Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

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Polly’s New Puppy

Polly's determination pays off when she finds her lost puppy safe and sound.

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Polly who desperately wanted a puppy. She spent hours daydreaming about playing fetch and cuddling up with a furry friend. Her parents, however, were hesitant about getting a new pet. They worried about the extra responsibility and the mess they believed a puppy would make. Determined to change their minds, Polly went to great lengths to prove that she was ready for the responsibilities of owning a dog.

Polly cleaned her room, washed the dishes without being asked, and even woke up early to feed the neighbors’ pets. Finally, after months of this unexpected, helpful behavior, Polly’s parents decided to surprise her with a little furry gift. Overjoyed, Polly embraced her new furry companion. The puppy was as tiny as a teacup, with sparkling eyes and a wagging tail. Polly named him Buttercup because the puppy was as sweet and buttery as a cupcake.

As Buttercup grew, Polly’s excitement only grew with him. She taught him tricks and took him on long walks in the park. Buttercup’s playful antics brought joy to everyone they encountered. One morning, however, when Polly opened the front door to let Buttercup out, a strong gust of wind blew the door wide open. Before she knew it, Buttercup darted out onto the streets, running at full speed. Polly’s heart sank as she chased after him, fearing her beloved puppy was lost forever.

Determined not to give up, Polly ran through the neighborhood, shouting for Buttercup until her voice grew hoarse. Just as she was about to lose hope, she heard an unexpected bark coming from behind a high fence. A kind old man had found Buttercup, hiding in his backyard. With a heart full of gratitude, Polly thanked the man repeatedly, promising to ensure Buttercup would never escape again.

🎧 Listen:

📖 Vocabulary:

1desperatelyIn a way that shows a great need or desire
2responsibilityThe state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone
3hesitantUnsure or unwilling to do something
4messA state of disorder or untidiness
5determinedHaving made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it
6unexpectedNot expected or predicted
7helpfulGiving or ready to give help
8companionA person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels
9tinyVery small in size or amount
10sparklingShining brightly with flashes of light
11waggingMoving from side to side or up and down quickly and repeatedly
12excitementA feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness
13playfulFond of games and amusement; lighthearted
14encounteredUnexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile)
15gratitudeThe quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Polly want more than anything?
2. Why were Polly’s parents hesitant about getting a new pet?
3. What did Polly do to try and prove she was ready for a puppy?
4. How did Polly’s parents eventually decide to surprise her?
5. How did Polly feel when she saw her new puppy for the first time?
6. What did Polly do as Buttercup grew?
7. What happened one morning when Polly opened the front door?
8. How did Polly feel when she found Buttercup with the kind old man?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named (1)______ who desperately wanted a puppy. She spent hours daydreaming about playing fetch and (2)______ up with a (3)______ friend. Her parents, however, were hesitant about getting a new pet. They worried about the extra responsibility and the mess they (4)______ a puppy would make. Determined to change their minds, Polly went to great lengths to prove that she was ready for the responsibilities of owning a dog.

Polly (5)______ her room, washed the (6)______ without being asked, and even woke up early to feed the neighbors’ pets. Finally, after months of this unexpected, helpful behavior, Polly’s parents decided to surprise her with a little furry gift. Overjoyed, Polly embraced her new furry (7)______. The puppy was as tiny as a teacup, with (8)______ eyes and a wagging tail. Polly named him Buttercup because the puppy was as sweet and buttery as a cupcake.

As (9)______ grew, Polly’s excitement only grew with him. She taught him (10)______ and took him on long walks in the park. Buttercup’s playful antics brought joy to everyone they encountered. One morning, however, when Polly opened the front door to let Buttercup out, a strong gust of wind blew the door wide open. Before she knew it, Buttercup darted out onto the streets, running at full (11)______. Polly’s (12)______ sank as she chased after him, fearing her beloved (13)______ was lost forever.

