ESL Conversation Questions
Practice English discussions with 491 different topics and over 29,000 different questions!
“I use these questions with my own students, both at university and also online. I am sure you will find a lot of great things to talk about here.” – Paul
Please choose a topic.
A | |
Addiction | “What are some signs that someone might be addicted?” and many more. |
Adultery | “Can a relationship survive after adultery?” and many more. |
Advice | “Do you often give advice to others?” and many more. |
Aeroplanes | “Do you prefer window or aisle seats on an aeroplane?” and many more. |
Ageing Society | “What are some challenges that older people face?” and many more. |
AI – Generative AI | “How is Generative AI different from other types of AI?” and many more. |
AI (Artificial Intelligence) | “Can you think of an example in your daily life that involves AI?” and many more. |
AI Dangers and Risks | “What is the difference between AI and a regular computer program?” and many more. |
AI Generated Music | “Is AI generated music popular in your country?” and many more. |
AI in Education | “Is AI in education a good idea?” and many more. |
AI Relationships | “Can talking to AI make people feel less lonely?” and many more. |
Alcohol | “What’s the worst thing about drinking too much alcohol?” and many more. |
Alcoholism | “Can you think of any famous people who struggled with alcoholism?” and many more. |
Algebra | “How do you add decimals together?” and many more. |
Alien Invasion | “Do you think aliens have ever visited Earth before?” and many more. |
Aliens | “Do you think aliens are friendly or dangerous?” and many more. |
Amazon | “What is Amazon Prime?” and many more. |
Animal Rights | “How do animal rights differ around the world?” and many more. |
Animals | “What would happen if all the animals disappeared from the Earth today?” and many more. |
Annoying Things | “How do you feel about people talking loudly on their phones in public?” and many more. |
Anti-woke Movement | “What are some common beliefs of the anti-woke movement?” and many more. |
Apple | “What are some popular products made by Apple?” and many more. |
April | “Why do we have a bunny rabbit and eggs during Easter?” and many more. |
Art | “What is your favorite art style? Why?” and many more. |
Astrology | “What are the main differences between astrology and astronomy?” and many more. |
Astronomy | “Do all stars have planets around them?” and many more. |
August | “What’s the best way to spend an August day?” and many more. |
Azerbaijan | “Can you name a traditional dish from Azerbaijan?” and many more. |
B | |
Babies | “Are babies cute or ugly?” and many more. |
Badminton | “What are some of the rules of badminton?” and many more. |
Bangladesh | “What are some positive aspects about living in Bangladesh compared with other countries?” and many more. |
Banks | “Why do we need banks?” and many more. |
Baseball | “What do you think it takes to become a professional baseball player?” and many more. |
Basketball | “Who’s your favorite player?” and many more. |
Beauty | “What skin care products do you use daily?” and many more. |
Beauty Standards | “What role do celebrities play in setting beauty standards?” and many more. |
Beer | “How many kinds of beer are there?” and many more. |
Beijing | “Can you name some historical landmarks in Beijing?” and many more. |
Belarus | “Can you name a famous landmark in Belarus?” and many more. |
Bicycles | “What’s the longest distance you’ve traveled on a bicycle?” and many more. |
Big Data | “How do companies collect Big Data?” and many more. |
Biology | “Why do some people have blue eyes and others have brown eyes?” and many more. |
Bitcoin | “Why do people use Bitcoin?” and many more. |
Body Image | “How can someone improve their body image?” and many more. |
Boredom | “What usually causes you to feel bored?” and many more. |
Brazil | “How important is soccer to Brazilians?” and many more. |
Breaking Up | “What are some signs that it’s time to end a relationship?” and many more. |
Brothers | “Are you ever jealous of your brother?” and many more. |
Burnout | “How can you tell if someone else is experiencing burnout?” and many more. |
Busan | “What is Busan famous for?” and many more. |
Business | “What inspired you to start your own business?” and many more. |
Business Studies | “What are some ways to make money in business?” and many more. |
C | |
Camping | “What are some popular activities to do while camping?” and many more. |
Canada | “Can you name some famous natural landmarks in Canada?” and many more. |
Cancel Culture | “What does “cancel culture” mean?” and many more. |
Cancer | “Why is early detection important for cancer treatment?” and many more. |
Careers | “Can a person have more than one career in their life?” and many more. |
Cars | “What are some rules you must follow when driving?” and many more. |
Cashless Society | “How do people make transactions in a cashless society?” and many more. |
