Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

Complete lesson plans, including stories, listening, classroom activities, quiz questions and more!

The Dolphin’s Dance

A dolphin and a seagull team up to create a mesmerizing performance that wows the judges.

Try this story at a different level?


In the ocean, there lived a dolphin named Flip who loved to dance. He was very good at it, and all his dolphin friends liked to watch him. Flip had a dream to dance in a big show where everyone could see him.

One day, Flip saw a notice about auditions for a big dance show. He was happy but worried because he couldn’t jump high enough for judges to see him. Flip had an idea and asked his bird friend, Squawk, to help him jump higher.

At first, Squawk thought Flip was joking, but then he agreed to help. They practiced together to get ready for their special act.

When audition day came, lots of sea animals came to watch. Flip and Squawk started their act, and everyone was confused. But then Squawk helped Flip jump super high, and it looked amazing!

The judges loved it, and the audience was impressed. Flip and Squawk won a spot in the big dance show! They showed that by helping each other, anything is possible. Flip became famous and reminded everyone that teamwork is powerful.

🎧 Listen:



📖 Vocabulary:

1dolphinA smart and playful animal that lives in the sea
2auditionsTryouts where people show their skills to get a part in a show
3worriedFeeling nervous about something that might happen
4judgesPeople who decide who is the best in a competition
5ideaA thought about what to do or how to do something
6birdAn animal with wings and feathers that can usually fly
7practicedDid something again and again to get better at it
8specialDifferent from what is usual, not ordinary
9confusedNot sure what is happening or what to think
10audiencePeople who sit and watch a show or event
11impressedFeeling very surprised in a good way
12teamworkWorking together with others to achieve something

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. Who was the main character in the story?
2. What did Flip love to do?
3. Why was Flip worried about the auditions?
4. Who did Flip ask for help?
5. What did Flip and Squawk do in their act?
6. What did Flip become after the auditions?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

In the ocean, there lived a dolphin named (1)______ who loved to dance. He was very (2)______ at it, and all his dolphin (3)______ liked to watch him. Flip had a dream to dance in a big show where everyone could see him.

One day, Flip saw a notice about auditions for a big dance show. He was happy but worried because he couldn’t (4)______ high enough for judges to see him. Flip had an idea and asked his (5)______ friend, Squawk, to help him jump higher.

At first, Squawk (6)______ Flip was joking, but then he agreed to (7)______. They practiced together to get ready for their (8)______ act.

When audition day came, lots of sea animals came to watch. Flip and Squawk (9)______ their act, and everyone was confused. But then Squawk helped Flip jump super high, and it looked (10)______!

The judges loved it, and the (11)______ was impressed. Flip and Squawk won a spot in the big dance show! They showed that by helping each other, anything is possible. Flip became famous and (12)______ everyone that teamwork is powerful.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a dolphin?
2. How would you feel if you were Flip and couldn’t jump high enough for the judges to see you?
3. Do you like dancing? Why or why not?
4. What do you think Flip’s dream was?
5. What is a big dance show?
6. How do you think Flip and Squawk practiced together?
7. Do you think teamwork is important? Why or why not?
8. Have you ever helped someone with something? How did it make you feel?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. dolphin
2. auditions
3. worried
4. judges
5. idea
6. bird
7. practiced
8. special
9. confused
10. audience
11. impressed
12. teamwork

(A) Not sure what is happening or what to think
(B) Did something again and again to get better at it
(C) Working together with others to achieve something
(D) People who sit and watch a show or event
(E) Feeling very surprised in a good way
(F) Tryouts where people show their skills to get a part in a show
(G) A smart and playful animal that lives in the sea
(H) People who decide who is the best in a competition
(I) An animal with wings and feathers that can usually fly
(J) Feeling nervous about something that might happen
(K) Different from what is usual, not ordinary
(L) A thought about what to do or how to do something
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the name of the dolphin in the story?
(a) Splash
(b) Bubbles
(c) Flip
(d) Fin

2. What did Flip love to do?
(a) Sing
(b) Dance
(c) Swim
(d) Fly

3. Who did Flip ask for help?
(a) Squawk
(b) Buzz
(c) Chirp
(d) Tweet

4. Why was Flip worried about the auditions?
(a) He didn’t know how to dance
(b) He was afraid of the judges
(c) He didn’t have a partner
(d) He couldn’t jump high enough

5. What did Flip and Squawk practice together?
(a) Their special act
(b) Swimming
(c) Eating fish
(d) Sleeping

6. What happened during Flip and Squawk’s act that confused everyone?
(a) They sang a song
(b) They wore funny costumes
(c) They danced in sync
(d) They jumped really high

