Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

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The Peacock Parade

Freddie the squirrel learns a valuable lesson about the true meaning of happiness and unity.

Try this story at a different level?


Once upon a time in the enchanting forest, there was a magical event called the Peacock Parade. Every year, all the peacocks from different corners of the forest would gather to showcase their vibrant feathers. It was a sight that left everyone in awe.

Freddie, a young and curious squirrel, had always dreamed of witnessing the Peacock Parade. He was fascinated by the majestic colors and elegance of the peacocks. So, he embarked on an adventure to find the parade.

As Freddie scampered through the forest, he stumbled upon a group of mischievous monkeys. They were known troublemakers who loved playing pranks on the forest creatures. They sensed Freddie’s excitement about the parade and decided to trick him.

The leader of the monkeys, Jack, approached Freddie and said, “If you want to find the Peacock Parade, you must first find the secret feather hidden deep within the forest. Only then will the peacocks reveal themselves to you.”

Trusting Jack’s words, Freddie set off on a quest to find the secret feather. He searched high and low, asking various animals for help. Much to his dismay, everyone seemed to play along with Jack’s prank. Determined, Freddie persevered, believing that he would eventually find the feather.

Days turned into weeks, and Freddie grew tired and disheartened. Just when he was about to give up, he stumbled upon a wise old owl named Oliver. Oliver sensed Freddie’s despair and asked him the reason behind his journey.

Reluctantly, Freddie shared his story with Oliver. The wise owl listened attentively and then chuckled. “Young squirrel, there is no secret feather. The monkeys were playing a prank on you,” Oliver said, smiling. “You see, the Peacock Parade is not about a hidden treasure, but about the joy of celebration and unity among all creatures.”

Feeling foolish yet relieved, Freddie returned to the forest and shared Oliver’s wisdom with everyone. The news spread like wildfire, and soon animals from all over the forest gathered in anticipation of the parade. As the peacocks paraded their magnificent feathers, the entire forest rejoiced in the colorful spectacle.

From that day on, Freddie realized that true happiness comes not from searching for external treasures, but from cherishing the beauty that exists within us and the unity we find in coming together. And so, he learned that sometimes, the greatest adventures and lessons can be found right under our noses, just waiting to be discovered.

🎧 Listen:

📖 Vocabulary:

1enchantingCharming and captivating, often in a seemingly magical way
2majesticHaving an impressive beauty or dignity, often of a lofty nature
3scamperedMoved quickly with light, nimble steps
4mischievousPlayfully naughty or disruptive, often in a harmless way
5troublemakersIndividuals who cause problems or disturbances
6embarkedBegan or started a journey or undertaking
7questA long or arduous search for something
8dismayA feeling of consternation and distress, typically caused by something unexpected
9perseveredContinued in a course of action even in the face of difficulty
10disheartenedFeeling a loss of hope or confidence
11reluctantHesitant or unwilling to do something
12attentivelyWith careful and thoughtful observation or listening
13spectacleAn event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact or impressiveness
14rejoicedFelt or expressed great happiness or triumph
15unityThe state of being united or joined as a whole

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What was the magical event called in the enchanting forest?
2. Why did Freddie want to witness the Peacock Parade?
3. What kind of animals did Freddie stumble upon while searching for the parade?
4. What did the leader of the monkeys tell Freddie he needed to find in order to see the parade?
5. How did Freddie feel when he couldn’t find the secret feather?
6. Who did Freddie meet just when he was about to give up?
7. What did the wise old owl tell Freddie about the secret feather?
8. What did Freddie learn from his adventure in the forest?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Once upon a time in the enchanting forest, there was a magical event called the Peacock Parade. Every year, all the (1)______ from (2)______ corners of the forest would gather to showcase their vibrant feathers. It was a sight that left everyone in awe.

Freddie, a young and curious squirrel, had always dreamed of witnessing the Peacock Parade. He was fascinated by the majestic colors and elegance of the peacocks. So, he embarked on an (3)______ to find the parade.

As Freddie scampered through the forest, he stumbled upon a group of (4)______ monkeys. They were known troublemakers who loved playing pranks on the forest creatures. They sensed (5)______’s excitement about the parade and decided to (6)______ him.

The leader of the monkeys, Jack, approached Freddie and said, “If you want to find the Peacock Parade, you must first find the (7)______ feather hidden deep within the forest. Only then will the peacocks reveal themselves to you.”

(8)______ Jack’s words, Freddie set off on a quest to find the secret feather. He searched high and low, asking various animals for help. Much to his dismay, everyone seemed to play along with Jack’s prank. Determined, Freddie persevered, believing that he would eventually find the feather.

Days turned into weeks, and Freddie grew tired and disheartened. Just when he was about to give up, he stumbled upon a wise old owl named (9)______. Oliver sensed Freddie’s despair and asked him the reason behind his journey.

