Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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John Oliver helps funny bird win contest!


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A special bird from New Zealand called the pūteketeke won a big contest. It was named the Bird of the Century because many people voted for it. A famous man from America, John Oliver, helped the bird win by talking about it on his show. He made people laugh by calling the bird “weird” and saying it has a funny haircut.

This contest is called Bird of the Year and a group that cares about nature runs it. More than 350,000 people from all over the world voted. The pūteketeke wasn’t expected to win at first, but it did because it looks different and takes good care of its babies. Some people didn’t like that John Oliver, who is from America and Britain, got involved.

Even though some people argued about the contest, it was good for the birds. It made more people know about the birds in New Zealand that need help. Most of these birds are in danger and could disappear. The pūteketeke winning shows that we need to take care of these special birds.

Original news source: Bird of Century: Pūteketeke wins NZ poll after campaign by John Oliver (BBC)





Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Reporter Role-play
Instructions: Students are divided into pairs. One student plays the role of a news reporter, and the other is an expert on New Zealand birds. The reporter interviews the expert about the recent win of the pūteketeke in the Bird of the Year contest. The expert should explain why the pūteketeke is special and why it won, and also mention the controversy about John Oliver’s involvement. Encourage the use of new vocabulary from the article.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Create a list of statements about the article, such as “The Bird of the Year contest is important for bird conservation” or “Celebrities should not influence voting contests.” Students walk around the room and ask their classmates whether they agree or disagree with each statement. After collecting the opinions, discuss the results as a class and encourage students to explain their reasons.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Write down key vocabulary words from the article on small pieces of paper (e.g., contest, nature, vote, endangered). Students take turns drawing a word from a hat and then drawing the word on the board without speaking. Their classmates must guess the word. This helps reinforce new vocabulary and involves the whole class in a fun activity.

– Headline Creation
Instructions: Students work in small groups to create a catchy and informative headline for a news article about the pūteketeke winning the Bird of the Year contest. Encourage creativity and the use of adjectives. Afterward, each group presents their headline to the class, and the class votes on which one they find most engaging.

– Future Predictions
Instructions: Have students work in small groups to discuss and write down predictions about the future of the Bird of the Year contest and the pūteketeke. They should consider questions like: Will the pūteketeke’s win increase awareness and help conservation efforts? Will celebrities continue to influence the contest? Afterward, groups can share their predictions with the class and discuss the potential outcomes.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the name of the special bird from New Zealand that won a big contest?
2. What title was the bird given after winning the contest?
3. Who is the famous man from America that helped the bird win, and what did he do?
4. What is the name of the contest the bird won?
5. How many people voted in the Bird of the Year contest?
6. Why did some people not like that John Oliver helped the bird win?
7. What important message does the pūteketeke winning the contest give us about birds in New Zealand?
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

A special bird from New Zealand called the (1)______ won a big contest. It was (2)______ the Bird of the Century because many people voted for it. A (3)______ man from America, John Oliver, helped the bird win by talking about it on his show. He made (4)______ laugh by calling the bird “weird” and saying it has a funny haircut.

This contest is called Bird of the Year and a group that (5)______ about nature runs it. (6)______ than 350,000 people from all over the world voted. The pūteketeke wasn’t expected to win at first, but it did because it looks different and takes good care of its babies. Some people didn’t (7)______ that John Oliver, who is from (8)______ and (9)______, got involved.

Even though some people argued about the contest, it was good for the birds. It (10)______ more people know about the birds in New Zealand that need (11)______. Most of these birds are in danger and could disappear. The pūteketeke winning shows that we need to take (12)______ of these special birds.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is your favorite bird and why do you like it?
2. How would you feel if a bird from your country won a big contest?
3. Do you think it’s important to have contests for birds? Why or why not?
4. Have you ever seen a bird with a funny haircut? What did it look like?
5. Do you like when famous people talk about animals? Why or why not?
6. Can you think of a special animal from your country that needs help?
7. Why do you think people from all over the world care about a bird contest in New Zealand?
8. Do you think it’s okay for someone from another country to help a bird win a contest? Why or why not?
9. What can we do to help birds that are in danger in our own country?
10. Have you ever voted for something like a contest? What was it like?
11. Do you think a bird can be “weird”? What makes a bird weird to you?
12. If you could tell everyone about one animal that needs help, which animal would you choose and why?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. contest
2. bird
3. special
4. vote
5. care
6. danger
7. disappear
8. help

(a) A competition to see who is the best
(b) To go away and not be seen anymore
(c) A flying animal with feathers and a beak
(d) To look after and protect
(e) When something is not safe and could hurt you
(f) To give support and make things better
(g) Different and not like the others
(h) To choose your favorite by marking a paper
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Why was the pūteketeke named the Bird of the Century?
(a) Many people voted for it.
(b) It has a funny haircut.
(c) John Oliver talked about it on his show.
(d) It looks different.

