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The Importance of Manual Processes During IT Failures

IT crises can lead to chaos, as seen with the airline industry's global disruption due to a botched software update, emphasizing the need for manual processes as backups.

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In a recent IT crisis caused by a software bug, the airline industry and various other sectors were severely affected. Passengers like Anthony Bosman had to resort to pen and paper for boarding passes when their smartphones failed. This incident highlights the importance of having backup systems in place for such emergencies. Many organizations have faced similar situations in the past, prompting experts to advise on the necessity of practicing paper-based processes as a contingency plan for IT failures.

Norsk Hydro, a Norwegian company, experienced a ransomware attack in 2019 that locked staff out of their computers. To continue operations, employees resorted to using paper instructions and old-fashioned methods to keep the business running. This incident underscores the value of having manual processes in place to mitigate the impact of cyber-attacks. Companies are now encouraged to maintain printed copies of essential information to ensure continuity during crises.

Some firms have started implementing disaster recovery plans that include paper forms and alternative communication methods like fax machines in case digital systems fail. Training sessions on using manual tools like flipcharts and whiteboards are being conducted to prepare employees for working without computers. While paper-based processes have limitations in scalability and speed compared to digital systems, they can serve as effective backups during IT disruptions.

Experts emphasize the importance of off-site data backups and segregated networks to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks. Companies like eSilo provide secure data storage solutions to safeguard critical information. In the face of cyber-attacks, improvised solutions like using mobile broadband routers or alternative communication channels can help maintain business operations. It is crucial for organizations to be prepared for cyber incidents and have strategies in place to ensure business continuity.

Despite the advancements in technology, the reliance on pen and paper during IT crises showcases the significance of having backup plans and manual processes. Companies are advised to practice and implement paper-based systems as part of their disaster recovery strategies. By preparing for potential IT failures and cyber-attacks, organizations can minimize disruptions and ensure the smooth functioning of their operations during emergencies.

Original news source: How pen and paper comes to the rescue in an IT crisis (BBC)

๐ŸŽง Listen:




๐Ÿ“– Vocabulary:

1contingencyA future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty
2ransomwareMalicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid
3mitigateTo make something less severe, serious, or painful
4scalabilityThe capacity to be changed in size or scale
5disruptionsDisturbances or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process
6continuityThe state of being continuous or uninterrupted
7improvisedCreated or done spontaneously or without preparation
8safeguardTo protect from harm or damage
9relianceDependence on or trust in someone or something
10underscoreTo emphasize or highlight the importance of something
11segregatedSet apart or separated from others
12promptedCaused or brought about an action or feeling
13necessityThe fact of being required or indispensable
14alternativeAvailable as another possibility or choice
15emphasizeTo give special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: Ask students to summarize the main points of the article in their own words. Encourage them to focus on key information such as the IT crisis, the importance of backup systems, the Norsk Hydro incident, and recommendations for companies.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Divide the class into groups and have each group come up with questions related to the article to ask their classmates. For example, “Do you think companies should invest more in paper-based processes as a backup plan for IT failures?” After discussing within their groups, each group can present their findings to the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Select key vocabulary words from the article (e.g., ransomware, contingency plan, cyber-attacks) and write them on the board. Ask students to choose a word and draw a quick sketch representing the word without using any letters or numbers. Have the class guess the word based on the drawings.

– Headline Creation
Instructions: In pairs, ask students to come up with a catchy headline for the article. Encourage them to be creative while summarizing the main idea of the text. After a few minutes, have pairs share their headlines with the class and discuss which one they think best captures the essence of the article.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: Pose a question related to the article, such as “What are the benefits and drawbacks of relying on paper-based processes during IT crises?” Give students a few minutes to think about their response individually. Then, have them discuss their thoughts with a partner before sharing their ideas with the whole class. Encourage them to consider different perspectives and elaborate on their answers.