Reluctantly, Freddie shared his story with Oliver. The wise owl listened attentively and then chuckled. “Young squirrel, there is no secret feather. The monkeys were playing a prank on you,” Oliver said, smiling. “You see, the (10)______ Parade is not about a (11)______ treasure, but about the joy of celebration and unity among all creatures.”

(12)______ foolish yet relieved, Freddie returned to the forest and shared Oliver’s wisdom with everyone. The news spread like wildfire, and soon animals from all over the forest gathered in (13)______ of the parade. As the peacocks paraded their (14)______ feathers, the (15)______ forest rejoiced in the colorful (16)______.

From that day on, Freddie realized that true happiness comes not from searching for external treasures, but from cherishing the beauty that exists within us and the unity we find in coming together. And so, he learned that sometimes, the greatest adventures and lessons can be found right under our noses, just waiting to be discovered.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is the Peacock Parade and why do you think it left everyone in awe?
2. How would you feel if you were Freddie and the mischievous monkeys tricked you? Why?
3. Do you think Freddie was right to trust Jack’s words? Why or why not?
4. How do you think Freddie felt when he finally found out there was no secret feather? Why?
5. Do you think Oliver was right in saying that true happiness comes from cherishing the beauty within us and unity among all creatures? Why or why not?
6. Have you ever been tricked or pranked by someone? How did it make you feel?
7. What do you think Freddie learned from his adventure in the forest?
8. Do you think it’s important to have dreams and aspirations like Freddie? Why or why not?
9. Have you ever embarked on a quest or journey? What did you learn from it?
10. How do you think the other animals in the forest felt when they found out about the Peacock Parade?
11. Do you think it’s important to have wisdom and guidance from someone older and wiser, like Oliver? Why or why not?
12. How do you think the forest creatures felt when they witnessed the Peacock Parade? Why?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. enchanting
2. majestic
3. scampered
4. mischievous
5. troublemakers
6. embarked
7. quest
8. dismay
9. persevered
10. disheartened
11. reluctant
12. attentively
13. spectacle
14. rejoiced
15. unity

(A) A long or arduous search for something
(B) Hesitant or unwilling to do something
(C) Feeling a loss of hope or confidence
(D) Charming and captivating, often in a seemingly magical way
(E) Began or started a journey or undertaking
(F) Continued in a course of action even in the face of difficulty
(G) With careful and thoughtful observation or listening
(H) Playfully naughty or disruptive, often in a harmless way
(I) Having an impressive beauty or dignity, often of a lofty nature
(J) Moved quickly with light, nimble steps
(K) An event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact or impressiveness
(L) Felt or expressed great happiness or triumph
(M) A feeling of consternation and distress, typically caused by something unexpected
(N) Individuals who cause problems or disturbances
(O) The state of being united or joined as a whole
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the name of the magical event in the enchanting forest?
(a) Peacock Parade
(b) Squirrel Scamper
(c) Monkey Mischief
(d) Owl Wisdom

2. Who tricks Freddie into searching for a secret feather?
(a) Oliver the owl
(b) The peacocks
(c) The other forest animals
(d) Jack the monkey

3. What animal helps Freddie realize the truth about the secret feather?
(a) Jack the monkey
(b) The peacocks
(c) Oliver the owl
(d) The mischievous monkeys

4. What does Freddie learn about the Peacock Parade?
(a) It is about finding hidden treasures
(b) It is about celebration and unity
(c) It is a prank played by the monkeys
(d) It is a secret event only for peacocks

5. How does Freddie feel when he realizes there is no secret feather?
(a) Foolish yet relieved
(b) Angry and betrayed
(c) Excited and determined
(d) Sad and disheartened

6. What do the animals in the forest do when they hear the news about the parade?
(a) Hide in fear
(b) Laugh at Freddie
(c) Ignore the news
(d) Gather in anticipation

7. What is the moral of the story?
(a) True happiness comes from finding hidden treasures
(b) True happiness comes from cherishing inner beauty and unity
(c) True happiness comes from playing pranks on others
(d) True happiness comes from searching for external treasures

8. What does Freddie learn about adventures and lessons?
(a) They are only found in faraway places
(b) They are not worth pursuing
(c) They can be found right under our noses
(d) They are only for the brave and courageous

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Freddie encounters different animals who all ignore Jack’s prank.
2. The mischievous monkeys in the desert despise playing pranks on other creatures.
3. Freddie meets a foolish young owl named Oliver who conceals the truth about the prank.
4. Freddie, a young squirrel, dreams of witnessing the Peacock Parade.
5. Freddie learns that true happiness comes from cherishing inner beauty and unity among all creatures.
6. The Peacock Parade is an annual event in the enchanting forest.
7. Jack, the follower of the monkeys, manipulates Freddie into searching for a secret feather.
8. Freddie grows tired and disheartened during his quest to find the secret feather.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What was the magical event called in the enchanting forest?
The magical event was called the Peacock Parade.