Cats | “What are the best things about cats?” and many more. |
Celebrity Culture | “What are some negative effects of celebrity culture?” and many more. |
Change | “What was a significant change in your life?” and many more. |
ChatGPT | “Why do people use ChatGPT?” and many more. |
Chemistry | “What is an element and why is it important to understand elements in chemistry?” and many more. |
Childhood | “What is your first memory from your childhood?” and many more. |
Children’s Use of Social Media | “Do you think it’s good for children to use social media? Why or why not?” and many more. |
China | “Where is the Great Wall of China located?” and many more. |
Chinese Food | “What comes to mind when you think of Chinese food?” and many more. |
Christmas | “What do you like to eat on Christmas Day?” and many more. |
Classical Music | “Can you name some composers of classical music?” and many more. |
Clean Energy | “Is clean energy more expensive than traditional energy?” and many more. |
Climate Change | “What are the main causes of climate change?” and many more. |
Cloning | “Why are we allowed to clone animals but not humans?” and many more. |
Communication | “What is the importance of communication in daily life?” and many more. |
Companies | “What is the difference between being employed and being self-employed?” and many more. |
Computers | “Why do you need internet access for your computer?” and many more. |
Conspiracy Theories | “Do you think conspiracy theories can be harmful?” and many more. |
Consumerism | “Can you name some ways to be a responsible consumer?” and many more. |
Cooking | “What is your favorite vegetable to cook with?” and many more. |
Cost of Living | “What factors can cause the cost of living to increase?” and many more. |
COVID-19 | “What are the symptoms of COVID-19?” and many more. |
Creativity | “What creative hobbies do you have?” and many more. |
Credit Cards | “What are the benefits of having a credit card?” and many more. |
Cricket | “Do people play cricket in your country?” and many more. |
Crime | “How does a court decide if someone is guilty?” and many more. |
Criminals | “What is a con artist?” and many more. |
Cristiano Ronaldo | “Can you name any teams Cristiano Ronaldo has played for?” and many more. |
Cryptocurrency | “What are the advantages of using cryptocurrencies over fiat (traditional) money?” and many more. |
Culture | “What is your favorite traditional dish from your country?” and many more. |
Culture Wars | “Do you think culture wars are necessary? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Current Events | “How has the pandemic changed the way we travel?” and many more. |
Cyber Security | “What happens if there is a cyber security breach?” and many more. |
Cyber Warfare | “What are some common targets in cyber warfare?” and many more. |
Cybersecurity | “What are some examples of personal information that should be protected?” and many more. |
Czechia (Czech Republic) | “What are the main rivers in Czechia?” and many more. |
D | |
Daily Routine | “What time do you usually wake up?” and many more. |
Data Protection | “What could happen if your personal data is not protected?” and many more. |
Dating | “What is your favorite place to go on dates?” and many more. |
Dating Apps | “How do you choose a dating app to use?” and many more. |
Death | “Why is death a difficult topic to talk about?” and many more. |
December | “Do you enjoy December? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Deepfakes | “What was your first reaction when you saw a deepfake video?” and many more. |
Depression | “Is it possible to see if someone is depressed just by looking at them?” and many more. |
Digital Fame vs. Real-Life Success | “Do you think online fame is real fame?” and many more. |
Digital Nomads | “What are the benefits of being a digital nomad?” and many more. |
Disabilities | “What is the difference between visible and invisible disabilities?” and many more. |
Discrimination | “What do you understand by the word “discrimination”?” and many more. |
Disney Plus | “What kind of shows can you watch on Disney Plus?” and many more. |
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) | “What are some benefits of having diverse friends?” and many more. |
Dogs | “Do you think dogs are smarter than humans? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Donald Trump | “Can you name a famous building associated with Donald Trump?” and many more. |
DR Congo | “Would you like to visit DR Congo? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Dreams and Ambitions | “How do you stay motivated to pursue your dreams?” and many more. |
Dwayne Johnson | “What sport did Dwayne Johnson do before acting?” and many more. |
E | |
eBay | “How do you know if a seller is trustworthy?” and many more. |
Economics | “What is the difference between needs and wants?” and many more. |
Education | “What is the purpose of education?” and many more. |