๐Ÿค” Comprehension Questions:

1. How did passengers like Anthony Bosman cope with the recent IT crisis in the airline industry?
2. What incident involving Norsk Hydro in 2019 underlines the importance of having manual processes in place during cyber-attacks?
3. Why are some companies now implementing disaster recovery plans that include paper forms and alternative communication methods?
4. What are some of the limitations of paper-based processes compared to digital systems during IT disruptions?
5. What measures do experts suggest to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks?
6. How do companies like eSilo contribute to safeguarding critical information during cyber incidents?
7. What are some improvised solutions mentioned in the article that can help maintain business operations during cyber-attacks?
8. How does the reliance on pen and paper during IT crises emphasize the significance of having backup plans and manual processes according to the article?
Go to answers โ‡ฉ

๐ŸŽงโœ๏ธ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

In a (1)______ IT crisis caused by a (2)______ bug, the airline industry and various other sectors were severely affected. Passengers like Anthony Bosman had to resort to pen and paper for boarding passes when their smartphones failed. This incident highlights the importance of having backup systems in place for such (3)______. Many organizations have faced (4)______ situations in the past, prompting experts to advise on the necessity of practicing paper-based processes as a contingency plan for IT failures.

Norsk Hydro, a Norwegian company, experienced a ransomware attack in 2019 that locked staff out of their computers. To continue operations, employees resorted to using paper (5)______ and old-fashioned methods to keep the business running. This incident underscores the value of having manual (6)______ in place to mitigate the impact of cyber-attacks. (7)______ are now encouraged to maintain printed copies of essential information to (8)______ continuity during crises.

Some firms have started implementing disaster recovery plans that include paper forms and alternative communication methods like fax machines in case digital systems fail. Training sessions on using manual tools like flipcharts and whiteboards are being conducted to prepare (9)______ for (10)______ without computers. While paper-based processes have limitations in scalability and speed compared to digital systems, they can serve as effective backups during IT disruptions.

Experts emphasize the (11)______ of off-site data backups and (12)______ networks to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks. Companies like eSilo provide secure data storage solutions to safeguard critical information. In the face of cyber-attacks, improvised solutions like using mobile broadband routers or alternative communication channels can help maintain business operations. It is crucial for organizations to be (13)______ for cyber incidents and have strategies in place to ensure business continuity.

Despite the advancements in technology, the reliance on pen and (14)______ during IT crises showcases the (15)______ of (16)______ backup plans and manual processes. Companies are advised to practice and implement paper-based systems as part of their disaster recovery strategies. By preparing for potential IT failures and cyber-attacks, organizations can minimize disruptions and ensure the smooth functioning of their operations during emergencies.
Go to answers โ‡ฉ

๐Ÿ’ฌ Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. How important do you think it is for companies to have backup systems in place for IT emergencies?
2. Do you think relying on pen and paper during a crisis is a viable solution in today’s digital age? Why or why not?
3. How do you think employees feel when they have to resort to manual processes like using paper and fax machines during IT failures?
4. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of using paper-based processes as a contingency plan for IT disruptions?
5. Do you believe that companies should invest more in training employees to work without computers in case of emergencies? Why or why not?
6. How do you think the mindset of employees changes when they have to switch from digital to manual processes during a crisis?
7. What is your opinion on the effectiveness of off-site data backups and segregated networks in preventing data loss during cyber-attacks?
8. How would you feel if you were in a similar situation as the employees at Norsk Hydro, having to rely on paper instructions to keep the business running?
9. Do you think companies should prioritize investing in secure data storage solutions like eSilo to protect critical information from cyber threats? Why or why not?
10. How do you think the perception of paper-based processes has evolved in the face of increasing cyber incidents and IT failures?
11. What measures do you think organizations can take to ensure business continuity in the event of a cyber-attack or IT crisis?
12. Do you believe that the reliance on digital systems has made companies more vulnerable to cyber threats, making manual processes essential for backup plans?
13. How do you think the role of IT departments within companies has changed with the increasing need for disaster recovery plans and manual processes?
14. What are your thoughts on the balance between digital innovation and the necessity of maintaining manual backup systems in organizations?
15. How important do you think it is for companies to regularly test and update their disaster recovery strategies to adapt to evolving cyber threats and IT failures?

