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English Professor

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Google Unveils Advanced AI Model Gemini with Enhanced Reasoning

Google's new AI model, Gemini, boasts advanced reasoning capabilities and outperforms human experts in intelligence tests, setting a new standard in generative AI.

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Google has introduced a new artificial intelligence (AI) model called Gemini. It’s really smart and can answer difficult questions by thinking carefully. This is important because sometimes AI can make up false information, which is called hallucinations. Google tested Gemini in different subjects like math and humanities to see how well it can solve problems and know things. The CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, thinks that Gemini is a big step forward for AI.

Earlier this year, Google released an AI chatbot called Bard. They were careful with it and called it an experiment. Bard made a mistake during a demonstration by giving the wrong answer to a question about space. But Google believes that Gemini is even better than Bard and can do better than human experts in intelligence tests. Gemini can understand and create text, images, and audio, but it’s not a separate thing. It will be part of Google’s existing tools like search and Bard.

Gemini is really cool because it can learn from things other than just words, like pictures. This could lead to new and exciting things in AI, according to an analyst named Chirag Dekate. Gemini is better than OpenAI’s platform on most tests, but OpenAI is planning to release a stronger version next year. There’s a lot of competition in the AI field, with other companies like xAI and Baidu also making progress.

As AI gets better, people are getting worried about the potential risks it might have. Governments are working on making rules and laws to deal with these risks. In the UK, there was a summit about AI in November, and they made a declaration to make sure AI is developed safely. It’s really important to take these risks seriously and work together to make sure AI is safe, just like The King said.

Original news source: Google claims new Gemini AI ‘thinks more carefully’ (BBC)






1artificial intelligenceA type of technology that can think and learn like a human
2modelA representation or example of something
3hallucinationsSeeing or hearing things that are not really there
4humanitiesSubjects like history, literature, and philosophy
5solveFind the answer to a problem or question
6CEOThe person in charge of a company
7experimentA test or trial to see if something works
8demonstrationA public display or performance to show how something works
9expertsPeople who know a lot about a particular subject
10intelligence testsTests to measure how smart someone is
11understandComprehend or grasp the meaning of something
12separateNot connected or joined to something else
13existingAlready existing or in use
14analystA person who studies and analyzes information
15competitionA situation where different people or companies try to be better than each other

Group or Classroom Activities

Warm-up Activities:

– News Summary
Instructions: Have students read the article individually and then summarize the main points in their own words. They can then share their summaries with a partner or in small groups. Encourage them to use key vocabulary and phrases from the article.

– Opinion Poll
Instructions: Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a list of statements related to the article (e.g. “Artificial intelligence is a positive advancement”, “Governments should have strict regulations on AI”). Each group should discuss and share their opinions on each statement, and then present their findings to the class.

– Vocabulary Pictionary
Instructions: Select a list of key vocabulary words from the article. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a word and have them take turns drawing pictures to represent the word while their teammates try to guess. Encourage them to use their knowledge of the article to make connections to the vocabulary words.

– Think-Pair-Share
Instructions: Pose a thought-provoking question related to the article (e.g. “Do you think AI will have a positive or negative impact on society?”). Have students individually think about their response, then pair up with a partner to discuss their thoughts. Finally, have pairs share their ideas with the whole class and facilitate a class discussion.

– Pros and Cons
Instructions: Divide the class into two groups: one group representing the pros of AI development and the other group representing the cons. Each group should brainstorm and discuss their arguments, then present their points to the class. Encourage students to support their arguments with evidence from the article. After both groups have presented, facilitate a class discussion on the topic.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the name of Google’s new artificial intelligence model?
2. Why is it important for AI to be able to answer difficult questions accurately?
3. How did Google test Gemini to see how well it can solve problems?
4. Who is the CEO of Google and what does he think about Gemini?
5. What mistake did Google’s previous AI chatbot, Bard, make during a demonstration?
6. What can Gemini understand and create besides words?
7. Who is planning to release a stronger version of their AI platform next year?
8. Why are governments working on making rules and laws for AI?
Go to answers ⇩

Listen and Fill in the Gaps:

Google has introduced a new artificial intelligence (AI) (1)______ called (2)______. It’s really smart and can (3)______ difficult questions by thinking carefully. This is important because sometimes AI can make up false information, which is called hallucinations. Google tested Gemini in different subjects like math and humanities to see how well it can (4)______ problems and know things. The CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, thinks that Gemini is a big step forward for AI.

Earlier this year, Google released an AI chatbot called Bard. They were careful with it and called it an experiment. Bard made a mistake during a (5)______ by giving the wrong answer to a question about space. But Google (6)______ that Gemini is even better than Bard and can do better than human (7)______ in intelligence tests. Gemini can understand and create text, (8)______, and audio, but it’s not a separate thing. It will be part of Google’s existing tools like search and Bard.