2. Why did Freddie want to witness the Peacock Parade?
Freddie was fascinated by the vibrant colors and elegance of the peacocks, so he wanted to witness the Peacock Parade.

3. What kind of animals did Freddie stumble upon while searching for the parade?
Freddie stumbled upon a group of mischievous monkeys while searching for the parade.

4. What did the leader of the monkeys tell Freddie he needed to find in order to see the parade?
The leader of the monkeys, Jack, told Freddie that he needed to find a secret feather hidden deep within the forest in order to see the parade.

5. How did Freddie feel when he couldn’t find the secret feather?
Freddie felt tired and disheartened when he couldn’t find the secret feather.

6. Who did Freddie meet just when he was about to give up?
Freddie met a wise old owl named Oliver just when he was about to give up.

7. What did the wise old owl tell Freddie about the secret feather?
The wise old owl, Oliver, told Freddie that there was no secret feather and that the monkeys were playing a prank on him.

8. What did Freddie learn from his adventure in the forest?
Freddie learned that true happiness comes from cherishing the beauty within us and the unity we find in coming together. He realized that sometimes, the greatest adventures and lessons can be found right under our noses.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) peacocks
(2) different
(3) adventure
(4) mischievous
(5) Freddie
(6) trick
(7) secret
(8) Trusting
(9) Oliver
(10) Peacock
(11) hidden
(12) Feeling
(13) anticipation
(14) magnificent
(15) entire
(16) spectacle
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. enchanting
Answer: (D) Charming and captivating, often in a seemingly magical way

2. majestic
Answer: (I) Having an impressive beauty or dignity, often of a lofty nature

3. scampered
Answer: (J) Moved quickly with light, nimble steps

4. mischievous
Answer: (H) Playfully naughty or disruptive, often in a harmless way

5. troublemakers
Answer: (N) Individuals who cause problems or disturbances

6. embarked
Answer: (E) Began or started a journey or undertaking

7. quest
Answer: (A) A long or arduous search for something

8. dismay
Answer: (M) A feeling of consternation and distress, typically caused by something unexpected

9. persevered
Answer: (F) Continued in a course of action even in the face of difficulty

10. disheartened
Answer: (C) Feeling a loss of hope or confidence

11. reluctant
Answer: (B) Hesitant or unwilling to do something

12. attentively
Answer: (G) With careful and thoughtful observation or listening

13. spectacle
Answer: (K) An event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact or impressiveness

14. rejoiced
Answer: (L) Felt or expressed great happiness or triumph

15. unity
Answer: (O) The state of being united or joined as a whole
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the name of the magical event in the enchanting forest?
Answer: (a) Peacock Parade

2. Who tricks Freddie into searching for a secret feather?
Answer: (d) Jack the monkey

3. What animal helps Freddie realize the truth about the secret feather?
Answer: (c) Oliver the owl

4. What does Freddie learn about the Peacock Parade?
Answer: (b) It is about celebration and unity

5. How does Freddie feel when he realizes there is no secret feather?
Answer: (a) Foolish yet relieved

6. What do the animals in the forest do when they hear the news about the parade?
Answer: (d) Gather in anticipation

7. What is the moral of the story?
Answer: (b) True happiness comes from cherishing inner beauty and unity

8. What does Freddie learn about adventures and lessons?
Answer: (c) They can be found right under our noses
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Freddie encounters different animals who all ignore Jack’s prank. (Answer: False)
2. The mischievous monkeys in the desert despise playing pranks on other creatures. (Answer: False)
3. Freddie meets a foolish young owl named Oliver who conceals the truth about the prank. (Answer: False)
4. Freddie, a young squirrel, dreams of witnessing the Peacock Parade. (Answer: True)
5. Freddie learns that true happiness comes from cherishing inner beauty and unity among all creatures. (Answer: True)
6. The Peacock Parade is an annual event in the enchanting forest. (Answer: True)
7. Jack, the follower of the monkeys, manipulates Freddie into searching for a secret feather. (Answer: False)
8. Freddie grows tired and disheartened during his quest to find the secret feather. (Answer: True)
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📚 How about these other Level 4 stories?

Lily discovers a hidden door in the enchanted forest and befriends a sparkling fairy named Hazel.

The Fairy’s Secret

Lily discovers a hidden door in the enchanted forest and befriends a sparkling fairy named Hazel.

Lily and her animal friends explore a crystal cave, discovering magical powers and learning important lessons.

The Crystal Cave

Lily and her animal friends explore a crystal cave, discovering magical powers and learning important lessons.

Freddie the squirrel learns a valuable lesson about the true meaning of happiness and unity.

The Peacock Parade

Freddie the squirrel learns a valuable lesson about the true meaning of happiness and unity.
