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Hockey Game with Fights and Excited Fans
In a hockey game, American and Canadian players fought hard, and the American team won.

Mummies Smell Like Trees and Spices from Egypt
Scientists found that Egyptian mummies smell like wood, spice, and sweet things.

Monkey Turns Off Lights in Sri Lanka for Everyone
A monkey turned off the lights in Sri Lanka, making many homes dark for a while.

Yankees Players Can Now Have Beards Again
The New York Yankees now let players have beards to make them happy.

The Baffling Banana Blizzard
Milo, a cheeky monkey, found a secret door and went on an adventure to make sour

The Journey to the Jade Jungle
Bobo the monkey goes on an adventure in the jungle and makes new friends along the

The Great Giggling Gargoyle
Grumpy the gargoyle and Penelope the witch learned that laughter is good, but not too much.

Sparky, the Friendly Dragon
In a magical kingdom, there lived a dragon named Sparky who was kind and friendly to