Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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English Newsroom

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Bugs Found in Food: Daylesford Organic and Tesco Take Action

Daylesford Organic has issued a recall for some of its crispbreads and biscuits due to potential contamination with moth larvae, highlighting the importance of rigorous quality control measures in the food industry.

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A food company in the UK called Daylesford Organic is taking back some of its foods because they might have bugs in them. The foods are different kinds of crispy breads and some biscuits. A store named Tesco also had to take back a food used for Christmas because it might have had the same problem. A group that makes sure food is safe says people should not eat these foods and should throw them away. The company will give people their money back if they bought the bad food.

Sometimes, little bugs called moth larvae can get into the grains that are used to make food. If these bugs are in the food, it’s not safe to eat. A person who helps keep food safe says that people should listen to the warnings and ask the company for help if they bought the food that’s not good. This problem shows that it’s very important for companies to check their food carefully to keep people safe.

This problem is like another one that happened before when a store called Tesco had to take back a special food for Christmas. Bugs in food can make people sick. People should look out for any news about bad food so they can stay healthy. It’s important to pay attention to what the people who check food say.

Original news source: Daylesford Organic recall biscuits over moth larvae (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1OrganicNatural and not made with chemicals
2CrispyFood that is thin and breaks easily when you bite it
3BiscuitsSmall, flat cakes that are usually sweet
4Moth larvaeBaby moths that are not yet fully grown
5GrainsThe seeds from plants like wheat or corn that we use to make food
6WarningsMessages that tell you to be careful
7CheckTo look at something carefully to make sure it’s okay
8SickNot feeling well or having an illness
9Pay attentionTo watch or listen carefully
10TescoA place where you can buy food and other things
11LarvaeTiny young insects
12RecallTo ask people to bring something back because it might not be safe

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: Have students read the article individually or in pairs. Then, ask them to summarize the main points of the article in 3-4 sentences. Encourage them to use their own words and include the key information about the food company, the problem with bugs in the food, and the advice for people to stay safe.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write a list of vocabulary words from the article on the board (e.g. bugs, crispy breads, biscuits, grains, larvae). Divide the students into teams. One student from each team will come to the board and draw a picture to represent one of the words. The team members must guess the word based on the drawing. The team that guesses correctly gets a point.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Have each pair discuss their opinion on the topic of bugs in food and whether they would still eat the food if they found bugs in it. After discussing, instruct each pair to create a poll with two options: “Yes, I would still eat the food” or “No, I would not eat the food”. Each pair should then go around the class, asking other pairs for their opinion and tallying the results. Finally, have a class discussion about the different opinions and reasons behind them.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: Ask the students to think about a time when they encountered a problem with food, such as finding a bug or something else unpleasant. Then, have them pair up and share their stories with their partner. After sharing, ask a few pairs to share their stories with the whole class. Encourage students to use vocabulary from the article to describe their experiences.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: Tell the students that they are now food safety experts. Ask them to imagine a future scenario where bugs in food become a bigger problem. In pairs or small groups, have them brainstorm ideas for how companies and individuals can prevent and deal with this issue in the future. Each group should then present their ideas to the class.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. Why is a food company in the UK taking back some of its foods?
2. What kind of bugs might be in the food?
3. What should people do if they bought the bad food?
4. Why is it important for companies to check their food carefully?
5. What happened before when a store called Tesco had to take back a special food?
6. Why can bugs in food make people sick?
7. Why is it important to pay attention to what the people who check food say?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

A food company in the UK called Daylesford Organic is taking back some of its foods because they might have (1)______ in them. The foods are different kinds of (2)______ breads and some biscuits. A store (3)______ Tesco also had to take back a food used for Christmas because it might have had the same problem. A group that makes sure food is (4)______ says people should not eat these foods and should throw them away. The company will give people their money back if they (5)______ the bad food.

Sometimes, little bugs (6)______ moth larvae can get into the grains that are used to make food. If these bugs are in the (7)______, it’s not safe to eat. A person who helps (8)______ food safe says that people should listen to the warnings and ask the company for help if they bought the food that’s not good. This problem shows that it’s very important for companies to (9)______ their food carefully to keep people safe.

This problem is like another one that happened before when a store called Tesco had to take back a (10)______ food for Christmas. Bugs in food can make (11)______ sick. People should look out for any news about bad food so they can stay healthy. It’s important to pay (12)______ to what the people who check food say.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is Daylesford Organic?
2. How would you feel if you found bugs in your food?
3. Do you like crispy breads and biscuits? Why or why not?
4. Do you think it’s important for companies to check their food carefully? Why or why not?
5. What are moth larvae?
6. How can bugs in food make people sick?
7. Have you ever had to throw away food because it was not safe to eat? What was it?
8. Why do you think it’s important to listen to warnings about bad food?
9. What do you think the company should do if people bought the bad food?
10. Have you ever heard any news about bad food? What was it?
11. Do you know anyone who got sick from eating bad food? What happened?
12. What can people do to stay healthy and avoid eating bad food?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. Organic
2. Crispy
3. Biscuits
4. Moth larvae
5. Grains
6. Warnings
7. Check
8. Sick
9. Pay attention
10. Tesco
11. Larvae
12. Recall

