Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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Seventeen Uses Smart Computers to Help Make Music

The K-pop industry debates AI's role in music, balancing innovation with the need for human creativity.

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The K-pop world is talking a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) in music. A popular boy band, Seventeen, is trying out AI to help make their songs. One member, Woozi, says they want to use new technology but still make music with human feelings. This has started a big discussion among fans about how much AI should be used in music.

Some fans worry that AI might take away the emotions in music. They think music should show the artist’s real feelings and experiences. If a band like Seventeen used AI too much, their songs might not feel as real. K-pop is famous for its high-quality music, and many people want to keep it that way without too much AI.

People who work in music, like producer Chris Nairn, are not sure if AI can make really good songs. He thinks AI can help, but it can’t replace human creativity. Other K-pop groups are also trying AI, so the conversation is growing. Everyone is wondering how AI will change music and if it can work well with human creativity.

Original news source: Will K-pop’s AI experiment pay off? (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1artificialMade by people, not natural
2technologyTools and machines that help us do things
3emotionsFeelings like happiness, sadness, or anger
4experiencesThings that happen to you in life
5creativityUsing your imagination to make something new
6discussionTalking about something with others
7replaceTo take the place of something else
8qualityHow good or bad something is
9producerA person who makes music or movies
10conversationTalking with someone about a topic
11famousKnown by many people
12humanA person, not a machine or animal

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Each group will take turns acting out different K-pop-related words or phrases (like “singing,” “dancing,” “concert,” “AI,” “Seventeen”). The other groups will guess what it is. This will help students engage with vocabulary related to the article.

Instructions: Write key vocabulary words from the article (like “music,” “emotions,” “technology,” “AI,” “K-pop”) on the board. Students will take turns drawing a word while their classmates guess what it is. This activity will reinforce vocabulary understanding in a fun way.

Instructions: Create a simple survey with questions related to AI in music, such as “Do you think AI can create good music?” or “Should K-pop groups use AI?” Students will ask their classmates these questions and record the responses. Afterward, they can share the results with the class.

Instructions: Pose a question like, “Do you think using AI in music is a good idea?” Students will first think about their answer individually, then discuss their thoughts with a partner, and finally share their conclusions with the class. This encourages critical thinking and speaking practice.

Instructions: Ask students to create a catchy headline for the article. They can work in pairs or small groups. After they finish, each group presents their headline to the class, and they can discuss the reasons behind their choices. This promotes creativity and summarization skills.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the name of the boy band that is trying out AI in their music?
2. Who is the member of Seventeen that talked about using AI for their songs?
3. Why are some fans worried about using AI in music?
4. What do fans think music should show?
5. What does producer Chris Nairn think about AI and making songs?
6. Are other K-pop groups also trying to use AI in their music?
7. What is everyone wondering about the future of AI and music?
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🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

The K-pop world is talking a lot about (1)______ intelligence (AI) in music. A popular boy band, Seventeen, is trying out AI to help make their songs. One member, Woozi, (2)______ they (3)______ to use new technology but still make music with human feelings. This has started a big discussion among fans about how much AI should be (4)______ in music.

Some fans worry that AI might take away the (5)______ in music. They think music should (6)______ the artist’s real feelings and experiences. If a band like Seventeen used AI too much, their songs might not feel as (7)______. K-pop is famous for its high-quality (8)______, and many people want to keep it that way without too much AI.

People who work in music, like producer Chris (9)______, are not sure if AI can make really (10)______ songs. He thinks AI can help, but it can’t replace (11)______ creativity. Other K-pop groups are also (12)______ AI, so the conversation is growing. Everyone is wondering how AI will change music and if it can work well with human creativity.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is your favorite type of music?
2. How would you feel if your favorite band used AI to make their songs?
3. Do you think music made by computers can be good? Why or why not?
4. What is a song that makes you feel happy?
5. How would you feel if you heard a song that was made only by AI?
6. Do you like when artists share their personal feelings in their music? Why?
7. What is a K-pop group that you like?
8. How do you think technology can help musicians?
9. Do you think it is important for music to show real human feelings? Why?
10. How would you feel if all music was made by AI in the future?
11. What is a song that tells a story? Why do you like it?
12. Do you think AI will change music for the better or worse? Why?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. artificial
2. technology
3. emotions
4. experiences
5. creativity
6. discussion
7. replace
8. quality
9. producer
10. conversation
11. famous
12. human

(A) Feelings like happiness, sadness, or anger
(B) A person who makes music or movies
(C) Talking with someone about a topic
(D) A person, not a machine or animal
(E) Tools and machines that help us do things
(F) Made by people, not natural
(G) Things that happen to you in life
(H) Talking about something with others
(I) Known by many people
(J) To take the place of something else
(K) How good or bad something is
(L) Using your imagination to make something new
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is Seventeen trying to use in their music?
(a) Traditional instruments
(b) Live performances
(c) Artificial intelligence (AI)
(d) Music videos