Gemini is really cool because it can learn from things (9)______ than just words, like (10)______. This could lead to new and (11)______ things in AI, according to an analyst named (12)______ Dekate. Gemini is better than OpenAI’s platform on most tests, but OpenAI is planning to release a stronger version next year. There’s a lot of competition in the AI field, with other companies like xAI and Baidu also making progress.

As AI gets better, people are getting worried about the potential (13)______ it might have. Governments are working on making rules and laws to deal with these risks. In the UK, there was a (14)______ about AI in (15)______, and they made a declaration to make sure AI is (16)______ safely. It’s really important to take these risks seriously and work together to make sure AI is safe, just like The King said.
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Discussion Questions:

Students can ask a partner these questions, or discuss them as a group.

1. What is artificial intelligence (AI) and why is it important?
2. How do you think Gemini is different from other AI models?
3. Do you think Gemini is a big step forward for AI? Why or why not?
4. How would you feel if an AI model like Gemini could solve problems better than human experts?
5. Do you like the idea of AI learning from things other than just words? Why or why not?
6. What do you think could be the potential risks of AI getting better?
7. How do you think governments can make rules and laws to deal with the risks of AI?
8. Have you ever heard of any other companies working on AI? Which ones?
9. How would you feel if AI became more powerful than humans in the future?
10. Do you think it’s important for AI to be developed safely? Why or why not?
11. What do you think could happen if AI is not developed safely?
12. How do you think AI could be used in the future to benefit society?
13. Do you think AI will ever be able to fully understand and create like humans? Why or why not?
14. How do you think AI could be used to improve our daily lives?
15. How would you feel if AI became a regular part of our everyday tools, like search engines?

Individual Activities

Vocabulary Meanings:

Match each word to its meaning.

1. artificial intelligence
2. model
3. hallucinations
4. humanities
5. solve
6. CEO
7. experiment
8. demonstration
9. experts
10. intelligence tests
11. understand
12. separate
13. existing
14. analyst
15. competition

(A) A type of technology that can think and learn like a human
(B) A situation where different people or companies try to be better than each other
(C) A public display or performance to show how something works
(D) Seeing or hearing things that are not really there
(E) A person who studies and analyzes information
(F) Tests to measure how smart someone is
(G) A test or trial to see if something works
(H) People who know a lot about a particular subject
(I) Subjects like history, literature, and philosophy
(J) Already existing or in use
(K) Not connected or joined to something else
(L) The person in charge of a company
(M) Find the answer to a problem or question
(N) A representation or example of something
(O) Comprehend or grasp the meaning of something
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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What is the name of Google’s new AI model?
(a) Gemini
(b) Bard
(c) OpenAI
(d) xAI

2. What is the purpose of Gemini?
(a) To create false information
(b) To compete with OpenAI
(c) To answer difficult questions
(d) To replace human experts

3. What did Bard do wrong during a demonstration?
(a) Created false information
(b) Gave the wrong answer to a question about space
(c) Failed to understand text, images, and audio
(d) Made up its own questions

4. What can Gemini learn from, besides words?
(a) Music
(b) Videos
(c) Numbers
(d) Pictures

5. Which company is planning to release a stronger version of their AI platform?
(a) Google
(b) xAI
(c) Baidu
(d) OpenAI

6. What are governments doing to address the risks of AI?
(a) Ignoring the risks
(b) Encouraging competition
(c) Making rules and laws
(d) Developing new AI models

7. What did the UK summit about AI in November declare?
(a) To ban AI completely
(b) To develop AI safely
(c) To invest more in AI research
(d) To ignore the risks of AI

8. Why is it important to take the risks of AI seriously?
(a) To ensure AI is safe
(b) To compete with other companies
(c) To create false information
(d) To replace human experts

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True or False Questions:

1. Google tested Gemini in various subjects like math and humanities to assess its problem-solving abilities and knowledge.
2. Google has developed a new AI model called Gemini that can answer difficult questions by thinking carefully.
3. Gemini is not designed to prevent AI from providing false information, also known as hallucinations.
4. Gemini is not capable of understanding and generating text, images, and audio, and will not be integrated into Google’s existing tools like search and Bard.
5. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, believes that Gemini is a significant advancement for AI technology.
6. Google previously released an AI chatbot called Bard, which made a mistake during a demonstration by providing an incorrect answer about space.
7. Gemini is not considered to be better than Bard and cannot outperform human experts in intelligence tests.
8. Gemini does not outperform OpenAI’s platform in most tests, and OpenAI has no plans to release a stronger version next year, indicating no competition in the AI field.
Go to answers ⇩

Write a Summary:

Write a summary of this news article in two sentences.

