Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Companies Pretend to Use Smart Robots Called AI

AI washing misleads consumers about companies' true AI capabilities, risking trust and innovation in technology.

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AI washing is when companies say they use artificial intelligence (AI) more than they really do. They want to look smart and modern. For example, Amazon said their stores let people shop without checkout lines. But, it turned out, many transactions needed help from workers in India. This shows how some companies exaggerate their AI use.

AI washing can mean saying you use AI when you don’t, or making AI sound better than it is. Many new tech companies say they use AI to seem cool and attract attention. But often, they don’t have real AI results to show. The problem is, there isn’t a clear definition of what AI is, so companies can easily stretch the truth.

Authorities are starting to notice and act against AI washing. In the U.S., some companies have been charged for lying about their AI use. In the UK, there are rules to stop false advertising about AI. Experts say AI washing can make people not trust AI and slow down real progress. As AI becomes more common, saying you use AI might not be special anymore, just like saying you’re “on the internet” isn’t unique today.

Original news source: What is ‘AI washing’ and why is it a problem? (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1artificialMade by people, not natural
2exaggerateTo make something sound bigger or better than it really is
3transactionsDeals or exchanges, like buying or selling something
4attractTo make someone interested in something
5definitionThe meaning of a word or idea
6authoritiesPeople in power who make rules and laws
7chargedAccused of doing something wrong
8advertisingTelling people about something to make them want it
9expertsPeople who know a lot about a subject
10progressMoving forward or getting better
11commonHappening often, not special
12uniqueOne of a kind, not like anything else

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Divide the class into two teams. Write different phrases related to AI and companies on slips of paper (e.g., “AI washing,” “Amazon checkout,” “false advertising”). One student from a team picks a slip and acts out the phrase without speaking, while their teammates try to guess what it is.

Instructions: Prepare a few statements about AI washing (e.g., “Companies should be honest about their AI use,” “AI washing is not a big problem”). Have students walk around the classroom and ask their classmates whether they agree or disagree with each statement, recording the results. Afterward, discuss the findings as a class.

Instructions: On the board, write “AI Washing” in the center. Have students work in small groups to brainstorm and write related ideas, terms, or examples around it (like “companies,” “advertising,” “trust,” etc.). Each group presents their mind map to the class.

Instructions: Choose key vocabulary words from the article (e.g., “artificial intelligence,” “exaggerate,” “authorities”). One student draws a word on the board without using letters or numbers, and the rest of the class guesses what the word is.

Instructions: Have students think about the future of AI in companies. They can work in pairs to discuss and write down their predictions (e.g., “In 10 years, companies will be more honest about their AI use”). Afterward, pairs share their predictions with the class for further discussion.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What is AI washing?
2. Why do companies use AI washing?
3. Can you give an example of a company that used AI washing?
4. What problem do companies face when they talk about AI?
5. What are authorities doing about AI washing?
6. How can AI washing affect people’s trust in AI?
7. Why might saying you use AI not be special in the future?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

AI washing is when companies say they use (1)______ intelligence (AI) more than they really do. They (2)______ to look smart and modern. For (3)______, Amazon said their stores let people shop without checkout lines. But, it turned out, many transactions needed help from workers in India. This shows how some (4)______ exaggerate their AI use.

AI (5)______ can mean saying you use AI when you don’t, or making AI sound better than it is. Many new tech companies say they use AI to (6)______ cool and attract attention. But often, they don’t have real AI results to show. The (7)______ is, there isn’t a clear definition of what AI is, so companies can easily (8)______ the truth.

Authorities are starting to notice and act against AI washing. In the U.S., some companies have been (9)______ for lying about their AI use. In the UK, there are rules to stop false advertising about AI. (10)______ say AI washing can make (11)______ not trust AI and slow down real progress. As AI becomes more common, (12)______ you use AI might not be special anymore, just like saying you’re “on the internet” isn’t unique today.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is artificial intelligence (AI) to you?
2. Do you think using AI is a good thing? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if a store said they used AI, but it was not true?
4. Do you like shopping online or in a store? Why?
5. What do you think makes a company “cool”?
6. Have you ever heard of a company that lied about something? What happened?
7. Do you think it is important for companies to tell the truth? Why?
8. How would you feel if you found out your favorite app was not using AI as it claimed?
9. Do you think people trust technology companies? Why or why not?
10. What is a way you think companies can show they really use AI?
11. Do you think AI will be more common in the future? Why?
12. How would you feel if everyone started using AI? Would it still be special? Why?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. artificial
2. exaggerate
3. transactions
4. attract
5. definition
6. authorities
7. charged
8. advertising
9. experts
10. progress
11. common
12. unique

(A) One of a kind, not like anything else
(B) Moving forward or getting better
(C) The meaning of a word or idea
(D) Deals or exchanges, like buying or selling something
(E) People who know a lot about a subject
(F) Happening often, not special
(G) Accused of doing something wrong
(H) Made by people, not natural
(I) People in power who make rules and laws
(J) To make someone interested in something
(K) Telling people about something to make them want it
(L) To make something sound bigger or better than it really is
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is AI washing?
(a) When companies say they use AI more than they really do
(b) When companies sell AI products
(c) When companies create real AI technology
(d) When companies hire AI experts

