Big Meeting to Help Earth’s Weather in UAE
Big people will talk about Earth’s hot air in a place that loves oil.
Big people will talk about Earth’s hot air in a place that loves oil.
Alberto Fujimori, who was once a big boss in Peru, got to leave a place called prison.
Nigeria’s new big oil place will make its own gas and save money.
Spudos makes crisps without plastic packaging, so people can bring their own containers to fill up!
An Italian car company got fined for saying their cars were made in Italy.
Sarah learned the Earth is getting warmer and now she teaches others about it.
A robot that talks like a person got banned in Italy because it’s bad for people’s privacy.
A new water park in Sweden caught on fire, hurting some people and causing damage.
People used small boats to stop big boats and save the earth from getting too hot.
BYD from China sold more electric cars than Tesla in the last part of the year.
UK leaders are making new rules so you see the real price when you buy online.
Bristol is having a big tech party where they show socks that can spot Alzheimer’s disease.
Maersk, a big shipping company, is cutting jobs because they’re not making enough money.
A man made a machine called Furbinator 3000 to scare away foxes and badgers from his garden.
Seagulls come to cities for food because they can’t find enough in nature.