Egypt | “Who was King Tutankhamun, and why is he so famous?” and many more. |
Elections | “Who can vote in elections in your country?” and many more. |
Electric Cars | “Do you think electric cars are better than gasoline-powered cars? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Electricity | “Why is electricity important in our daily lives?” and many more. |
Elon Musk | “Why is Elon Musk famous?” and many more. |
Email Phishing | “Can phishing emails harm your computer?” and many more. |
Emergencies | “What should you do first in an emergency?” and many more. |
Energy Transition | “What are some challenges of moving to renewable energy?” and many more. |
England | “How many football teams play in England’s Premier League?” and many more. |
English | “What do you like most about being an ESL learner?” and many more. |
English as a Global Language | “What challenges do non-native speakers face when learning English?” and many more. |
Environmental Issues | “Why is it important to talk about climate change?” and many more. |
Ethical Shopping | “How do you feel when you buy something that is ethically made?” and many more. |
Ethiopia | “What are some challenges facing Ethiopian entrepreneurs?” and many more. |
Euthanasia | “How do people in your culture view euthanasia?” and many more. |
Everyday Life | “How do you usually spend your weekends?” and many more. |
Experiences | “Talk about a time when you felt really scared.” and many more. |
F | |
“What kind of posts do you find interesting or funny on Facebook these days?” and many more. | |
Failure | “Do you think it’s okay to fail at things? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Fake News | “How does fake news make you feel?” and many more. |
Fall (Autumn) | “What is your favorite thing to do during the fall?” and many more. |
Falling Birth Rates | “How does education affect birth rates?” and many more. |
Family | “Why do people live together as families?” and many more. |
Fashion | “What is a fashion trend you love right now?” and many more. |
Fast Fashion | “How often do you buy new clothes?” and many more. |
Fast Food | “How is fast food different from other types of food?” and many more. |
Fathers | “Do you have any advice for young men who want to be fathers?” and many more. |
Fear | “What are some common fears?” and many more. |
February | “Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day in your country? If so, how do people celebrate it and what do they do?” and many more. |
Feelings and Emotions | “What emotions do you feel when you’re lost?” and many more. |
Feminism | “How does feminism help both women and men?” and many more. |
Field Hockey | “What is the penalty for hitting another player with your stick in field hockey?” and many more. |
Fintech | “What services do fintech companies usually offer?” and many more. |
Flipkart | “What is the best thing about Flipkart?” and many more. |
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) | “Do you think FOMO is a serious problem? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Food | “What is your favorite vegetable?” and many more. |
Foreign Languages | “What do you think is the most difficult part about learning a new language?” and many more. |
Formula One | “Would you like to be a Formula One driver? Why or why not?” and many more. |
France | “What do you think of French fashion?” and many more. |
Free Time Activities | “How often do you meet up with your friends?” and many more. |
Free Time and Hobbies | “How did you start your favorite hobby?” and many more. |
Freedom of Speech | “How does freedom of speech affect democracy?” and many more. |
Friday | “Does Friday always seem too far away? Or does it come around quickly?” and many more. |
Future | “What do you think the world will be like in 50 years?” and many more. |
Future of Work | “How can technology create new job opportunities?” and many more. |
Future Plans | “What career do you want to pursue in the future?” and many more. |
G | |
Gambling | “Why do people gamble?” and many more. |
Gambling Addiction | “How does gambling addiction affect a person’s life?” and many more. |
Gemini (Google AI) | “How do you think Gemini can change the way we use the internet?” and many more. |
Gender Equality | “How do gender stereotypes affect people’s behavior?” and many more. |
Gender Roles | “Why do you think gender roles are important in society?” and many more. |
Generation Z | “Do you think technology makes life better for Generation Z?” and many more. |
Genetic Engineering | “What are the advantages of genetic engineering?” and many more. |
Genetically Modified Food (GM food) | “Can we produce enough food for everyone on Earth without using genetic modification?” and many more. |
Geography | “Why do mountains form?” and many more. |
Geometry | “What is the difference between an acute angle and an obtuse angle?” and many more. |
Germany | “Is Germany an important country in the EU? Why?” and many more. |