Individual Activities

๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ญ Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. contingency
2. ransomware
3. mitigate
4. scalability
5. disruptions
6. continuity
7. improvised
8. safeguard
9. reliance
10. underscore
11. segregated
12. prompted
13. necessity
14. alternative
15. emphasize

(A) Available as another possibility or choice
(B) Dependence on or trust in someone or something
(C) Created or done spontaneously or without preparation
(D) The fact of being required or indispensable
(E) Malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid
(F) Set apart or separated from others
(G) The capacity to be changed in size or scale
(H) To give special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing
(I) To make something less severe, serious, or painful
(J) Disturbances or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process
(K) The state of being continuous or uninterrupted
(L) A future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty
(M) To emphasize or highlight the importance of something
(N) Caused or brought about an action or feeling
(O) To protect from harm or damage
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๐Ÿ”ก Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What did passengers like Anthony Bosman have to resort to during the recent IT crisis caused by a software bug?
(a) Typewriters for boarding passes
(b) Smartphones for boarding passes
(c) Pen and paper for boarding passes
(d) Laptops for boarding passes

2. What did Norsk Hydro employees use to continue operations during a ransomware attack in 2019?
(a) Paper instructions and old-fashioned methods
(b) Digital systems
(c) Smartphones
(d) Typewriters

3. What are organizations encouraged to maintain to ensure continuity during crises, according to the article?
(a) Digital copies of essential information
(b) No backups
(c) Only online backups
(d) Printed copies of essential information

4. What are some firms implementing in their disaster recovery plans in case digital systems fail?
(a) Only digital forms
(b) Paper forms and alternative communication methods
(c) No backup plans
(d) Cloud-based solutions

5. What are employees being trained on to prepare for working without computers during IT disruptions?
(a) Manual tools like flipcharts and whiteboards
(b) Advanced computer software
(c) Smartphones
(d) Typewriters

6. What do experts emphasize the importance of to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks?
(a) On-site data backups only
(b) Off-site data backups and segregated networks
(c) No data backups
(d) Shared networks

7. What do companies like eSilo provide to safeguard critical information?
(a) Insecure data storage solutions
(b) No data storage solutions
(c) Cloud-based storage solutions
(d) Secure data storage solutions

8. What can help maintain business operations in the face of cyber-attacks, according to the article?
(a) No backup plans
(b) Only relying on digital systems
(c) Improvised solutions like using mobile broadband routers or alternative communication channels
(d) Ignoring cyber incidents and attacks

Go to answers โ‡ฉ

๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ True or False Questions:

1. Off-site data backups and integrated networks are recommended by experts to promote data loss in ransomware attacks.
2. Passengers like Anthony Bosman had to resort to pen and paper for boarding passes when their smartphones succeeded during the IT crisis.
3. Training sessions on using manual tools like flipcharts and whiteboards are being conducted to prepare employees for working without computers during IT disruptions.
4. The airline industry and various other sectors were severely affected by a recent IT crisis caused by a software bug.
5. Employees at Norsk Hydro resorted to using paper instructions and old-fashioned methods to keep the business running during the ransomware attack.
6. Despite the setbacks in technology, the dependence on pen and paper during IT crises showcases the insignificance of having backup plans and manual processes.
7. Norsk Hydro, a Finnish company, experienced a ransomware attack in 2019 that unlocked staff out of their computers.
8. Some firms have started implementing disaster recovery plans that include paper forms and alternative communication methods like fax machines in case digital systems fail.
Go to answers โ‡ฉ

๐Ÿ“ Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.
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Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.
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1. How did the recent IT crisis affect passengers like Anthony Bosman, and what did they have to resort to when their smartphones failed?
2. What incident involving Norsk Hydro in 2019 highlighted the importance of having manual processes in place to mitigate the impact of cyber-attacks?
3. What are some of the alternative communication methods and manual tools that companies are encouraged to implement as part of their disaster recovery plans?
4. What strategies do experts recommend to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks, and what solutions are provided by companies like eSilo?
5. Why do experts emphasize the significance of practicing and implementing paper-based systems as part of disaster recovery strategies, despite advancements in technology?

โœ… Answers

๐Ÿค”โœ… Comprehension Question Answers:

1. How did passengers like Anthony Bosman cope with the recent IT crisis in the airline industry?
– Passengers like Anthony Bosman had to resort to pen and paper for boarding passes when their smartphones failed.

2. What incident involving Norsk Hydro in 2019 underlines the importance of having manual processes in place during cyber-attacks?
– Norsk Hydro experienced a ransomware attack in 2019 that locked staff out of their computers. To continue operations, employees resorted to using paper instructions and old-fashioned methods to keep the business running.

3. Why are some companies now implementing disaster recovery plans that include paper forms and alternative communication methods?
– Companies are now encouraged to maintain printed copies of essential information and implement paper-based systems as part of their disaster recovery strategies to ensure continuity during crises like cyber-attacks.

