer: (a) They help teach about saving animals

6. What can the pandas inspire kids to do?
Answer: (c) Care about the environment

7. What do the pandas show about countries?
Answer: (d) They can work together for good causes

8. Why are many visitors excited to see the pandas?
Answer: (c) They want to learn about them and conservation
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. August 8 is not called California Panda Day. (Answer: False)
2. It has been 21 years since pandas arrived in the U.S. (Answer: True)
3. The pandas came from China. (Answer: True)
4. Many people are uninterested to see the pandas in San Diego. (Answer: False)
5. San Diego has two old giant pandas named Xin Bao and Yun Chuan. (Answer: False)
6. China shares pandas with other countries to make friends. (Answer: True)
7. The arrival of the pandas helps with conservation efforts. (Answer: True)
8. The pandas cannot inspire kids to care about the environment. (Answer: False)
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