Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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English Newsroom

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Italian Car Company Fined for Misleading Customers

Italian car company fined $6.4 million for falsely branding Chinese-made vehicles as Italian.

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An Italian car company named DR Automobiles got in trouble. They said their cars were made in Italy, but most parts came from China. The Italian government fined them $6.4 million. DR Automobiles said they never lied about where the cars were made. They want to fight the fine.

Italy and the European Union are being strict about cars made outside their area. Last month, they took some cars from Morocco because they had Italian flags on them. The company, Stellantis, took the flags off. The EU might also put big taxes on Chinese electric cars. China says this is not fair.

Original news source: Firm fined for selling China-made cars as Italian (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1companyA group of people working together to make or sell things
2troubleWhen something bad happens and you have a problem
3partsPieces that make up a whole thing
4governmentPeople who make rules for a country
5finedMade to pay money because you did something wrong
6liedSaid something that is not true
7strictFollowing rules very closely
8flagsPieces of cloth with colors and designs that represent a country
9taxesMoney people pay to the government
10fairWhen something is right and good for everyone

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Charades
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a set of vocabulary words related to the article. One student from each group will act out one of the words silently while the other group members try to guess what it is. The group that guesses the most words correctly wins.

– News Summary
Instructions: In pairs, have students take turns summarizing the main points of the article to their partner. Encourage them to use their own words and keep their summaries short and concise. Afterward, ask a few pairs to share their summaries with the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Provide each student with a list of vocabulary words from the article. In pairs, students take turns drawing pictures to represent the words while their partner tries to guess what they are. Encourage students to use their English vocabulary to describe the pictures they draw.

– Speed Summarizing
Instructions: Write the main points of the article on the board. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different point to summarize. Give the groups a few minutes to discuss and come up with a short summary. Then, one representative from each group shares their summary with the class. Time each group’s presentation to see which group can summarize their point the fastest.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: Have students think silently about their opinion on whether the Italian government was right to fine DR Automobiles. After a few minutes, have them pair up with a partner and share their thoughts. Encourage students to ask follow-up questions and have a small discussion. Finally, ask a few pairs to share their opinions with the whole class.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What happened to DR Automobiles because of their cars?
2. Did DR Automobiles say their cars were made in Italy?
3. How much money did the Italian government fine DR Automobiles?
4. Did DR Automobiles lie about where the cars were made?
5. Why did Italy and the European Union take some cars from Morocco?
6. What did the company Stellantis do to the cars with Italian flags?
7. Why is China unhappy about the EU possibly putting big taxes on Chinese electric cars?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

An Italian car company (1)______ DR Automobiles got in trouble. They said their cars were made in Italy, but most parts (2)______ from China. The Italian government (3)______ them $6.4 million. DR (4)______ said they never lied about where the cars were made. They want to fight the fine.

Italy and the European Union are being (5)______ about cars made outside their area. Last month, they took some cars from Morocco because they had (6)______ flags on them. The company, (7)______, took the flags off. The EU might also put big (8)______ on Chinese electric cars. China says this is not fair.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is a car?
2. How would you feel if someone said they made something in one place, but it was actually made in another place?
3. Do you like cars? Why or why not?
4. What do you think about the Italian government fining DR Automobiles?
5. How do you think DR Automobiles should fight the fine?
6. Have you ever seen a car with a flag on it? What did it look like?
7. Do you think it’s fair for Italy and the European Union to be strict about cars made outside their area? Why or why not?
8. What do you think about the EU possibly putting big taxes on Chinese electric cars?
9. How do you think China feels about the EU’s decision?
10. Have you ever ridden in an electric car? What was it like?
11. Do you think it’s important to know where things are made? Why or why not?
12. What would you do if you found out a company was lying about where their products were made?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. company
2. trouble
3. parts
4. government
5. fined
6. lied
7. strict
8. flags
9. taxes
10. fair

(A) When something bad happens and you have a problem
(B) Following rules very closely
(C) Pieces of cloth with colors and designs that represent a country
(D) People who make rules for a country
(E) When something is right and good for everyone
(F) Said something that is not true
(G) Made to pay money because you did something wrong
(H) A group of people working together to make or sell things
(I) Money people pay to the government
(J) Pieces that make up a whole thing
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the name of the car company that got in trouble?
(a) Stellantis
(b) China Cars
(c) DR Automobiles
(d) Italian Motors

2. Where did most of the parts for the cars come from?
(a) Italy
(b) China
(c) Morocco
(d) European Union

3. How much money did the Italian government fine DR Automobiles?
(a) $6.4 million
(b) $1 million
(c) $10,000
(d) $100,000