4. What are some of the limitations of paper-based processes compared to digital systems during IT disruptions?
– Paper-based processes have limitations in scalability and speed compared to digital systems during IT disruptions.

5. What measures do experts suggest to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks?
– Experts emphasize the importance of off-site data backups and segregated networks to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks.

6. How do companies like eSilo contribute to safeguarding critical information during cyber incidents?
– Companies like eSilo provide secure data storage solutions to safeguard critical information during cyber incidents.

7. What are some improvised solutions mentioned in the article that can help maintain business operations during cyber-attacks?
– Improvised solutions like using mobile broadband routers or alternative communication channels can help maintain business operations during cyber-attacks.

8. How does the reliance on pen and paper during IT crises emphasize the significance of having backup plans and manual processes according to the article?
– The reliance on pen and paper during IT crises showcases the importance of having backup plans and manual processes in place for emergencies like IT failures and cyber incidents.
Go back to questions โ‡ง

๐ŸŽงโœ๏ธโœ… Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) recent
(2) software
(3) emergencies
(4) similar
(5) instructions
(6) processes
(7) Companies
(8) ensure
(9) employees
(10) working
(11) importance
(12) segregated
(13) prepared
(14) paper
(15) significance
(16) having
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๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’ญโœ… Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. contingency
Answer: (L) A future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty

2. ransomware
Answer: (E) Malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid

3. mitigate
Answer: (I) To make something less severe, serious, or painful

4. scalability
Answer: (G) The capacity to be changed in size or scale

5. disruptions
Answer: (J) Disturbances or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process

6. continuity
Answer: (K) The state of being continuous or uninterrupted

7. improvised
Answer: (C) Created or done spontaneously or without preparation

8. safeguard
Answer: (O) To protect from harm or damage

9. reliance
Answer: (B) Dependence on or trust in someone or something

10. underscore
Answer: (M) To emphasize or highlight the importance of something

11. segregated
Answer: (F) Set apart or separated from others

12. prompted
Answer: (N) Caused or brought about an action or feeling

13. necessity
Answer: (D) The fact of being required or indispensable

14. alternative
Answer: (A) Available as another possibility or choice

15. emphasize
Answer: (H) To give special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing
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๐Ÿ”กโœ… Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What did passengers like Anthony Bosman have to resort to during the recent IT crisis caused by a software bug?
Answer: (c) Pen and paper for boarding passes

2. What did Norsk Hydro employees use to continue operations during a ransomware attack in 2019?
Answer: (a) Paper instructions and old-fashioned methods

3. What are organizations encouraged to maintain to ensure continuity during crises, according to the article?
Answer: (d) Printed copies of essential information

4. What are some firms implementing in their disaster recovery plans in case digital systems fail?
Answer: (b) Paper forms and alternative communication methods

5. What are employees being trained on to prepare for working without computers during IT disruptions?
Answer: (a) Manual tools like flipcharts and whiteboards

6. What do experts emphasize the importance of to prevent data loss in ransomware attacks?
Answer: (b) Off-site data backups and segregated networks

7. What do companies like eSilo provide to safeguard critical information?
Answer: (d) Secure data storage solutions

8. What can help maintain business operations in the face of cyber-attacks, according to the article?
Answer: (c) Improvised solutions like using mobile broadband routers or alternative communication channels
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๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโœ… True or False Answers:

1. Off-site data backups and integrated networks are recommended by experts to promote data loss in ransomware attacks. (Answer: False)
2. Passengers like Anthony Bosman had to resort to pen and paper for boarding passes when their smartphones succeeded during the IT crisis. (Answer: False)
3. Training sessions on using manual tools like flipcharts and whiteboards are being conducted to prepare employees for working without computers during IT disruptions. (Answer: True)
4. The airline industry and various other sectors were severely affected by a recent IT crisis caused by a software bug. (Answer: True)
5. Employees at Norsk Hydro resorted to using paper instructions and old-fashioned methods to keep the business running during the ransomware attack. (Answer: True)
6. Despite the setbacks in technology, the dependence on pen and paper during IT crises showcases the insignificance of having backup plans and manual processes. (Answer: False)
7. Norsk Hydro, a Finnish company, experienced a ransomware attack in 2019 that unlocked staff out of their computers. (Answer: False)
8. Some firms have started implementing disaster recovery plans that include paper forms and alternative communication methods like fax machines in case digital systems fail. (Answer: True)
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