Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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English Newsroom

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AI Helps Workers Feel Less Stressed at Work

AI managers enhance productivity and teamwork, but human oversight remains vital for employee connection.

Try this article at a different level?


Hannu Rauma works at a Student Marketing Agency in Vancouver, Canada. He used to feel very stressed managing 83 employees. But now, an AI manager helps him with tasks like setting schedules and tracking deadlines. This makes his job easier and helps him get along better with his team.

A study looked at how well AI managers work compared to human managers. The AI manager was almost as good as a human manager at helping employees plan their workdays. When AI and human managers worked together, they were even better at helping employees plan. The study was small, but it shows that using AI in management could be helpful.

Experts say we shouldn’t replace human managers with AI completely. Human managers are important for guiding and supporting employees. AI can do simple tasks, but humans are needed for personal connections. There are also worries about keeping company information safe when using AI. It’s important to use both AI and human managers together to keep workplaces happy and secure.

Original news source: Would having an AI boss be better than your current human one? (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1managingBeing in charge of people or things
2employeesPeople who work for a company
3schedulesPlans that show when things need to be done
4deadlinesThe last day or time something can be finished
5comparedLooked at two or more things to see how they are different or the same
6guidingShowing the way or leading
7supportingHelping someone or something to be successful
8personalSomething that is private or just for you
9connectionsLinks or relationships between people or things
10replaceTo take the place of something or someone
11informationFacts or details about something
12secureSafe and protected

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Each group will take turns acting out different roles related to the article (e.g., AI manager, human manager, employee) without speaking, while the other groups guess the role. This will help students practice vocabulary and understanding of the concepts in the article.

Instructions: Create a list of statements based on the article, such as “AI managers are better than human managers.” Have students walk around the classroom and ask their classmates if they agree or disagree with the statements. They should note the number of people who agree or disagree and share their findings with the class.

Instructions: On a large sheet of paper or a whiteboard, write “AI in Management” in the center. Students will work in pairs to brainstorm and write down words or phrases related to the article, such as “stress,” “employees,” “schedules,” and “support.” This visual activity will help them organize their thoughts and vocabulary.

Instructions: Ask students to read the article and think of a catchy headline that captures the main idea. They can work in pairs or small groups to brainstorm ideas. After they come up with a headline, each group will present their headline to the class and explain why they chose it.

Instructions: Have students think of three statements about AI in management based on the article—two true statements and one false statement. They will share their statements with a partner, who must guess which one is the lie. This activity encourages comprehension and critical thinking about the content of the article.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. Where does Hannu Rauma work?
2. How many employees did Hannu manage before getting help from an AI manager?
3. What tasks does the AI manager help Hannu with?
4. What did the study find about AI managers compared to human managers?
5. Why do experts think we should not replace human managers with AI completely?
6. What is one worry experts have about using AI in companies?
7. Why is it important to use both AI and human managers together?
Go to answers ⇩

🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Hannu Rauma works at a Student Marketing Agency in Vancouver, Canada. He used to (1)______ very stressed managing 83 employees. But now, an AI manager (2)______ him with tasks like setting schedules and tracking (3)______. This makes his job easier and helps him get along better with his team.

A study (4)______ at how well AI (5)______s work compared to human managers. The AI manager was almost as (6)______ as a human manager at helping employees plan their workdays. When AI and human managers worked together, they were even better at helping employees plan. The study was (7)______, but it shows that (8)______ AI in management could be helpful.

Experts say we shouldn’t replace human managers with AI completely. Human managers are important for guiding and (9)______ employees. AI can do simple (10)______, but humans are needed for personal (11)______. There are also worries about keeping company information (12)______ when using AI. It’s important to use both AI and human managers together to keep workplaces happy and secure.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a manager?
2. Do you like using technology like AI? Why or why not?
3. How would you feel if you had a robot helping you with your homework?
4. Do you think it is important to have a human manager at work? Why?
5. What is a task you would like help with from a robot?
6. How do you think AI can help people in their jobs?
7. Do you think robots can understand feelings like humans? Why or why not?
8. Have you ever felt stressed about a school project? How did you handle it?
9. What is a good way for managers to help their team?
10. Do you think it’s safe to share personal information with AI? Why or why not?
11. How would you feel if your teacher was a robot?
12. Do you think working with both humans and AI is a good idea? Why?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. managing
2. employees
3. schedules
4. deadlines
5. compared
6. guiding
7. supporting
8. personal
9. connections
10. replace
11. information
12. secure