2. Who is a member of Seventeen mentioned in the article?
(a) Chris
(b) Nairn
(c) Jimin
(d) Woozi

3. What do some fans worry about with AI in music?
(a) It might take away emotions
(b) It will make music cheaper
(c) It will make concerts longer
(d) It will change the band members

4. What is K-pop known for?
(a) Dance battles
(b) High-quality music
(c) Short songs
(d) Loud concerts

5. What does producer Chris Nairn think about AI?
(a) It is the best way to make music
(b) It can’t replace human creativity
(c) It is only for pop music
(d) It is not useful at all

6. What is happening among fans regarding AI in music?
(a) They are all agreeing
(b) They are ignoring the topic
(c) They are making new bands
(d) A big discussion is starting

7. What do people wonder about AI in music?
(a) How it will change music
(b) If it can dance well
(c) If it can sing live
(d) If it is expensive to use

8. What do some fans want for K-pop music?
(a) To make it more electronic
(b) To have more dance routines
(c) To keep it without too much AI
(d) To change the band names

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🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. K-pop is known for its high-quality music, and many people want to keep it that way.
2. Fans believe that music should show the authentic emotions and experiences of the artist.
3. Woozi, a member of Seventeen, wants to use technology but keep human feelings in their music.
4. Other K-pop bands are also experimenting with the integration of AI in their music.
5. The K-pop industry is discussing the implementation of artificial intelligence in music.
6. Some fans are concerned that AI could enhance the emotions in songs.
7. The boy band Seventeen is trying to use AI to help create their songs.
8. Producer Chris Nairn thinks AI can help with music but cannot replace human creativity.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is the name of the boy band that is trying out AI in their music?
2. What does Woozi want to use AI for in their songs?
3. Why are some fans worried about using too much AI in music?
4. What does producer Chris Nair think about AI and music?
5. How are other K-pop groups involved with AI in their music?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What is the name of the boy band that is trying out AI in their music?
The name of the boy band is Seventeen.

2. Who is the member of Seventeen that talked about using AI for their songs?
The member who talked about using AI is Woozi.

3. Why are some fans worried about using AI in music?
Some fans are worried that AI might take away the emotions in music.

4. What do fans think music should show?
Fans think music should show the artist’s real feelings and experiences.

5. What does producer Chris Nairn think about AI and making songs?
Producer Chris Nairn thinks AI can help, but it can’t replace human creativity.

6. Are other K-pop groups also trying to use AI in their music?
Yes, other K-pop groups are also trying to use AI in their music.

7. What is everyone wondering about the future of AI and music?
Everyone is wondering how AI will change music and if it can work well with human creativity.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) artificial
(2) says
(3) want
(4) used
(5) emotions
(6) show
(7) real
(8) music
(9) Nairn
(10) good
(11) human
(12) trying
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. artificial
Answer: (F) Made by people, not natural

2. technology
Answer: (E) Tools and machines that help us do things

3. emotions
Answer: (A) Feelings like happiness, sadness, or anger

4. experiences
Answer: (G) Things that happen to you in life

5. creativity
Answer: (L) Using your imagination to make something new

6. discussion
Answer: (H) Talking about something with others

7. replace
Answer: (J) To take the place of something else

8. quality
Answer: (K) How good or bad something is

9. producer
Answer: (B) A person who makes music or movies

10. conversation
Answer: (C) Talking with someone about a topic

11. famous
Answer: (I) Known by many people

12. human
Answer: (D) A person, not a machine or animal
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is Seventeen trying to use in their music?
Answer: (c) Artificial intelligence (AI)

2. Who is a member of Seventeen mentioned in the article?
Answer: (d) Woozi

3. What do some fans worry about with AI in music?
Answer: (a) It might take away emotions

4. What is K-pop known for?
Answer: (b) High-quality music

5. What does producer Chris Nairn think about AI?
Answer: (b) It can’t replace human creativity

6. What is happening among fans regarding AI in music?
Answer: (d) A big discussion is starting

7. What do people wonder about AI in music?
Answer: (a) How it will change music

8. What do some fans want for K-pop music?
Answer: (c) To keep it without too much AI
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. K-pop is known for its high-quality music, and many people want to keep it that way. (Answer: True)
2. Fans believe that music should show the authentic emotions and experiences of the artist. (Answer: False)
3. Woozi, a member of Seventeen, wants to use technology but keep human feelings in their music. (Answer: True)
4. Other K-pop bands are also experimenting with the integration of AI in their music. (Answer: False)
5. The K-pop industry is discussing the implementation of artificial intelligence in music. (Answer: False)
6. Some fans are concerned that AI could enhance the emotions in songs. (Answer: False)
7. The boy band Seventeen is trying to use AI to help create their songs. (Answer: True)
8. Producer Chris Nairn thinks AI can help with music but cannot replace human creativity. (Answer: True)
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