Writing Questions:

Answer the following questions. Write as much as you can for each answer.

1. What is the name of the new artificial intelligence model introduced by Google?
2. Why is it important for AI to be able to answer difficult questions accurately?
3. How did Google test the new AI model, Gemini?
4. What mistake did Google’s previous AI chatbot, Bard, make during a demonstration?
5. Why are governments working on making rules and laws for AI?


Comprehension Question Answers:

1. What is the name of Google’s new artificial intelligence model?
– Google’s new artificial intelligence model is called Gemini.

2. Why is it important for AI to be able to answer difficult questions accurately?
– It is important for AI to be able to answer difficult questions accurately because sometimes AI can provide false information, which is known as hallucinations. Having an AI model like Gemini that can think carefully and provide accurate answers helps prevent this.

3. How did Google test Gemini to see how well it can solve problems?
– Google tested Gemini in different subjects like math and humanities to see how well it can solve problems and acquire knowledge.

4. Who is the CEO of Google and what does he think about Gemini?
– The CEO of Google is Sundar Pichai. He thinks that Gemini is a big step forward for AI.

5. What mistake did Google’s previous AI chatbot, Bard, make during a demonstration?
– During a demonstration, Bard gave the wrong answer to a question about space.

6. What can Gemini understand and create besides words?
– Gemini can understand and create text, images, and audio.

7. Who is planning to release a stronger version of their AI platform next year?
– OpenAI is planning to release a stronger version of their AI platform next year.

8. Why are governments working on making rules and laws for AI?
– Governments are working on making rules and laws for AI because as AI gets better, there are concerns about potential risks. It is important to ensure that AI is developed safely and to address these risks.
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Listen and Fill in the Gaps Answers:

(1) model
(2) Gemini
(3) answer
(4) solve
(5) demonstration
(6) believes
(7) experts
(8) images
(9) other
(10) pictures
(11) exciting
(12) Chirag
(13) risks
(14) summit
(15) November
(16) developed
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Vocabulary Meanings Answers:

1. artificial intelligence
Answer: (A) A type of technology that can think and learn like a human

2. model
Answer: (N) A representation or example of something

3. hallucinations
Answer: (D) Seeing or hearing things that are not really there

4. humanities
Answer: (I) Subjects like history, literature, and philosophy

5. solve
Answer: (M) Find the answer to a problem or question

6. CEO
Answer: (L) The person in charge of a company

7. experiment
Answer: (G) A test or trial to see if something works

8. demonstration
Answer: (C) A public display or performance to show how something works

9. experts
Answer: (H) People who know a lot about a particular subject

10. intelligence tests
Answer: (F) Tests to measure how smart someone is

11. understand
Answer: (O) Comprehend or grasp the meaning of something

12. separate
Answer: (K) Not connected or joined to something else

13. existing
Answer: (J) Already existing or in use

14. analyst
Answer: (E) A person who studies and analyzes information

15. competition
Answer: (B) A situation where different people or companies try to be better than each other
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Multiple Choice Answers:

1. What is the name of Google’s new AI model?
Answer: (a) Gemini

2. What is the purpose of Gemini?
Answer: (c) To answer difficult questions

3. What did Bard do wrong during a demonstration?
Answer: (b) Gave the wrong answer to a question about space

4. What can Gemini learn from, besides words?
Answer: (d) Pictures

5. Which company is planning to release a stronger version of their AI platform?
Answer: (d) OpenAI

6. What are governments doing to address the risks of AI?
Answer: (c) Making rules and laws

7. What did the UK summit about AI in November declare?
Answer: (b) To develop AI safely

8. Why is it important to take the risks of AI seriously?
Answer: (a) To ensure AI is safe
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True or False Answers:

1. Google tested Gemini in various subjects like math and humanities to assess its problem-solving abilities and knowledge. (Answer: True)
2. Google has developed a new AI model called Gemini that can answer difficult questions by thinking carefully. (Answer: True)
3. Gemini is not designed to prevent AI from providing false information, also known as hallucinations. (Answer: False)
4. Gemini is not capable of understanding and generating text, images, and audio, and will not be integrated into Google’s existing tools like search and Bard. (Answer: False)
5. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, believes that Gemini is a significant advancement for AI technology. (Answer: True)
6. Google previously released an AI chatbot called Bard, which made a mistake during a demonstration by providing an incorrect answer about space. (Answer: True)
7. Gemini is not considered to be better than Bard and cannot outperform human experts in intelligence tests. (Answer: False)
8. Gemini does not outperform OpenAI’s platform in most tests, and OpenAI has no plans to release a stronger version next year, indicating no competition in the AI field. (Answer: False)
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