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English Professor

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Using Robots and Computers to Save Fish

Illegal fishing is a global issue, but organizations are using AI and underwater robots to combat it.

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Some people catch fish they are not supposed to, which is bad for the ocean and all the fish living in it. To stop this, a group called Global Fishing Watch uses computers and satellites in space to watch where fishing boats go. The computers can tell if a boat is trying to hide and might be fishing where it shouldn’t. This helps find boats that are fishing illegally, which means they are breaking the rules.

Scientists and a company are also making a special underwater robot that can hear the difference between normal ocean sounds and the noise from fishing boats. This robot can tell when boats are fishing where they’re not allowed. It can then quickly tell the people in charge to stop them. This is a smart way to catch rule-breakers without having to be in the ocean all the time.

Using smart technology like this can help a lot, but people who eat fish can help too. If people choose to eat fish that is caught in a good way, it can make a big difference. Together, using new technology and making better choices can help save the ocean and the animals living in it.

Original news source: How AI is being used to prevent illegal fishing (BBC)

🎧 Listen:




📖 Vocabulary:

1satellitesMachines that fly around Earth to help us see things from far away
2illegalDoing something that is not allowed by the law
3underwaterBelow the surface of the sea
4technologyUsing science to invent new things that can do amazing stuff
5robotA machine that can move and do tasks on its own
6scientistsPeople who know a lot about science and try to learn more about the world
7oceanA large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth
8choicesDecisions that you make
9smartClever or able to think well
10differenceNot being the same as something else
11breakingNot following the rules
12rule-breakersPeople who don’t follow the rules

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– Charades
Instructions: Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a word related to the article (e.g. fish, boat, robot, ocean). One student will act out the word without speaking, while the other student tries to guess the word. Switch roles after each round.

– News Summary
Instructions: In pairs or small groups, have students take turns summarizing the main points of the article in their own words. Encourage them to use key vocabulary and phrases from the article.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write down key vocabulary words from the article on separate pieces of paper. Divide the class into teams. One student from each team will come to the front of the class and pick a word. They must then draw a picture to represent the word while their team tries to guess what it is.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Ask students to think about whether they agree or disagree with the use of technology to monitor fishing boats. Have them write down their opinion and a short explanation. Then, have students pair up and share their opinions with each other, discussing their reasons for their viewpoint.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: Have students work in pairs or small groups. Ask them to imagine what the future of fishing and ocean conservation might look like. They can discuss and write down their predictions, using vocabulary and ideas from the article. Then, have each group share their predictions with the class.

🤔 Comprehension Questions:

1. What does Global Fishing Watch use to watch where fishing boats go?
2. How can the computers tell if a boat is fishing where it shouldn’t?
3. What is the special underwater robot able to do?
4. How does the robot communicate with the people in charge?
5. How can people who eat fish help save the ocean?
6. What difference can eating fish caught in a good way make?
7. How can using new technology and making better choices help the ocean and the animals living in it?
Go to answers ⇩

🎧✍️ Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Some people catch fish they are not supposed to, which is bad for the ocean and all the fish living in it. To stop this, a group called Global (1)______ Watch uses (2)______ and sa(3)______ites in space to watch where fishing boats go. The computers can tell if a boat is trying to (4)______ and might be fishing where it shouldn’t. This helps (5)______ boats that are fishing illegally, which means they are breaking the rules.

(6)______ and a company are also making a special underwater robot that can hear the difference between normal ocean sounds and the (7)______ from fishing boats. This robot can tell when boats are fishing where they’re not allowed. It can then quickly tell the people in charge to stop them. This is a smart way to (8)______ rule-breakers without having to be in the ocean all the time.

(9)______ smart technology like this can (10)______ a lot, but people who eat fish can help too. If people choose to eat fish that is caught in a good way, it can make a big difference. Together, (11)______ new technology and making better (12)______ can help save the ocean and the animals living in it.
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💬 Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is Global Fishing Watch and what do they do?
2. How do computers and satellites help Global Fishing Watch?
3. What is the special underwater robot used for?
4. How does the underwater robot help catch rule-breakers?
5. Do you think using computers and robots is a good way to protect the ocean? Why or why not?
6. How can people who eat fish help protect the ocean?
7. What is the difference between fish caught in a good way and fish caught in a bad way?
8. Do you like eating fish? Why or why not?
9. How would you feel if you found out the fish you ate was caught illegally?
10. Why do you think it’s important to protect the ocean and the animals living in it?
11. What are some other ways we can help save the ocean?
12. Do you think technology is important for protecting the environment? Why or why not?

