Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Short Stories for Kids

Complete lesson plans, including stories, listening, classroom activities, quiz questions and more!

The Curious Lantern of the Lost Lighthouse

Jamie discovers that laughter holds the key to saving Seashell Cove from a mysterious whirlpool.

Try this story at a different level?


In a small village by the sea, there was an old lighthouse. It had a special light called the Curious Lantern. People said the lantern shone very bright when the moon was full. A little boy named Jamie wanted to see the lantern.

One day, Jamie took his toy duck, Quackers, and went to the lighthouse. There was a funny sign that said, “Beware of the Mighty Seagulls!” Jamie was not scared. He opened the door and saw lots of cobwebs and dust. Jamie and Quackers went up the stairs.

On the way up, Jamie saw drawings of mermaids and octopuses. Suddenly, a seagull named Frank flew in and said, “Who are you?” Jamie said, “I want to know about the lantern!” Frank went away, grumbling but curious.

At the top, Jamie saw the Curious Lantern glowing. He read a sign that said, “Make me laugh to shine bright.” Jamie told a funny knock-knock joke, and the lantern laughed and shined very bright. Jamie, Quackers, and Frank used laughter to calm a big whirlpool and save the village. Everyone was happy, and the lighthouse always reminded them to share a laugh.

🎧 Listen:



📖 Vocabulary:

1lighthouseA tall building with a light to help ships at sea
2lanternA small light that you can carry
3seagullA bird that lives near the sea
4cobwebsSpider webs that are old and dusty
5mermaidsImaginary sea creatures with a human top and fish bottom
6octopusesSea animals with eight arms
7grumblingMaking a low, unhappy sound
8glowingShining with light
9whirlpoolA big, spinning circle of water
10villageA small town

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What did Jamie want to see in the lighthouse?

2. Who did Jamie take with him to the lighthouse?

3. What did the funny sign say at the lighthouse?

4. What did Jamie see on the way up the stairs?

5. What did Jamie have to do to make the lantern shine bright?

6. How did Jamie, Quackers, and Frank help the village?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

In a small village by the sea, there was an old lighthouse. It had a special light called the Curious Lantern. People said the lantern shone very bright when the (1)______ was full. A little boy named (2)______ wanted to see the lantern.

One day, Jamie took his toy duck, Quackers, and went to the lighthouse. There was a funny sign that said, “Beware of the Mighty Seagulls!” Jamie was not scared. He (3)______ the door and saw lots of cobwebs and dust. Jamie and Quackers went up the stairs.

On the way up, Jamie saw (4)______ of mermaids and (5)______. Suddenly, a seagull named Frank flew in and said, “Who are you?” Jamie said, “I want to know about the (6)______!” Frank went away, grumbling but curious.

At the top, Jamie saw the Curious Lantern glowing. He read a sign that said, “Make me laugh to shine bright.” Jamie told a funny knock-knock joke, and the lantern (7)______ and shined very bright. Jamie, Quackers, and Frank used laughter to calm a big whirlpool and save the village. Everyone was happy, and the (8)______ always reminded them to share a laugh.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a lighthouse?

2. How would you feel if you saw a big seagull? Why?

3. Do you like telling jokes? Why or why not?

4. What is your favorite funny joke?

5. How would you feel if you saw a bright light in the sky?

6. Do you think laughter is important? Why?

7. What is a toy you like to play with?

8. How would you feel if you helped save your village?

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. lighthouse
2. lantern
3. seagull
4. cobwebs
5. mermaids
6. octopuses
7. grumbling
8. glowing
9. whirlpool
10. village

(A) A bird that lives near the sea
(B) A big, spinning circle of water
(C) A small light that you can carry
(D) Spider webs that are old and dusty
(E) Making a low, unhappy sound
(F) A tall building with a light to help ships at sea
(G) A small town
(H) Shining with light
(I) Sea animals with eight arms
(J) Imaginary sea creatures with a human top and fish bottom
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What did Jamie take with him to the lighthouse?
(a) A toy car
(b) A toy duck
(c) A toy bear
(d) A toy robot

2. What was the name of Jamie’s toy duck?
(a) Quackers the Great
(b) Quackers
(c) Duckie
(d) Mr. Quack

3. What did Jamie want to see?
(a) A big fish
(b) A treasure chest
(c) The Curious Lantern
(d) A giant crab

4. What did the sign at the lighthouse say?
(a) Welcome to the Lighthouse!
(b) No entry!
(c) Beware of the Mighty Seagulls!
(d) Free ice cream!