(A) A place where you can buy food and other things
(B) To watch or listen carefully
(C) Food that is thin and breaks easily when you bite it
(D) Tiny young insects
(E) Not feeling well or having an illness
(F) To look at something carefully to make sure it’s okay
(G) Small, flat cakes that are usually sweet
(H) The seeds from plants like wheat or corn that we use to make food
(I) Messages that tell you to be careful
(J) Natural and not made with chemicals
(K) To ask people to bring something back because it might not be safe
(L) Baby moths that are not yet fully grown
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why is Daylesford Organic taking back some of its foods?
(a) Because they are expired
(b) Because they are too expensive
(c) Because they might have bugs in them
(d) Because they are not tasty

2. What kind of foods did Daylesford Organic have to take back?
(a) Fruits and vegetables
(b) Meat and fish
(c) Drinks and snacks
(d) Crispy breads and biscuits

3. Which store also had to take back a food used for Christmas?
(a) Tesco
(b) Walmart
(c) Target
(d) Costco

4. Why did the group that makes sure food is safe say people should not eat these foods?
(a) Because they are too expensive
(b) Because they might have bugs in them
(c) Because they are expired
(d) Because they are not tasty

5. What kind of bugs can get into the grains that are used to make food?
(a) Ants
(b) Moth larvae
(c) Spiders
(d) Beetles

6. Why is it important for companies to check their food carefully?
(a) To make more money
(b) To make the food taste better
(c) To keep people safe
(d) To make the food look pretty

7. What can bugs in food do to people?
(a) Make them happy
(b) Make them sleepy
(c) Make them strong
(d) Make them sick

8. What should people do if they bought the bad food?
(a) Ask the company for help
(b) Keep eating it
(c) Sell it to someone else
(d) Throw it away

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Little bugs called moth larvae cannot sometimes get into the grains used to make food.
2. It is not important for companies to carefully check their food to keep people safe.
3. The foods affected are crispy breads and biscuits.
4. If the bugs are in the food, it is not safe to eat.
5. Daylesford Organic will not refund people who bought the affected food.
6. A food company in the UK called Daylesford Organic is recalling some of its foods because they might have bugs in them.
7. A group that ensures food safety is advising people not to eat these foods and to throw them away.
8. Tesco, a store, did not have to recall a Christmas food item for the same reason.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is the problem with the foods from Daylesford Organic and Tesco?
2. What should people do if they bought the bad food?
3. Why is it not safe to eat food with bugs in it?
4. What can happen if people eat food with bugs in it?
5. Why is it important to listen to the people who check food?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Why is a food company in the UK taking back some of its foods?
The food company is taking back some of its foods because they might have bugs in them.

2. What kind of bugs might be in the food?
The bugs that might be in the food are moth larvae.

3. What should people do if they bought the bad food?
If people bought the bad food, they should throw it away and ask the company for their money back.

4. Why is it important for companies to check their food carefully?
It is important for companies to check their food carefully to make sure it is safe for people to eat.

5. What happened before when a store called Tesco had to take back a special food?
Before, when Tesco had to take back a special food, it also had bugs in it.

6. Why can bugs in food make people sick?
Bugs in food can make people sick because they can carry germs or bacteria that can make people ill.

7. Why is it important to pay attention to what the people who check food say?
It is important to pay attention to what the people who check food say because they are experts and can tell us if the food is safe to eat or not.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) bugs
(2) crispy
(3) named
(4) safe
(5) bought
(6) called
(7) food
(8) keep
(9) check
(10) special
(11) people
(12) attention
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. Organic
Answer: (J) Natural and not made with chemicals

2. Crispy
Answer: (C) Food that is thin and breaks easily when you bite it

3. Biscuits
Answer: (G) Small, flat cakes that are usually sweet

4. Moth larvae
Answer: (L) Baby moths that are not yet fully grown

5. Grains
Answer: (H) The seeds from plants like wheat or corn that we use to make food

6. Warnings
Answer: (I) Messages that tell you to be careful

7. Check
Answer: (F) To look at something carefully to make sure it’s okay

8. Sick
Answer: (E) Not feeling well or having an illness

9. Pay attention
Answer: (B) To watch or listen carefully

10. Tesco
Answer: (A) A place where you can buy food and other things

11. Larvae
Answer: (D) Tiny young insects

12. Recall
Answer: (K) To ask people to bring something back because it might not be safe
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. Why is Daylesford Organic taking back some of its foods?
Answer: (c) Because they might have bugs in them

2. What kind of foods did Daylesford Organic have to take back?
Answer: (d) Crispy breads and biscuits

3. Which store also had to take back a food used for Christmas?
Answer: (a) Tesco

4. Why did the group that makes sure food is safe say people should not eat these foods?
Answer: (b) Because they might have bugs in them

5. What kind of bugs can get into the grains that are used to make food?
Answer: (b) Moth larvae

6. Why is it important for companies to check their food carefully?
Answer: (c) To keep people safe

7. What can bugs in food do to people?
Answer: (d) Make them sick

8. What should people do if they bought the bad food?
Answer: (a) Ask the company for help
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Little bugs called moth larvae cannot sometimes get into the grains used to make food. (Answer: False)
2. It is not important for companies to carefully check their food to keep people safe. (Answer: False)
3. The foods affected are crispy breads and biscuits. (Answer: True)
4. If the bugs are in the food, it is not safe to eat. (Answer: True)
5. Daylesford Organic will not refund people who bought the affected food. (Answer: False)
6. A food company in the UK called Daylesford Organic is recalling some of its foods because they might have bugs in them. (Answer: True)
7. A group that ensures food safety is advising people not to eat these foods and to throw them away. (Answer: True)
8. Tesco, a store, did not have to recall a Christmas food item for the same reason. (Answer: False)
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