Individual Activities

📖💭 Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. satellites
2. illegal
3. underwater
4. technology
5. robot
6. scientists
7. ocean
8. choices
9. smart
10. difference
11. breaking
12. rule-breakers

(A) A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth
(B) Machines that fly around Earth to help us see things from far away
(C) Not following the rules
(D) Not being the same as something else
(E) Below the surface of the sea
(F) A machine that can move and do tasks on its own
(G) Decisions that you make
(H) People who don’t follow the rules
(I) Doing something that is not allowed by the law
(J) People who know a lot about science and try to learn more about the world
(K) Clever or able to think well
(L) Using science to invent new things that can do amazing stuff
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🔡 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. How does Global Fishing Watch stop people from catching fish they shouldn’t?
(a) By sending people to the ocean to watch the boats
(b) By using computers and satellites to track fishing boats
(c) By asking the fishermen nicely to stop
(d) By doing nothing and letting them catch whatever they want

2. What can the computers used by Global Fishing Watch do?
(a) They can tell if a boat is fishing legally
(b) They can tell if a boat is fishing where it shouldn’t
(c) They can tell if a boat is trying to hide
(d) They can tell if a boat is sailing too fast

3. What does the underwater robot do?
(a) It can catch fish for people to eat
(b) It can swim faster than any other fish in the ocean
(c) It can talk to the fish and ask them to stop fishing
(d) It can hear the difference between normal ocean sounds and the noise from fishing boats

4. How does the underwater robot help catch rule-breakers?
(a) It quickly tells the people in charge when boats are fishing where they shouldn’t
(b) It catches the rule-breakers and brings them to the surface
(c) It scares the rule-breakers away from the fishing areas
(d) It tells the fish to stop fishing where they shouldn’t

5. How can people who eat fish help save the ocean?
(a) By catching fish themselves
(b) By eating as much fish as possible
(c) By choosing to eat fish that is caught in a good way
(d) By ignoring where the fish comes from

6. What difference can people make by choosing to eat fish that is caught in a good way?
(a) It won’t make any difference at all
(b) It will make the ocean even more polluted
(c) It will make the fish taste better
(d) It can make a big difference in saving the ocean and the animals living in it

7. What is the main idea of this article?
(a) Fishing boats are bad for the ocean and all the fish living in it
(b) Global Fishing Watch is the only organization trying to stop illegal fishing
(c) Using technology and making better choices can help save the ocean and the animals living in it
(d) The underwater robot is the best way to catch rule-breakers

8. What does the article say about people who catch fish they’re not supposed to?
(a) They are breaking the rules and it’s bad for the ocean and the fish
(b) They are helping the ocean and the fish
(c) They are doing a good job and should catch even more fish
(d) They are not breaking any rules and it doesn’t affect the ocean or the fish

Go to answers ⇩

🕵️ True or False Questions:

1. Making better choices about the fish we eat cannot have a big impact on saving the ocean and its animals.
2. People who eat fish cannot help protect the ocean by choosing to eat fish that is caught in a responsible way.
3. The robot cannot distinguish between normal ocean sounds and the sounds made by fishing boats.
4. A special underwater robot is being developed to listen for the noise of fishing boats and alert authorities if they are fishing in prohibited areas.
5. Using smart technology like computers and robots cannot help catch rule-breakers without needing people to be in the ocean all the time.
6. The computers can detect if a boat is trying to hide and fishing where it shouldn’t be.
7. By combining new technology and making better choices, we can work together to protect the ocean and the creatures that live in it.
8. Global Fishing Watch uses computers and satellites to track fishing boats and find those that are fishing illegally.
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📝 Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is Global Fishing Watch?
2. How does Global Fishing Watch use computers and satellites to stop illegal fishing?
3. What is the special underwater robot being made by scientists and a company?
4. How does the underwater robot help catch rule-breakers?
5. How can people who eat fish help save the ocean and the animals living in it?