(14)______ not to give up, Polly ran through the neighborhood, shouting for Buttercup until her voice grew hoarse. Just as she was about to lose hope, she heard an unexpected bark coming from behind a high fence. A kind old man had found Buttercup, hiding in his backyard. With a heart full of (15)______, Polly thanked the man repeatedly, promising to ensure Buttercup would never (16)______ again.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. How do you think Polly felt when her parents surprised her with a puppy?
2. Do you think it’s important for children to have pets? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if you lost a beloved pet?
4. Have you ever had a pet that ran away? If so, how did you feel and what did you do?
5. Do you think it’s fair for parents to be hesitant about getting a pet? Why or why not?
6. What responsibilities come with owning a dog? Do you think you would be able to handle them?
7. How do you think Polly’s parents felt when they saw how responsible she was being?
8. Do you think it’s important for children to learn responsibility? Why or why not?
9. Have you ever had a pet? If so, what was it and how did it make you feel?
10. How do you think Buttercup felt when he ran away from Polly?
11. What do you think Polly learned from this experience with Buttercup?
12. If you could have any pet in the world, what would you choose and why?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. desperately
2. responsibility
3. hesitant
4. mess
5. determined
6. unexpected
7. helpful
8. companion
9. tiny
10. sparkling
11. wagging
12. excitement
13. playful
14. encountered
15. gratitude

(A) In a way that shows a great need or desire
(B) The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
(C) Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it
(D) A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness
(E) Shining brightly with flashes of light
(F) A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels
(G) Not expected or predicted
(H) Giving or ready to give help
(I) Moving from side to side or up and down quickly and repeatedly
(J) A state of disorder or untidiness
(K) Unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile)
(L) Unsure or unwilling to do something
(M) Fond of games and amusement; lighthearted
(N) Very small in size or amount
(O) The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What did Polly do to try to convince her parents to get a puppy?
(a) Played fetch and cuddled with her imaginary furry friend
(b) Ignored her parents’ concerns and got a puppy anyway
(c) Did nothing and hoped her parents would change their minds
(d) Cleaned her room, washed the dishes, and fed the neighbors’ pets

2. What did Polly name her new puppy?
(a) Cupcake
(b) Teacup
(c) Buttercup
(d) Sparkle

3. What happened when Polly opened the front door one morning?
(a) Polly’s parents surprised her with a new puppy
(b) Polly found a lost puppy on her doorstep
(c) Polly’s parents decided they didn’t want a puppy after all
(d) A strong gust of wind blew the door open

4. Why did Polly chase after Buttercup?
(a) He found a new friend in the neighborhood
(b) He ran out onto the streets
(c) He wanted to play fetch in the park
(d) He was scared of the wind blowing the door open

5. Where did Polly find Buttercup?
(a) At the park, playing with other dogs
(b) In her neighbor’s house, hiding under the bed
(c) Behind a high fence in a kind old man’s backyard
(d) At the pet store, looking for a new toy

6. How did Polly feel when she found Buttercup?
(a) Angry
(b) Grateful
(c) Sad
(d) Indifferent

7. What did Polly promise the kind old man who found Buttercup?
(a) To ensure Buttercup would never escape again
(b) To give him a reward for finding Buttercup
(c) To find him a new puppy as a thank you gift
(d) To never let Buttercup play in his backyard again

8. What did Polly do to show her gratitude to the kind old man?
(a) Thanked him repeatedly
(b) Gave him a hug
(c) Invited him over for dinner
(d) Gave him a new puppy as a thank you gift

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Buttercup was trapped through an open door and ran away.
2. A mean old man found Buttercup and returned him to Polly.
3. Polly’s parents shocked her with a kitten named Buttercup.
4. Polly chased after Buttercup, fearing he was lost forever.
5. Polly went to great lengths to prove she was ready for a dog.
6. Polly was indifferent about getting a puppy.
7. Polly’s parents were hesitant about getting a new pet.
8. Polly taught Buttercup tricks and took him on long walks.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?
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🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What did Polly want more than anything?
Polly wanted a puppy more than anything.

2. Why were Polly’s parents hesitant about getting a new pet?
Polly’s parents were hesitant about getting a new pet because they worried about the extra responsibility and the mess they believed a puppy would make.

3. What did Polly do to try and prove she was ready for a puppy?
Polly cleaned her room, washed the dishes without being asked, and even woke up early to feed the neighbors’ pets to prove she was ready for a puppy.