4. Why did Italy and the European Union take some cars from Morocco?
(a) Because they were made in China
(b) Because they had Italian flags on them
(c) Because they were too expensive
(d) Because they were too old

5. What did the company Stellantis do to the cars with Italian flags?
(a) Added more flags
(b) Painted the flags blue
(c) Sold the cars to China
(d) Took the flags off

6. What might the European Union do to Chinese electric cars?
(a) Give them away for free
(b) Sell them in Italy
(c) Put big taxes on them
(d) Make them cheaper

7. Who says that putting big taxes on Chinese electric cars is not fair?
(a) China
(b) Italy
(c) European Union
(d) Stellantis

8. What does DR Automobiles want to do about the fine?
(a) Pay it
(b) Ignore it
(c) Increase it
(d) Fight it

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. China says this is not fair.
2. Last year, they took some trucks from Morocco because they had French flags on them.
3. The company took the flags off the cars.
4. The car company says they always lied about where the cars were made.
5. Germany and the European Union are being lenient about cars made outside their area.
6. The Italian government fined the car company $6.7 million.
7. The European Union might put big taxes on Chinese electric cars.
8. An Italian car company got in trouble for saying their cars were made in Italy, but most parts came from China.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What happened to the Italian car company named DR Automobiles?
2. Why did the Italian government fine DR Automobiles?
3. Did DR Automobiles say they lied about where the cars were made?
4. What did Italy and the European Union do with some cars from Morocco?
5. Why does China think it’s not fair if the EU puts big taxes on Chinese electric cars?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What happened to DR Automobiles because of their cars?
DR Automobiles got fined by the Italian government.

2. Did DR Automobiles say their cars were made in Italy?
Yes, DR Automobiles said their cars were made in Italy.

3. How much money did the Italian government fine DR Automobiles?
The Italian government fined DR Automobiles $6.4 million.

4. Did DR Automobiles lie about where the cars were made?
No, DR Automobiles said they never lied about where the cars were made.

5. Why did Italy and the European Union take some cars from Morocco?
Italy and the European Union took some cars from Morocco because they had Italian flags on them.

6. What did the company Stellantis do to the cars with Italian flags?
The company Stellantis took the flags off the cars.

7. Why is China unhappy about the EU possibly putting big taxes on Chinese electric cars?
China is unhappy because they think it’s not fair to put big taxes on their electric cars.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) named
(2) came
(3) fined
(4) Automobiles
(5) strict
(6) Italian
(7) Stellantis
(8) taxes
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. company
Answer: (H) A group of people working together to make or sell things

2. trouble
Answer: (A) When something bad happens and you have a problem

3. parts
Answer: (J) Pieces that make up a whole thing

4. government
Answer: (D) People who make rules for a country

5. fined
Answer: (G) Made to pay money because you did something wrong

6. lied
Answer: (F) Said something that is not true

7. strict
Answer: (B) Following rules very closely

8. flags
Answer: (C) Pieces of cloth with colors and designs that represent a country

9. taxes
Answer: (I) Money people pay to the government

10. fair
Answer: (E) When something is right and good for everyone
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the name of the car company that got in trouble?
Answer: (c) DR Automobiles

2. Where did most of the parts for the cars come from?
Answer: (b) China

3. How much money did the Italian government fine DR Automobiles?
Answer: (a) $6.4 million

4. Why did Italy and the European Union take some cars from Morocco?
Answer: (b) Because they had Italian flags on them

5. What did the company Stellantis do to the cars with Italian flags?
Answer: (d) Took the flags off

6. What might the European Union do to Chinese electric cars?
Answer: (c) Put big taxes on them

7. Who says that putting big taxes on Chinese electric cars is not fair?
Answer: (a) China

8. What does DR Automobiles want to do about the fine?
Answer: (d) Fight it
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. China says this is not fair. (Answer: True)
2. Last year, they took some trucks from Morocco because they had French flags on them. (Answer: False)
3. The company took the flags off the cars. (Answer: True)
4. The car company says they always lied about where the cars were made. (Answer: False)
5. Germany and the European Union are being lenient about cars made outside their area. (Answer: False)
6. The Italian government fined the car company $6.7 million. (Answer: False)
7. The European Union might put big taxes on Chinese electric cars. (Answer: True)
8. An Italian car company got in trouble for saying their cars were made in Italy, but most parts came from China. (Answer: True)
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