Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

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The Strange Case of the Wishing Well

Benny discovers that true wishes bring joy when he and Sam share laughter with their village.

Try this story at a different level?


Benny and Sam lived in a tiny village with a special wishing well. People said the well could grant wishes. Benny wanted to try it, so he went with his friend Sam.

Benny wished for a giant chocolate cake. The ground shook, and a huge cake popped out! But when they cut the cake, it was full of rubber ducks. Sam laughed and said, “What a funny cake!”

Next, Benny wished for a pet dragon. A baby dragon came out, but instead of fire, it blew confetti everywhere. Sam said, “Our dragon is a party animal!” They laughed more.

Finally, Benny wished to know how the well worked. A voice told them, “Wishes are best when you make them for others.” So they wished for everyone to be happy. Balloons and confetti came out, and the whole village celebrated and had fun. Benny and Sam saw that sharing joy was the best wish of all.

🎧 Listen:



📖 Vocabulary:

1villageA small town
2specialSomething that is not like other things
3grantTo give something that someone asked for
4giantVery, very big
5rubberA stretchy material that can bounce
6confettiTiny pieces of paper thrown for fun
7partyA fun event with games and food
8voiceThe sound you make when you talk
9celebrateTo have a lot of fun with others
10sharingGiving something to others

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. Who are the two friends in the story?
2. What did Benny wish for first?
3. What was inside the giant chocolate cake?
4. What did Benny wish for after the cake?
5. What did the baby dragon blow out instead of fire?
6. What did Benny and Sam wish for at the end of the story?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Benny and Sam lived in a tiny village with a special wishing well. People (1)______ the well could grant (2)______. Benny wanted to try it, so he went with his friend Sam.

Benny wished for a giant chocolate cake. The ground shook, and a huge cake popped out! But when they cut the cake, it was (3)______ of rubber ducks. Sam laughed and said, “What a funny cake!”

Next, Benny wished for a pet (4)______. A baby dragon came out, but instead of (5)______, it blew confetti everywhere. Sam said, “Our dragon is a party animal!” They laughed (6)______.

Finally, Benny wished to know how the well worked. A voice told them, “Wishes are best when you (7)______ them for others.” So they wished for everyone to be happy. Balloons and confetti came out, and the whole village (8)______ and had fun. Benny and Sam saw that sharing joy was the best wish of all.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a wish you would like to make?

2. How would you feel if you got a giant cake?

3. Do you like chocolate cake? Why or why not?

4. What is your favorite animal?

5. How would you feel if you had a pet dragon?

6. Do you think sharing is important? Why?

7. What is a fun party for you?

8. How would you feel if everyone in your village was happy?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. village
2. special
3. grant
4. giant
5. rubber
6. confetti
7. party
8. voice
9. celebrate
10. sharing

(A) The sound you make when you talk
(B) Giving something to others
(C) To give something that someone asked for
(D) A stretchy material that can bounce
(E) To have a lot of fun with others
(F) A small town
(G) A fun event with games and food
(H) Very, very big
(I) Tiny pieces of paper thrown for fun
(J) Something that is not like other things
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What did Benny wish for first?
(a) A pet dragon
(b) A toy car
(c) A big house
(d) A giant chocolate cake

2. What came out of the wishing well when Benny wished for a cake?
(a) A huge cake
(b) A big toy
(c) A puppy
(d) A balloon

3. What was inside the cake?
(a) Candy
(b) Rubber ducks
(c) Ice cream
(d) Cookies

4. What did Benny wish for the second time?
(a) A new bike
(b) A magic wand
(c) A big fish
(d) A pet dragon

5. What did the baby dragon blow instead of fire?
(a) Water
(b) Smoke
(c) Confetti
(d) Bubbles

6. What did the voice from the well say?
(a) Wishes are not real
(b) Wishes are for toys
(c) Wishes are best for others
(d) Wishes are for food

7. What did Benny and Sam wish for at the end?
(a) Everyone to be happy
(b) A big party
(c) Lots of toys
(d) A new house

8. What came out when they wished for happiness?
(a) Candy and cookies
(b) Balloons and confetti
(c) Flowers and gifts
(d) Toys and games

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. There was a wishing well that people believed couldn’t grant wishes.
2. Benny also wished for a pet dragon.
3. Benny and Sam lived in a small village.
4. Benny learned that wishes are better when made for others.
5. Benny and Sam wished for everyone to be sad, and the village had a somber event.
6. The baby dragon blew fire instead of confetti.
7. Benny wished for a tiny chocolate cake.
8. When they cut the cake, it was full of rubber ducks.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Who are the two friends in the story?
Benny and Sam are the two friends.

2. What did Benny wish for first?
Benny wished for a giant chocolate cake.

3. What was inside the giant chocolate cake?
The cake was full of rubber ducks.

4. What did Benny wish for after the cake?
Benny wished for a pet dragon.

5. What did the baby dragon blow out instead of fire?
The baby dragon blew out confetti.

6. What did Benny and Sam wish for at the end of the story?
They wished for everyone to be happy.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) said
(2) wishes
(3) full
(4) dragon
(5) fire
(6) more
(7) make
(8) celebrated
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. village
Answer: (F) A small town

2. special
Answer: (J) Something that is not like other things

3. grant
Answer: (C) To give something that someone asked for

4. giant
Answer: (H) Very, very big

5. rubber
Answer: (D) A stretchy material that can bounce

6. confetti
Answer: (I) Tiny pieces of paper thrown for fun

7. party
Answer: (G) A fun event with games and food

8. voice
Answer: (A) The sound you make when you talk

9. celebrate
Answer: (E) To have a lot of fun with others

10. sharing
Answer: (B) Giving something to others
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What did Benny wish for first?
Answer: (d) A giant chocolate cake

2. What came out of the wishing well when Benny wished for a cake?
Answer: (a) A huge cake

3. What was inside the cake?
Answer: (b) Rubber ducks

4. What did Benny wish for the second time?
Answer: (d) A pet dragon

5. What did the baby dragon blow instead of fire?
Answer: (c) Confetti

6. What did the voice from the well say?
Answer: (c) Wishes are best for others

7. What did Benny and Sam wish for at the end?
Answer: (a) Everyone to be happy

8. What came out when they wished for happiness?
Answer: (b) Balloons and confetti
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. There was a wishing well that people believed couldn’t grant wishes. (Answer: False)
2. Benny also wished for a pet dragon. (Answer: True)
3. Benny and Sam lived in a small village. (Answer: True)
4. Benny learned that wishes are better when made for others. (Answer: True)
5. Benny and Sam wished for everyone to be sad, and the village had a somber event. (Answer: False)
6. The baby dragon blew fire instead of confetti. (Answer: False)
7. Benny wished for a tiny chocolate cake. (Answer: False)
8. When they cut the cake, it was full of rubber ducks. (Answer: True)
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📚 How about these other Level 1 stories?

The Busy Bee

Once upon a time, in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers, there lived a busy little bee named Buzz. Buzz

The Secret Forest

Once upon a time, there was a magical forest filled with wonders. It was a secret forest, hidden away from

Peter the mischievous penguin learns the importance of bringing joy to others through a grand party.

The Playful Penguin’s Party

Peter the penguin wanted to have a big party, but he forgot the music, so he asked his friend Sammy the seal for help and they made a happy song for everyone to dance to.