Getting a Job | “How do you know if a job is right for you?” and many more. |
Gig Economy | “What are the challenges of gig work?” and many more. |
Globalization | “How does technology help with globalization?” and many more. |
Golf | “How do you play golf?” and many more. |
“Why do you think Google is so popular around the world?” and many more. | |
Google Maps | “What is Google Maps?” and many more. |
Graphic Design | “What makes an image attractive to you?” and many more. |
Greenwashing | “Do you think greenwashing is a big problem today?” and many more. |
Grocery Shopping | “What are the main differences between supermarkets and local markets?” and many more. |
Guitar | “Have you ever played the guitar before?” and many more. |
H | |
Habits | “What good habit would you recommend to others?” and many more. |
Hamlet | “Who are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and what is their role in the play?” and many more. |
Harry Potter | “What is the Harry Potter series about?” and many more. |
Hate Speech | “Do you think hate speech is a big problem in society?” and many more. |
Having Children | “What are the benefits of having children?” and many more. |
Health and Fitness | “Why is drinking water important for your health?” and many more. |
Health Trends and Fads | “Do you think health trends are good or bad? Why?” and many more. |
Healthy Lifestyle | “What is your favorite healthy meal?” and many more. |
Hiking | “Why do people enjoy hiking?” and many more. |
Historical Events | “Why do you think some ancient civilizations disappeared?” and many more. |
History | “Why do people study history?” and many more. |
Holidays | “What is your favorite holiday and why?” and many more. |
Home | “Can you describe a traditional home in your country?” and many more. |
Homework | “What are some things that distract you while doing your homework?” and many more. |
Hong Kong | “What makes Hong Kong unique?” and many more. |
Hospitals | “Why is it important to have hospitals?” and many more. |
Human Cloning | “Do you think human cloning should be illegal, or allowed with restrictions?” and many more. |
I | |
I.T (Information Technology) | “Why do people use computers?” and many more. |
Identity Theft | “Can identity theft happen to children?” and many more. |
Immigration | “How do you think immigration affects a country’s culture?” and many more. |
Inclusivity | “What are some challenges to achieving inclusivity?” and many more. |
India | “What are some famous Indian festivals?” and many more. |
Indian Food | “What do you know about Indian cuisine?” and many more. |
Indonesia | “What are some famous places in Indonesia?” and many more. |
Inflation (Prices) | “Do all countries experience inflation?” and many more. |
Influencers | “Why do you think influencers have become so popular?” and many more. |
“What are the most popular types of posts on Instagram?” and many more. | |
Internet | “What do you use the Internet for?” and many more. |
Investing | “What is the difference between saving and investing?” and many more. |
iPads | “What are some popular apps that people use on iPads?” and many more. |
iPhones | “How often does a new iPhone model come out?” and many more. |
Iran | “What do you know about the history of Iran?” and many more. |
Ireland | “What do you know about St Patrick’s Day?” and many more |
Italy | “What kind of food do Italians eat?” and many more. |
J | |
J-Pop | “How would you describe the sound of J-Pop?” and many more. |
January | “Do you like January better than December? Why/why not?” and many more. |
Japan | “What are some popular tourist attractions in Japan?” and many more. |
Job Interviews | “What should you bring with you to a job interview?” and many more. |
Jobs | “What is the difference between a job and a career?” and many more. |
July | “Do you have any fun plans for July?” and many more. |
June | “What’s your favorite thing about June?” and many more. |
Justin Bieber | “How has Justin Bieber’s music changed since he started?” and many more. |
K | |
K-Pop | “Why do you think K-Pop is popular around the world?” and many more. |
Karate | “What are some of the benefits of practicing karate?” and many more. |
Kazakhstan | “What are the major geographical features of Kazakhstan?” and many more. |
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) | “Does KFC only sell chicken?” and many more. |
Kim Kardashian | “Who is Kim Kardashian?” and many more. |
Kings and Queens | “What are some of the things that kings and queens do in their day-to-day lives?” and many more. |
Korea | “Have you seen any famous Korean movies or TV shows?” and many more. |
Korean Food | “How would you describe the taste of Korean food?” and many more. |
L | |
Language | “How do you learn new words in a language?” and many more. |
Laser Eye Surgery | “Are there any alternatives to laser eye surgery?” and many more. |
Leadership | “What makes a good leader?” and many more. |
Learning | “How has learning changed your life?” and many more. |