4. How did Polly’s parents eventually decide to surprise her?
Polly’s parents decided to surprise her with a puppy after months of her unexpected, helpful behavior.

5. How did Polly feel when she saw her new puppy for the first time?
Polly felt overjoyed when she saw her new puppy for the first time.

6. What did Polly do as Buttercup grew?
As Buttercup grew, Polly taught him tricks and took him on long walks in the park.

7. What happened one morning when Polly opened the front door?
One morning, when Polly opened the front door, a strong gust of wind blew the door wide open and Buttercup escaped.

8. How did Polly feel when she found Buttercup with the kind old man?
Polly felt grateful and relieved when she found Buttercup with the kind old man.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) Polly
(2) cuddling
(3) furry
(4) believed
(5) cleaned
(6) dishes
(7) companion
(8) sparkling
(9) Buttercup
(10) tricks
(11) speed
(12) heart
(13) puppy
(14) Determined
(15) gratitude
(16) escape
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. desperately
Answer: (A) In a way that shows a great need or desire

2. responsibility
Answer: (O) The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone

3. hesitant
Answer: (L) Unsure or unwilling to do something

4. mess
Answer: (J) A state of disorder or untidiness

5. determined
Answer: (C) Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it

6. unexpected
Answer: (G) Not expected or predicted

7. helpful
Answer: (H) Giving or ready to give help

8. companion
Answer: (F) A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels

9. tiny
Answer: (N) Very small in size or amount

10. sparkling
Answer: (E) Shining brightly with flashes of light

11. wagging
Answer: (I) Moving from side to side or up and down quickly and repeatedly

12. excitement
Answer: (D) A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness

13. playful
Answer: (M) Fond of games and amusement; lighthearted

14. encountered
Answer: (K) Unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile)

15. gratitude
Answer: (B) The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What did Polly do to try to convince her parents to get a puppy?
Answer: (d) Cleaned her room, washed the dishes, and fed the neighbors’ pets

2. What did Polly name her new puppy?
Answer: (c) Buttercup

3. What happened when Polly opened the front door one morning?
Answer: (d) A strong gust of wind blew the door open

4. Why did Polly chase after Buttercup?
Answer: (b) He ran out onto the streets

5. Where did Polly find Buttercup?
Answer: (c) Behind a high fence in a kind old man’s backyard

6. How did Polly feel when she found Buttercup?
Answer: (b) Grateful

7. What did Polly promise the kind old man who found Buttercup?
Answer: (a) To ensure Buttercup would never escape again

8. What did Polly do to show her gratitude to the kind old man?
Answer: (a) Thanked him repeatedly
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Buttercup was trapped through an open door and ran away. (Answer: False)
2. A mean old man found Buttercup and returned him to Polly. (Answer: False)
3. Polly’s parents shocked her with a kitten named Buttercup. (Answer: False)
4. Polly chased after Buttercup, fearing he was lost forever. (Answer: True)
5. Polly went to great lengths to prove she was ready for a dog. (Answer: True)
6. Polly was indifferent about getting a puppy. (Answer: False)
7. Polly’s parents were hesitant about getting a new pet. (Answer: True)
8. Polly taught Buttercup tricks and took him on long walks. (Answer: True)
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📚 How about these other Level 4 stories?

Lily conquers the Marshmallow Mountains, learns the secret recipe, and shares everlasting marshmallows with the world.

The Marshmallow Mountains

Lily conquers the Marshmallow Mountains, learns the secret recipe, and shares everlasting marshmallows with the world.

Milo the mischievous monkey and Polly the Parrot become best friends, spreading laughter and joy throughout the jungle.

The Mischievous Monkey

Milo the mischievous monkey and Polly the Parrot become best friends, spreading laughter and joy throughout the jungle.

A unique tiger with tangerine stripes leads his animal friends on a quest for a magical fruit, only to discover that true magic lies in friendship and laughter.

The Tale of the Tangerine Tiger

A unique tiger with tangerine stripes leads his animal friends on a quest for a magical fruit, only to discover that true magic lies in friendship and laughter.