2. Why do companies engage in AI washing?
(a) To save money
(b) To hire more workers
(c) To look smart and modern
(d) To make better products

3. What did Amazon claim about their stores?
(a) They have the best prices
(b) They are open 24 hours
(c) They sell only AI products
(d) They let people shop without checkout lines

4. What is a problem with AI washing?
(a) AI is too expensive
(b) AI is too easy to use
(c) There isn’t a clear definition of AI
(d) AI is not popular

5. What have some companies in the U.S. been charged with?
(a) Selling fake products
(b) Lying about their AI use
(c) Not hiring enough workers
(d) Closing their stores

6. What do experts say about AI washing?
(a) It makes AI more popular
(b) It can make people not trust AI
(c) It helps companies grow
(d) It is a good marketing strategy

7. What is happening in the UK regarding AI washing?
(a) There are rules to stop false advertising about AI
(b) Companies are encouraged to use AI
(c) AI is banned completely
(d) Everyone must learn about AI

8. How might the use of AI change in the future?
(a) AI will become less important
(b) Everyone will have AI at home
(c) AI will only be used by big companies
(d) Saying you use AI might not be special anymore

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Amazon claimed their stores let people shop without checkout lines, but they still needed help from workers.
2. There is a clear definition of what AI is, so companies cannot easily exaggerate.
3. The UK has rules to stop companies from falsely advertising their AI.
4. Some new tech companies say they use AI to get attention, even if they have real AI results.
5. Companies want to look smart and modern by claiming they use AI.
6. Experts warn that AI washing can help build trust in AI technology.
7. Authorities in the U.S. have not started to charge companies for lying about their AI use.
8. AI washing is when companies pretend to use artificial intelligence more than they actually do.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What does “AI washing” mean?
2. Why do some companies say they use more AI than they really do?
3. Can you give an example of a company that was caught AI washing?
4. What are some rules in the UK about AI washing?
5. Why is it important for people to trust AI?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What is AI washing?
AI washing is when companies say they use artificial intelligence (AI) more than they really do.

2. Why do companies use AI washing?
Companies use AI washing to look smart and modern, and to attract attention.

3. Can you give an example of a company that used AI washing?
An example is Amazon, which said their stores let people shop without checkout lines, but many transactions still needed help from workers.

4. What problem do companies face when they talk about AI?
The problem is that there isn’t a clear definition of what AI is, so companies can easily stretch the truth about their AI use.

5. What are authorities doing about AI washing?
Authorities are starting to notice AI washing and some companies have been charged for lying about their AI use.

6. How can AI washing affect people’s trust in AI?
AI washing can make people not trust AI because they might think companies are not being honest.

7. Why might saying you use AI not be special in the future?
In the future, saying you use AI might not be special because many companies will be saying the same thing, just like saying you’re “on the internet” isn’t unique today.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) artificial
(2) want
(3) example
(4) companies
(5) washing
(6) seem
(7) problem
(8) stretch
(9) charged
(10) Experts
(11) people
(12) saying
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. artificial
Answer: (H) Made by people, not natural

2. exaggerate
Answer: (L) To make something sound bigger or better than it really is

3. transactions
Answer: (D) Deals or exchanges, like buying or selling something

4. attract
Answer: (J) To make someone interested in something

5. definition
Answer: (C) The meaning of a word or idea

6. authorities
Answer: (I) People in power who make rules and laws

7. charged
Answer: (G) Accused of doing something wrong

8. advertising
Answer: (K) Telling people about something to make them want it

9. experts
Answer: (E) People who know a lot about a subject

10. progress
Answer: (B) Moving forward or getting better

11. common
Answer: (F) Happening often, not special

12. unique
Answer: (A) One of a kind, not like anything else
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is AI washing?
Answer: (a) When companies say they use AI more than they really do

2. Why do companies engage in AI washing?
Answer: (c) To look smart and modern

3. What did Amazon claim about their stores?
Answer: (d) They let people shop without checkout lines

4. What is a problem with AI washing?
Answer: (c) There isn’t a clear definition of AI

5. What have some companies in the U.S. been charged with?
Answer: (b) Lying about their AI use

6. What do experts say about AI washing?
Answer: (b) It can make people not trust AI

7. What is happening in the UK regarding AI washing?
Answer: (a) There are rules to stop false advertising about AI

8. How might the use of AI change in the future?
Answer: (d) Saying you use AI might not be special anymore
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Amazon claimed their stores let people shop without checkout lines, but they still needed help from workers. (Answer: True)
2. There is a clear definition of what AI is, so companies cannot easily exaggerate. (Answer: False)
3. The UK has rules to stop companies from falsely advertising their AI. (Answer: True)
4. Some new tech companies say they use AI to get attention, even if they have real AI results. (Answer: False)
5. Companies want to look smart and modern by claiming they use AI. (Answer: True)
6. Experts warn that AI washing can help build trust in AI technology. (Answer: False)
7. Authorities in the U.S. have not started to charge companies for lying about their AI use. (Answer: False)
8. AI washing is when companies pretend to use artificial intelligence more than they actually do. (Answer: True)
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