Learning English | “How do you practice writing in English?” and many more. |
Life | “What qualities make a good friend?” and many more. |
Life Experiences | “What was your favorite food when you were a kid?” and many more. |
Lifestyle | “Do you prefer to have a busy day or a relaxing day?” and many more. |
Lionel Messi | “How has Messi contributed to his national team?” and many more. |
Literature | “Have you ever read a book that was too long?” and many more. |
Living Abroad | “What benefits can living abroad provide?” and many more. |
London | “What is London famous for?” and many more. |
Loneliness | “What are some signs that someone is feeling lonely?” and many more. |
Lord of the Rings | “What is “Lord of the Rings” about?” and many more. |
Los Angeles | “What is Los Angeles known for?” and many more. |
Love | “What does it mean to love someone?” and many more. |
M | |
Mac Computers | “How are Macs different from PCs?” and many more. |
Macbeth | “What is the main theme of Macbeth?” and many more. |
Magic | “Why is magic so popular?” and many more. |
Making Plans | “What’s the difference between a plan and a goal?” and many more. |
Manila | “What do you think of when someone mentions Manila?” and many more. |
March | “Why do some people suffer with allergies in March?” and many more. |
Marriage | “What happens in a wedding ceremony in your country?” and many more. |
Mathematics | “What are prime numbers?” and many more. |
May | “Do you prefer May to summer months like July and August? Why or why not?” and many more. |
McDonald’s | “What’s the secret ingredient in McDonald’s fries?” and many more. |
Medical Profession | “Would you like to be a doctor? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Medical Tourism | “How do you think medical tourism benefits a country’s economy?” and many more. |
Medicine | “How do people feel when they are sick?” and many more. |
Meesho | “What are the benefits of Meesho?” and many more. |
Mental Health | “How does stress affect mental health?” and many more. |
Mental Health at Work | “Do you think physical health is connected to mental health? How?” and many more. |
Mexico | “Is it safe to travel to Mexico alone?” and many more. |
Mickey Mouse | “Why do you think Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse?” and many more. |
Microsoft | “What are some popular Microsoft products?” and many more. |
Midlife Crisis | “Is it normal to feel unhappy during midlife?” and many more. |
Millenials | “What are some stereotypes about Millennials?” and many more. |
Minimalism | “How does minimalism affect your daily life?” and many more. |
Monday | “What’s your favorite thing about Mondays?” and many more. |
Money | “Why do we need money?” and many more. |
Moral Dilemmas | “Is it okay to break a promise if it’s for a good reason?” and many more. |
Morality | “Why is morality important in society?” and many more. |
Moscow | “What is Moscow famous for?” and many more. |
Mothers | “What do you like about your mother?” and many more. |
Motivation | “Can you name some things that motivate you?” and many more. |
Motorbikes | “How is a motorbike different from a bicycle?” and many more. |
Mountain Climbing | “Is mountain climbing a popular activity in your country?” and many more. |
Mountains | “What is the best season to go mountain climbing?” and many more. |
Mumbai | “What languages are spoken in Mumbai?” and many more. |
Music | “What are some examples of popular music from different countries?” and many more. |
Music Streaming | “How have music streaming services changed the way we listen to music?” and many more. |
MX TakaTak | “How do you use MX TakaTak?” and many more. |
N | |
Negotiation | “Why are negotiation skills important?” and many more. |
Neighbors | “How many neighbors do you talk to regularly?” and many more. |
Netflix | “How often do you watch it?” and many more. |
Neurodiversity | “What are some common misconceptions about neurodiversity?” and many more. |
New Delhi | “How is New Delhi different from Old Delhi?” and many more. |
New Year’s Resolutions | “What was your last New Year’s resolution?” and many more. |
New York | “Why is Times Square famous around the world?” and many more. |
News | “Do you think all news sources are reliable?” and many more. |
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) | “How are NFTs related to cryptocurrency?” and many more. |
Nigeria | “What is the capital of Nigeria?” and many more. |
Nintendo | “Do you know anything about the history of Nintendo?” and many more. |
Nostalgia | “How does nostalgia affect your mood?” and many more. |
November | “What is the best thing about November?” and many more. |
Nuclear Power | “What is your opinion about nuclear power?” and many more. |
Nuclear War | “What would be the consequences of nuclear war?” and many more. |
O | |
Oceans | “What is an ocean?” and many more. |
October | “What is your favorite thing to do in October?” and many more. |