🤔✅ Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What does Global Fishing Watch use to watch where fishing boats go?
Global Fishing Watch uses computers and satellites in space to watch where fishing boats go.

2. How can the computers tell if a boat is fishing where it shouldn’t?
The computers can tell if a boat is fishing where it shouldn’t by detecting if the boat is trying to hide.

3. What is the special underwater robot able to do?
The special underwater robot can hear the difference between normal ocean sounds and the noise from fishing boats.

4. How does the robot communicate with the people in charge?
The robot can quickly communicate with the people in charge to stop the boats from fishing where they’re not allowed.

5. How can people who eat fish help save the ocean?
People who eat fish can help save the ocean by choosing to eat fish that is caught in a good way.

6. What difference can eating fish caught in a good way make?
Eating fish caught in a good way can make a big difference in protecting the ocean and the animals living in it.

7. How can using new technology and making better choices help the ocean and the animals living in it?
Using new technology and making better choices can help the ocean and the animals living in it by preventing illegal fishing and protecting their habitats.
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🎧✍️✅ Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) Fishing
(2) computers
(3) tell
(4) hide
(5) find
(6) Scientists
(7) noise
(8) catch
(9) Using
(10) help
(11) using
(12) choices
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📖💭✅ Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. satellites
Answer: (B) Machines that fly around Earth to help us see things from far away

2. illegal
Answer: (I) Doing something that is not allowed by the law

3. underwater
Answer: (E) Below the surface of the sea

4. technology
Answer: (L) Using science to invent new things that can do amazing stuff

5. robot
Answer: (F) A machine that can move and do tasks on its own

6. scientists
Answer: (J) People who know a lot about science and try to learn more about the world

7. ocean
Answer: (A) A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth

8. choices
Answer: (G) Decisions that you make

9. smart
Answer: (K) Clever or able to think well

10. difference
Answer: (D) Not being the same as something else

11. breaking
Answer: (C) Not following the rules

12. rule-breakers
Answer: (H) People who don’t follow the rules
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🔡✅ Multiple Choice Answers:

1. How does Global Fishing Watch stop people from catching fish they shouldn’t?
Answer: (b) By using computers and satellites to track fishing boats

2. What can the computers used by Global Fishing Watch do?
Answer: (b) They can tell if a boat is fishing where it shouldn’t

3. What does the underwater robot do?
Answer: (d) It can hear the difference between normal ocean sounds and the noise from fishing boats

4. How does the underwater robot help catch rule-breakers?
Answer: (a) It quickly tells the people in charge when boats are fishing where they shouldn’t

5. How can people who eat fish help save the ocean?
Answer: (c) By choosing to eat fish that is caught in a good way

6. What difference can people make by choosing to eat fish that is caught in a good way?
Answer: (d) It can make a big difference in saving the ocean and the animals living in it

7. What is the main idea of this article?
Answer: (c) Using technology and making better choices can help save the ocean and the animals living in it

8. What does the article say about people who catch fish they’re not supposed to?
Answer: (a) They are breaking the rules and it’s bad for the ocean and the fish
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🕵️✅ True or False Answers:

1. Making better choices about the fish we eat cannot have a big impact on saving the ocean and its animals. (Answer: False)
2. People who eat fish cannot help protect the ocean by choosing to eat fish that is caught in a responsible way. (Answer: False)
3. The robot cannot distinguish between normal ocean sounds and the sounds made by fishing boats. (Answer: False)
4. A special underwater robot is being developed to listen for the noise of fishing boats and alert authorities if they are fishing in prohibited areas. (Answer: True)
5. Using smart technology like computers and robots cannot help catch rule-breakers without needing people to be in the ocean all the time. (Answer: False)
6. The computers can detect if a boat is trying to hide and fishing where it shouldn’t be. (Answer: True)
7. By combining new technology and making better choices, we can work together to protect the ocean and the creatures that live in it. (Answer: True)
8. Global Fishing Watch uses computers and satellites to track fishing boats and find those that are fishing illegally. (Answer: True)
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