(A) Being in charge of people or things
(B) People who work for a company
(C) Showing the way or leading
(D) Plans that show when things need to be done
(E) The last day or time something can be finished
(F) Looked at two or more things to see how they are different or the same
(G) Helping someone or something to be successful
(H) Something that is private or just for you
(I) To take the place of something or someone
(J) Links or relationships between people or things
(K) Facts or details about something
(L) Safe and protected
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Where does Hannu Rauma work?
(a) Toronto, Canada
(b) New York, USA
(c) Vancouver, Canada
(d) London, England

2. How many employees did Hannu used to manage?
(a) 83
(b) 50
(c) 100
(d) 75

3. What helps Hannu with his job now?
(a) A human manager
(b) An AI manager
(c) A robot assistant
(d) A computer program

4. What can the AI manager help with?
(a) Giving personal advice
(b) Hiring new employees
(c) Organizing team events
(d) Setting schedules

5. How well did the AI manager perform in the study?
(a) Almost as good as a human manager
(b) Much better than a human manager
(c) Not good at all
(d) Just as good as a robot

6. What do experts say about human managers?
(a) They should be replaced by AI
(b) They are important for guiding employees
(c) They are not needed anymore
(d) They only create problems

7. What is a worry when using AI in management?
(a) Making employees work harder
(b) Reducing employee numbers
(c) Keeping company information safe
(d) Increasing costs

8. What do experts suggest for the best management?
(a) Only using AI managers
(b) Only using human managers
(c) Using robots instead of managers
(d) Using both AI and human managers together

Go to answers ⇩

🕵️ True or False Questions:

There are not exactly 8 statements in the clipboard. Please check and try again.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. Who is Hannu Rauma and where does he work?
2. What does the AI manager help Hannu with?
3. How did the study show that AI managers and human managers can work together?
4. Why do experts think we should not replace human managers with AI completely?
5. What are some worries about using AI in companies?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. Where does Hannu Rauma work?
Hannu Rauma works at a Student Marketing Agency in Vancouver, Canada.

2. How many employees did Hannu manage before getting help from an AI manager?
Hannu managed 83 employees before getting help from an AI manager.

3. What tasks does the AI manager help Hannu with?
The AI manager helps Hannu with setting schedules and tracking deadlines.

4. What did the study find about AI managers compared to human managers?
The study found that AI managers were almost as good as human managers at helping employees plan their workdays.

5. Why do experts think we should not replace human managers with AI completely?
Experts think we should not replace human managers with AI completely because human managers are important for guiding and supporting employees.

6. What is one worry experts have about using AI in companies?
One worry experts have is about keeping company information safe when using AI.

7. Why is it important to use both AI and human managers together?
It is important to use both AI and human managers together to keep workplaces happy and secure.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) feel
(2) helps
(3) deadlines
(4) looked
(5) manager
(6) good
(7) small
(8) using
(9) supporting
(10) tasks
(11) connections
(12) safe
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. managing
Answer: (A) Being in charge of people or things

2. employees
Answer: (B) People who work for a company

3. schedules
Answer: (D) Plans that show when things need to be done

4. deadlines
Answer: (E) The last day or time something can be finished

5. compared
Answer: (F) Looked at two or more things to see how they are different or the same

6. guiding
Answer: (C) Showing the way or leading

7. supporting
Answer: (G) Helping someone or something to be successful

8. personal
Answer: (H) Something that is private or just for you

9. connections
Answer: (J) Links or relationships between people or things

10. replace
Answer: (I) To take the place of something or someone

11. information
Answer: (K) Facts or details about something

12. secure
Answer: (L) Safe and protected
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. Where does Hannu Rauma work?
Answer: (c) Vancouver, Canada

2. How many employees did Hannu used to manage?
Answer: (a) 83

3. What helps Hannu with his job now?
Answer: (b) An AI manager

4. What can the AI manager help with?
Answer: (d) Setting schedules

5. How well did the AI manager perform in the study?
Answer: (a) Almost as good as a human manager

6. What do experts say about human managers?
Answer: (b) They are important for guiding employees

7. What is a worry when using AI in management?
Answer: (c) Keeping company information safe

8. What do experts suggest for the best management?
Answer: (d) Using both AI and human managers together
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

There are not exactly 8 statements in the clipboard. Please check and try again.
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How about these other Level 2 articles?