Old (Elderly) People | “What hobbies are good for elderly people?” and many more. |
Olympics | “What are the most popular sports at the Olympics?” and many more. |
Online Dating | “How do you feel when someone messages you first on a dating site?” and many more. |
Online Education | “What are the disadvantages of online education?” and many more. |
Online Games | “Do you prefer playing online or offline games?” and many more. |
Online Privacy | “Do you think online privacy is a right or a privilege?” and many more. |
OpenAI | “What is OpenAI?” and many more. |
Organic Food | “Should we all eat organic food? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Outdoor Activities | “Have you ever been camping?” and many more. |
P | |
Pakistan | “What do you know about Pakistani culture, food, or sports?” and many more. |
Parenting | “What is the best way for parents to discipline their children?” and many more. |
Paris | “Why is the Eiffel Tower famous?” and many more. |
Past | “What do you wish you’d done more of in the past?” and many more. |
Past Experiences | “Describe a memorable family vacation.” and many more. |
Personality | “What makes a person introverted or extroverted?” and many more. |
Philippines | “What kind of animals do they have in the Philippines?” and many more. |
Philosophy | “How is philosophy related to science or religion?” and many more. |
Physical Education (P.E.) | “What is the main purpose of P.E?” and many more. |
Physics | “Does air pressure affect how fast an object falls?” and many more. |
Piano | “Is the piano the most beautiful instrument to listen to?” and many more. |
“What is meant by “pinning”?” and many more. | |
Piracy (of Software) | “Is software piracy a problem in your country?” and many more. |
Pirates | “Who were some famous pirates in history?” and many more. |
Plants | “What do plants need to live?” and many more. |
Plastic Surgery | “Is it possible to have a natural-looking result from plastic surgery?” and many more. |
Plastic Waste | “How long does it take for plastic waste to decompose?” and many more. |
Pokemon | “What is your favorite Pokemon game? Why?” and many more. |
Poland | “Where is Poland located?” and many more. |
Political Correctness | “Do you think political correctness is important? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Politics | “What is the role of a government in society?” and many more. |
Pollution | “How does trash end up in the ocean and why is it a problem?” and many more. |
Pop Music | “Would you rather listen to the radio or play your own music?” and many more. |
Poverty | “How does poverty affect children differently than adults?” and many more. |
Prejudice | “Is it possible to live without any prejudices?” and many more. |
Presidents | “What is one important decision a president must make?” and many more. |
Privacy | “Do you believe everyone has a right to privacy? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Public Transport | “How does public transport help a city?” and many more. |
Q | |
Qatar | “Why do people choose to move to Qatar from other countries?” and many more. |
R | |
Racism | “Why do you think people are racist?” and many more. |
Rap Music | “What does rap music teach us about life?” and many more. |
Recycling | “What materials can be recycled?” and many more. |
“Have you ever used Reddit to help your English learning?” and many more. | |
Refugees and Asylum Seekers | “What challenges do refugees face when they move to a new country?” and many more. |
Relationship Problems | “Can too much communication be a problem?” and many more. |
Relationships | “Do you think people should get married? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Remote Work | “Do you think remote work is good for everyone?” and many more. |
Renewable Energy | “How is renewable energy different from fossil fuels?” and many more. |
Retirement | “What changes when you retire?” and many more. |
Roblox | “What do you like about Roblox?” and many more. |
Robots | “What are some common uses of robots in everyday life?” and many more. |
Rock Music | “Who is your favorite rock musician or band?” and many more. |
Role Models | “Can anyone be a role model? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Romance Scams | “What are the signs that someone might be a romance scammer?” and many more. |
Romeo and Juliet | “What kind of person is Mercutio?” and many more. |
Rural Life | “What do people do for fun in rural areas?” and many more. |
Russia | “What is the currency used in Russia?” and many more. |
Russian Food | “What Russian dishes do you know?” and many more. |
S | |
Saint Petersburg | “What is Saint Petersburg known for?” and many more. |
Santa Claus | “How does Santa Claus get to all the houses in the world in one night?” and many more. |
Saturday | “What do you like to do on Saturdays?” and many more. |
Saving Money | “How can saving money change your future?” and many more. |
Scams | “What are some common signs of a scam?” and many more. |
