Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Nintendo” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Nintendo History

1. Do you know anything about the history of Nintendo?
2. Is it true that Nintendo was the first video game company?
3. What is Nintendo’s most popular game series?
4. How many countries does it operate in today?
5. Does Nintendo make much money from selling games?

II. Nintendo Consoles

6. In what year did Nintendo release its first home console system?
7. What is Nintendo?
8. How much does it cost per month (or year) to use Nintendo’s online service?
9. Do you play any of their games?
10. How many buttons are on a Switch controller?

III. Nintendo Online Service

11. Do you have to pay money to use Nintendo’s online service?
12. How much does a new Nintendo Switch cost?
13. Why did Nintendo begin making video games?
14. How many games has Nintendo made?
15. How many NES consoles were sold?

IV. Nintendo Characters

16. How many consoles has Nintendo released?
17. What is the name of Princess Peach’s kingdom?
18. What is the name of Nintendo’s mascot?
19. What is the name of the first games console made by Nintendo?
20. Can you play Game Boy games on your phone or tablet?

V. Nintendo Locations

21. Which country is Nintendo from? Which city?
22. Who created Mario?
23. What is the name of Mario’s brother?
24. Where is Nintendo’s headquarters located?
25. What is the most popular video game in the world right now?

VI. Favorite Nintendo Games

26. What is your favorite Nintendo game series?
27. Where did Shigeru Miyamoto grow up?
28. How much does a Nintendo game cost?
29. Who are the main characters in Super Mario Bros?
30. What is your favorite character from a Nintendo game?

VII. Nintendo Game Mechanics

31. What makes a Nintendo game fun to play?
32. Do you prefer single-player or multiplayer Nintendo games?
33. How do you feel about Nintendo’s game difficulty?
34. What is your favorite game mechanic in Nintendo games?
35. Do you like puzzle games from Nintendo?

VIII. Nintendo Innovations

36. What is the most innovative Nintendo console?
37. How has Nintendo changed gaming?
38. What new technology do you want to see in future Nintendo games?
39. Do you think Nintendo will continue to innovate?
40. What is your favorite Nintendo innovation?

IX. Nintendo Collaborations

41. What other companies has Nintendo worked with?
42. Do you like games that combine characters from different franchises?
43. What is your favorite crossover game?
44. How do you feel about Nintendo’s collaborations?
45. Would you like to see more collaborations from Nintendo?

X. Nintendo Events

46. Have you ever attended a Nintendo event?
47. What is your favorite Nintendo event?
48. Do you watch Nintendo Direct presentations?
49. What do you hope to see in future Nintendo events?
50. How do you feel about Nintendo’s marketing?

XI. Nintendo Merchandise

51. Do you own any Nintendo merchandise?
52. What is your favorite Nintendo product?
53. Would you buy more Nintendo items?
54. How do you feel about Nintendo’s toys?
55. What is the best Nintendo gift you have received?

XII. Future of Nintendo

56. What do you think Nintendo will do next?
57. Do you think Nintendo will release a new console soon?
58. What type of games do you want to see from Nintendo in the future?
59. How do you think Nintendo will change in the next 10 years?
60. Would you like to work for Nintendo?