7. How did Squawk help Flip during their act?
(a) By singing a song
(b) By helping him jump higher
(c) By doing a funny dance
(d) By telling jokes

8. What did Flip become after winning the spot in the big dance show?
(a) Tired
(b) Sad
(c) Hungry
(d) Famous

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Flip asks his bird friend, Squawk, for help in jumping higher.
2. Flip’s dolphin friends enjoy watching him dance.
3. Flip and Squawk practice together to prepare for their special act.
4. Flip is a shark who loves to dance in the ocean.
5. Flip despairs of dancing in a small show where no one can see him.
6. At the audition, Flip and Squawk mesmerize the audience at first, but then they disappoint everyone with their low jumps.
7. Flip sees a notice about auditions for a dance show and gets worried because he can’t jump high enough.
8. Flip and Squawk lose a spot in the big dance show and fail to showcase the power of teamwork.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Who was the main character in the story?
The main character in the story was Flip, the dolphin.

2. What did Flip love to do?
Flip loved to dance.

3. Why was Flip worried about the auditions?
Flip was worried about the auditions because he couldn’t jump high enough for the judges to see him.

4. Who did Flip ask for help?
Flip asked his bird friend, Squawk, for help.

5. What did Flip and Squawk do in their act?
Flip and Squawk did a special act where Squawk helped Flip jump super high.

6. What did Flip become after the auditions?
After the auditions, Flip became famous.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) Flip
(2) good
(3) friends
(4) jump
(5) bird
(6) thought
(7) help
(8) special
(9) started
(10) amazing
(11) audience
(12) reminded
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. dolphin
Answer: (G) A smart and playful animal that lives in the sea

2. auditions
Answer: (F) Tryouts where people show their skills to get a part in a show

3. worried
Answer: (J) Feeling nervous about something that might happen

4. judges
Answer: (H) People who decide who is the best in a competition

5. idea
Answer: (L) A thought about what to do or how to do something

6. bird
Answer: (I) An animal with wings and feathers that can usually fly

7. practiced
Answer: (B) Did something again and again to get better at it

8. special
Answer: (K) Different from what is usual, not ordinary

9. confused
Answer: (A) Not sure what is happening or what to think

10. audience
Answer: (D) People who sit and watch a show or event

11. impressed
Answer: (E) Feeling very surprised in a good way

12. teamwork
Answer: (C) Working together with others to achieve something
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the name of the dolphin in the story?
Answer: (c) Flip

2. What did Flip love to do?
Answer: (b) Dance

3. Who did Flip ask for help?
Answer: (a) Squawk

4. Why was Flip worried about the auditions?
Answer: (d) He couldn’t jump high enough

5. What did Flip and Squawk practice together?
Answer: (a) Their special act

6. What happened during Flip and Squawk’s act that confused everyone?
Answer: (c) They danced in sync

7. How did Squawk help Flip during their act?
Answer: (b) By helping him jump higher

8. What did Flip become after winning the spot in the big dance show?
Answer: (d) Famous
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Flip asks his bird friend, Squawk, for help in jumping higher. (Answer: True)
2. Flip’s dolphin friends enjoy watching him dance. (Answer: True)
3. Flip and Squawk practice together to prepare for their special act. (Answer: True)
4. Flip is a shark who loves to dance in the ocean. (Answer: False)
5. Flip despairs of dancing in a small show where no one can see him. (Answer: False)
6. At the audition, Flip and Squawk mesmerize the audience at first, but then they disappoint everyone with their low jumps. (Answer: False)
7. Flip sees a notice about auditions for a dance show and gets worried because he can’t jump high enough. (Answer: True)
8. Flip and Squawk lose a spot in the big dance show and fail to showcase the power of teamwork. (Answer: False)
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📚 How about these other Level 2 stories?

In the end, it wasn't the blueberries that made the Bizarre Blueberry Banquet special, but the spirit of the village.

The Bizarre Blueberry Banquet

The villagers in Berryville had a big blueberry party, but the blueberries disappeared! They found them and had fun, even in the rain.

Puddles, the Brave Pig

Puddles the pig was a curious little creature. He lived on a farm with all of his animal friends, and

A detective solves the mystery of the missing blueberry pies and brings together a bear family and the town.

The Blueberry Pie Mystery

Detective Graspberry finds the pie thief, but instead of getting in trouble, the bears become friends with everyone!

The Giant’s Garden

Greg loves his beautiful garden, but some mean Goblins steal all the seeds. Whiskers helps save the day!