School | “What kinds of things do you learn in school?” and many more. |
Science | “Is it possible for humans to live on Mars someday soon? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Scotland | “What is the flag of Scotland?” and many more. |
Selena Gomez | “Who is Selena Gomez?” and many more. |
Self Introduction | “Who are you closest to in your family?” and many more. |
Self-Driving Cars | “Will self-driving cars reduce traffic accidents?” and many more. |
Seoul | “What do you think of when someone says the word “Seoul”?” and many more. |
September | “What is September like in your country?” and many more. |
Setting Goals | “Why is it important to set goals?” and many more. |
Shakespeare | “How did Shakespeare’s life influence his writing?” and many more. |
Shanghai | “What is Shanghai famous for?” and many more. |
Shopping | “What do you like most about shopping?” and many more. |
Side Hustles | “What are some common types of side hustles?” and many more. |
Singing | “When do you usually sing?” and many more. |
Sisters | “How are sisters different from brothers?” and many more. |
Slang | “Do you think slang is important in language?” and many more. |
Smartphones | “What is the best thing about having a smartphone?” and many more. |
Snapchat | “Why do you use Snapchat?” and many more. |
Snow | “Is it easy to walk in the snow?” and many more. |
Soccer (Football) | “What’s your favorite position to play on a team?” and many more. |
Social Media | “Why do people use social media?” and many more. |
Social Media Addiction | “Can spending a lot of time on social media be good for you in any way?” and many more. |
Social Studies | “What are some of the main reasons why people immigrate to another country?” and many more. |
Solar Power | “What do you think about solar power in general?” and many more. |
Sonic the Hedgehog | “What kind of games does Sonic the Hedgehog appear in?” and many more. |
Sony Playstation | “What are some popular Playstation games these days?” and many more. |
South Africa | “Tell me about a famous person from South Africa.” and many more. |
Space Exploration | “What do you think astronauts do in space?” and many more. |
Space Tourism | “What activities do you think people do in space tourism?” and many more. |
Spain | “Where is Spain located?” and many more. |
Sports | “What are some sports you like?” and many more. |
Spotify | “Why do people make playlists on Spotify?” and many more. |
Spring | “What is your favorite thing about spring?” and many more. |
Stock Markets | “How do stock prices change?” and many more. |
Stress | “Can you describe how stress feels?” and many more. |
Studying | “What are your favorite study techniques?” and many more. |
Success | “What does it mean to be successful?” and many more. |
Success and Failure | “What does success mean to you?” and many more. |
Successful Companies | “What makes a company successful?” and many more. |
Successful People | “Can you succeed in life without hard work?” and many more. |
Summer | “What’s the best way to spend a day at the beach?” and many more. |
Sunday | “What is the best way to spend a Sunday in your opinion?” and many more. |
Super Mario | “Can you describe your favorite Super Mario game?” and many more. |
Superstitions | “Have you ever followed a superstition? What happened?” and many more. |
Sustainability | “Why is reducing waste important for sustainability?” and many more. |
Sustainable Business | “What are some challenges of running a sustainable business?” and many more. |
T | |
Table Tennis | “How many people can play table tennis at once?” and many more. |
Tablet Computers | “What are the advantages of using a tablet computer?” and many more. |
Taboo Topics and Free Speech | “Do you think it’s important to talk about taboo topics? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Tanzania | “Have you ever been to Tanzania before? If so, where did you go and what did you see there?” and many more. |
Taylor Swift | “Can you name some of her popular albums?” and many more. |
Teachers | “Why are teachers important in society?” and many more. |
Technology | “Why is technology important in your life?” and many more. |
Technology Addiction | “Do you think technology addiction is a serious problem?” and many more. |
Television | “How might television change in the next decade?” and many more. |
Tennis | “Are you a good tennis player? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Tesla | “What is Autopilot in Tesla cars?” and many more. |
Thailand | “What kind of weather is there in Thailand?” and many more. |
The Simpsons | “What do you think of the show?” and many more. |
The Year 2050 | “Can you imagine what the world will be like in 2050?” and many more. |
Thursday | “Is Thursday usually a good day for you or not?” and many more. |
TikTok | “What do you think about TikTok?” and many more. |
Time | “What is the best way to waste time?” and many more. |
Time Management | “What is your top priority in life?” and many more. |
