Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

Short Stories for Kids

Complete lesson plans, including stories, listening, classroom activities, quiz questions and more!

The Island of Cats

Once upon a time, there was a small island in the middle of the ocean. It was a magical place with many mysterious creatures, but the most beloved of all were the cats.

The cats on the island were unlike any other cats in the world. They had bright fur in different colors, from pink to purple, and each one had a unique personality.

The cats were very friendly and loved to play with the children that visited the island. The children would tell stories and make up games to play with the cats, and the cats would be so happy that they would meow and purr in delight.

The cats were also very brave and would protect the island from any danger. Whenever a storm was coming, the cats would gather around the children to keep them safe and warm.

All of the cats were very loyal to the people of the island and were beloved by all. Even the animals of the island were fond of the cats, and they could be seen cuddling together in the sunshine.

In the end, the Island of Cats was a very special place, and the cats were the most beloved creatures of all.






1. Island (noun): a piece of land surrounded by water.
2. Magical (adjective): having special powers or qualities.
3. Mysterious (adjective): something that is strange and not easily understood.
4. Beloved (adjective): greatly loved.
5. Fur (noun): the soft hair on an animal’s body.
6. Unique (adjective): one of a kind, not like anything or anyone else.
7. Meow (verb): the sound a cat makes.
8. Purr (verb): the low, vibrating sound a cat makes when it is content.
9. Loyal (adjective): faithful and devoted to someone or something.
10. Fond (adjective): having or showing love and affection.

Comprehension Questions

1. What type of creatures live on the Island of Cats?
2. What colors were the cats’ fur?
3. What activities did the children do with the cats on the island?
4. How did the cats show their happiness when the children visited?
5. How did the cats protect the island from danger?
6. How were the cats viewed by the people of the island?
7. What were the animals of the island fond of?
8. How would you describe the Island of Cats?

Gap Fill Questions

1. Once upon a time, there was a small island in the ____ of the ocean.
2. The cats on the island had bright fur in different ____, from pink to purple.
3. The children would tell stories and make up games to ____ with the cats.
4. Whenever a storm was coming, the cats would ____ around the children to keep them safe and warm.
5. The cats were very ____ to the people of the island.
6. Even the animals of the island were ____ of the cats.
7. The Island of Cats was a very ____ place.
8. The cats were the most ____ creatures of all.
9. The cats would protect the island from any ____.
10. The cats were ____ and loved to play with the children.

Conversation Questions

1. What do you think is the most important quality a pet should have?
2. Have you ever had an experience with an animal that made a big impression on you?
3. What do you think is the most important thing to remember when taking care of an animal?
4. What is your favorite childhood memory involving an animal?
5. What do you think animals can teach us about life?
6. Do you think animals have a sixth sense and can sense danger?
7. Do you think animals should have the same rights as humans?
8. What do you think is the most important thing to remember when interacting with animals?
9. Do you think animals can feel emotions like humans do?
10. What do you think is the most rewarding part of having a pet?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Cats
2. Bright colors, from pink to purple
3. Tell stories and make up games
4. Meowed and purred in delight
5. Gathered around the children to keep them safe and warm
6. Beloved by all
7. The cats
8. A very special place

Gap Fill Question Answers:

1. Once upon a time, there was a small island in the middle of the ocean.
2. The cats on the island had bright fur in different colors, from pink to purple.
3. The children would tell stories and make up games to play with the cats.
4. Whenever a storm was coming, the cats would gather around the children to keep them safe and warm.
5. The cats were very loyal to the people of the island.
6. Even the animals of the island were fond of the cats.
7. The Island of Cats was a very special place.
8. The cats were the most beloved creatures of all.
9. The cats would protect the island from any danger.
10. The cats were very friendly and loved to play with the children.

📚 How about these other Level 1 stories?

The Busy Bee

Once upon a time, in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers, there lived a busy little bee named Buzz. Buzz

Bobo the mischievous monkey and Toots the colorful toucan befriend a group of squirrels and discover a magical singing waterfall in the Jade Jungle, ultimately learning the power of friendship and laughter.

The Journey to the Jade Jungle

Bobo the monkey went on an adventure in the jungle with his friend Toots the bird. They met a special raccoon and made lots of new friends.

Duncan, The Cheeky Monkey

Once upon a time, deep in the lush jungle of the Amazon rainforest, there lived a mischievous little monkey named