5. Who flew in and talked to Jamie?
(a) A big owl
(b) A friendly cat
(c) A funny dog
(d) A seagull named Frank

6. What did Jamie do to make the lantern shine bright?
(a) Told a funny joke
(b) Sang a song
(c) Danced around
(d) Clapped his hands

7. What did Jamie, Quackers, and Frank use to help the village?
(a) Water
(b) Magic
(c) Food
(d) Laughter

8. What did the lighthouse remind everyone to do?
(a) Share a laugh
(b) Sing a song
(c) Dance together
(d) Play games

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. The lighthouse has a regular light called the Curious Lantern.
2. Jamie, Quackers, and Frank use laughter to help save the village.
3. There is a sign that welcomes mighty seagulls.
4. Jamie finds a seagull named Frank who talks to him.
5. Jamie brings his toy duck named Quackers with him.
6. There is an old lighthouse by the sea in a small village.
7. Jamie is a little girl who wants to see the lantern.
8. To make the lantern shine dimly, Jamie tells a serious joke.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this story in two sentences. Here are some hints:
Who are the main characters?
What happens in the story?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What did Jamie want to see in the lighthouse?
Jamie wanted to see the Curious Lantern.

2. Who did Jamie take with him to the lighthouse?
Jamie took his toy duck, Quackers.

3. What did the funny sign say at the lighthouse?
The funny sign said, “Beware of the Mighty Seagulls!”

4. What did Jamie see on the way up the stairs?
Jamie saw drawings of mermaids and octopuses.

5. What did Jamie have to do to make the lantern shine bright?
Jamie had to tell a funny joke to make the lantern shine bright.

6. How did Jamie, Quackers, and Frank help the village?
They used laughter to calm a big whirlpool and save the village.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) moon
(2) Jamie
(3) opened
(4) drawings
(5) octopuses
(6) lantern
(7) laughed
(8) lighthouse
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. lighthouse
Answer: (F) A tall building with a light to help ships at sea

2. lantern
Answer: (C) A small light that you can carry

3. seagull
Answer: (A) A bird that lives near the sea

4. cobwebs
Answer: (D) Spider webs that are old and dusty

5. mermaids
Answer: (J) Imaginary sea creatures with a human top and fish bottom

6. octopuses
Answer: (I) Sea animals with eight arms

7. grumbling
Answer: (E) Making a low, unhappy sound

8. glowing
Answer: (H) Shining with light

9. whirlpool
Answer: (B) A big, spinning circle of water

10. village
Answer: (G) A small town
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What did Jamie take with him to the lighthouse?
Answer: (b) A toy duck

2. What was the name of Jamie’s toy duck?
Answer: (b) Quackers

3. What did Jamie want to see?
Answer: (c) The Curious Lantern

4. What did the sign at the lighthouse say?
Answer: (c) Beware of the Mighty Seagulls!

5. Who flew in and talked to Jamie?
Answer: (d) A seagull named Frank

6. What did Jamie do to make the lantern shine bright?
Answer: (a) Told a funny joke

7. What did Jamie, Quackers, and Frank use to help the village?
Answer: (d) Laughter

8. What did the lighthouse remind everyone to do?
Answer: (a) Share a laugh
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. The lighthouse has a regular light called the Curious Lantern. (Answer: False)
2. Jamie, Quackers, and Frank use laughter to help save the village. (Answer: True)
3. There is a sign that welcomes mighty seagulls. (Answer: False)
4. Jamie finds a seagull named Frank who talks to him. (Answer: True)
5. Jamie brings his toy duck named Quackers with him. (Answer: True)
6. There is an old lighthouse by the sea in a small village. (Answer: True)
7. Jamie is a little girl who wants to see the lantern. (Answer: False)
8. To make the lantern shine dimly, Jamie tells a serious joke. (Answer: False)
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📚 How about these other Level 1 stories?

The Ice Cream Island

Once upon a time, there was a special island called Ice Cream Island. It had yummy ice cream and happy friends.

Ruby, the mischievous red panda, embarks on a quest to find a golden tree and discovers the true treasure of friendship.

The Riddle of the Red Panda

Ruby the red panda loves playing games and goes on an adventure to find a special treasure with her new friends Ellie the elephant and Terrance the tortoise.

Maya's wish for endless laughter brings joy and unity to her village, making her the laughter ambassador.

The Mysterious Mango

Maya found a magical mango that granted her a wish, and she wished for laughter for everyone!

The Land of Wizards

Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there lived a group of wizards. These wizards were very powerful