Time Poverty | “What are the main causes of time poverty?” and many more. |
Time Travel | “Why do you think people are interested in time travel?” and many more. |
Time Wasting | “Can taking a break be considered wasting time?” and many more. |
Tokyo | “What is Tokyo famous for?” and many more. |
Toxic Relationships | “Why do people stay in toxic relationships?” and many more. |
Trains | “Why do people use trains?” and many more. |
Travel | “What was the last trip that made a big impression on you?” and many more. |
Travel Plans | “How do you decide where to travel?” and many more. |
Trees | “Why are trees important for the environment?” and many more. |
Trekking | “How can you make sure you have enough water for your trek?” and many more. |
Trolling (Online) | “How can you tell if someone is trolling?” and many more. |
Tropical regions | “What is the climate like in tropical regions?” and many more. |
Tuesday | “Please tell me about your typical Tuesday.” and many more. |
Turkey | “Which countries border Turkey?” and many more. |
“What is a tweet and what is it used for?” and many more. | |
U | |
UFOs | “Can UFOs be anything other than alien spacecraft?” and many more. |
UK (United Kingdom) | “Why do British people love tea so much?” and many more. |
Ukraine | “Which countries are neighbors of Ukraine?” and many more. |
Ultra Processed Food | “What are the main ingredients in ultra processed foods?” and many more. |
United Nations | “Where is the headquarters of the United Nations located?” and many more. |
Universities | “Why are universities important?” and many more. |
Urban Life | “What languages are spoken in your city?” and many more. |
USA | “Who was Martin Luther King Jr., and what did he do for Americans?” and many more. |
Uzbekistan | “Can you name a famous dish from Uzbek cuisine?” and many more. |
V | |
Vacation | “Where would you like to go for your dream vacation?” and many more. |
Vaccines | “How are vaccines made?” and many more. |
Vampires | “What are the typical characteristics of a vampire?” and many more. |
Veganism | “Do you think it’s better to be vegan than vegetarian?” and many more. |
Vegetarianism | “Do you think that eating meat is wrong in any way? Why or why not?” and many more. |
Video Games | “Do you think that playing video games is an important part of life?” and many more. |
Vietnam | “Have you been to Vietnam? If so, how was your trip? If not, would you like to go?” and many more. |
Violin | “How long does it take to learn to play the violin?” and many more. |
Virtue Signaling | “How can virtue signaling affect social movements?” and many more. |
Voice Phishing | “Have you ever received a suspicious phone call that could have been voice phishing?” and many more. |
Volleyball | “What are the basic rules of volleyball?” and many more. |
Volunteering | “Why do people volunteer their time?” and many more. |
VR (Virtual Reality) | “What is virtual reality?” and many more. |
W | |
Websites | “Which websites do you like most and why?” and many more. |
Wednesday | “How would you describe a typical Wednesday for you?” and many more. |
“What do you like about WhatsApp?” and many more. | |
Wikipedia | “Where did Wikipedia get its name?” and many more. |
Wine | “What is the difference between red and white wine?” and many more. |
Winter | “What do you do when it snows outside?” and many more. |
Winter Sports | “Is it important to wear warm clothes for winter sports?” and many more. |
Wokery | “Do you think wokery is a positive or negative thing? Why?” and many more. |
Work Satisfaction | “What aspects of a job contribute to satisfaction?” and many more. |
Work-Life Balance | “Why is work-life balance important?” and many more. |
Working from Home | “How is working from home different from working in an office?” and many more. |
Workplace Stress | “How can workplace stress affect a person’s life outside of work?” and many more. |
World Cup | “Can you name some of the most famous players from previous World Cups?” and many more. |
World War I | “What is the main reason why World War I started?” and many more. |
World War II | “What was the most important thing that happened during World War II?” and many more. |
World War III | “Do you think that World War III will happen?” and many more. |
X | |
Xbox | “What do you like about the Xbox?” and many more. |
Xenophobia | “How does xenophobia affect immigrants in other countries?” and many more. |
Y | |
Yahoo | “Can you imagine a world where Yahoo is still bigger than Google?” and many more. |
Yoga | “What are the benefits of doing yoga?” and many more. |
YouTube | “What is your favorite YouTube channel?” and many more. |
Z | |
Zombie Apocalypse | “Are there any famous zombie movies or books you know?” and many more. |
Zombies | “How do zombies move?” and many more. |
Zoo Animals | “Which zoo animals do you think are the most unusual?” and many more. |
Zoos | “How often do you visit a zoo?” and many more. |