2. Who helped the pūteketeke win the Bird of the Year contest?
(a) A famous man from New Zealand
(b) A group that cares about nature
(c) The people who voted for it
(d) John Oliver

3. How many people voted in the Bird of the Year contest?
(a) Less than 100,000
(b) Exactly 500,000
(c) Exactly 1 million
(d) More than 350,000

4. What did John Oliver say about the pūteketeke on his show?
(a) It is the most beautiful bird in the world.
(b) It is weird and has a funny haircut.
(c) It is dangerous and should be avoided.
(d) It is boring and not worth talking about.

5. Why did some people not like that John Oliver got involved in the contest?
(a) He doesn’t care about birds.
(b) He is from America and Britain.
(c) He made fun of the pūteketeke.
(d) He didn’t vote for the pūteketeke.

6. What was good about the Bird of the Year contest?
(a) It made more people aware of birds in New Zealand that need help.
(b) It made John Oliver famous.
(c) It made the pūteketeke disappear.
(d) It made people argue about birds.

7. What does the pūteketeke winning show?
(a) John Oliver is the best.
(b) The contest was unfair.
(c) We need to take care of special birds.
(d) The pūteketeke is the only bird in danger.

8. Why are most of the birds in New Zealand in danger?
(a) They are too big.
(b) They are too small.
(c) They need help.
(d) They are not interesting.

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True or False Questions:

1. The pūteketeke winning shows the importance of taking care of special birds.
2. A bird from New Zealand called the pūteketeke won a contest and was named the Bird of the Century.
3. John Oliver, an unknown man from America, hindered the bird’s chances by not mentioning it on his show.
4. The contest had no impact on raising awareness about endangered birds in New Zealand.
5. More than 350,000 people from all over the world voted in the contest.
6. The contest is called Animal of the Year and it is run by a group that is indifferent towards nature.
7. Some people didn’t like that John Oliver got involved in the contest.
8. The pūteketeke won because it looks similar to other birds and neglects its babies.
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Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is the name of the bird that won the Bird of the Century contest?
2. Who is John Oliver and what did he do for the bird?
3. What is the name of the contest the bird won?
4. Why did some people not like that John Oliver helped the bird win?
5. What good thing happened because of the contest for the birds?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What is the name of the special bird from New Zealand that won a big contest?
The name of the bird is pūteketeke.

2. What title was the bird given after winning the contest?
The bird was named the Bird of the Century.

3. Who is the famous man from America that helped the bird win, and what did he do?
The famous man is John Oliver. He talked about the bird on his TV show and made jokes about it.

4. What is the name of the contest the bird won?
The contest is called Bird of the Year.

5. How many people voted in the Bird of the Year contest?
More than 350,000 people voted.

6. Why did some people not like that John Oliver helped the bird win?
Some people didn’t like it because John Oliver is from America and Britain, not from New Zealand.

7. What important message does the pūteketeke winning the contest give us about birds in New Zealand?
The important message is that we need to take care of the special birds in New Zealand because they are in danger and could disappear.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) pūteketeke
(2) named
(3) famous
(4) people
(5) cares
(6) More
(7) like
(8) America
(9) Britain
(10) made
(11) help
(12) care
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. contest
Answer: (a) A competition to see who is the best

2. bird
Answer: (c) A flying animal with feathers and a beak

3. special
Answer: (g) Different and not like the others

4. vote
Answer: (h) To choose your favorite by marking a paper

5. care
Answer: (d) To look after and protect

6. danger
Answer: (e) When something is not safe and could hurt you

7. disappear
Answer: (b) To go away and not be seen anymore

8. help
Answer: (f) To give support and make things better
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. Why was the pūteketeke named the Bird of the Century?
Answer: (a) Many people voted for it.

2. Who helped the pūteketeke win the Bird of the Year contest?
Answer: (d) John Oliver

3. How many people voted in the Bird of the Year contest?
Answer: (d) More than 350,000

4. What did John Oliver say about the pūteketeke on his show?
Answer: (b) It is weird and has a funny haircut.

5. Why did some people not like that John Oliver got involved in the contest?
Answer: (b) He is from America and Britain.

6. What was good about the Bird of the Year contest?
Answer: (a) It made more people aware of birds in New Zealand that need help.

7. What does the pūteketeke winning show?
Answer: (c) We need to take care of special birds.

8. Why are most of the birds in New Zealand in danger?
Answer: (c) They need help.
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True or False Answers:

1. The pūteketeke winning shows the importance of taking care of special birds. (Answer: True)
2. A bird from New Zealand called the pūteketeke won a contest and was named the Bird of the Century. (Answer: True)
3. John Oliver, an unknown man from America, hindered the bird’s chances by not mentioning it on his show. (Answer: False)
4. The contest had no impact on raising awareness about endangered birds in New Zealand. (Answer: False)
5. More than 350,000 people from all over the world voted in the contest. (Answer: True)
6. The contest is called Animal of the Year and it is run by a group that is indifferent towards nature. (Answer: False)
7. Some people didn’t like that John Oliver got involved in the contest. (Answer: True)
8. The pūteketeke won because it looks similar to other birds and neglects its babies. (Answer: False)
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