Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Discrimination” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Understanding Discrimination

1. What do you understand by the word “discrimination”?
2. Can you name different types of discrimination?
3. Why do you think people discriminate against others?
4. How does discrimination affect the people who are targeted?
5. Do you know any historical events that were driven by discrimination?

II. Discrimination in Society

6. Have you witnessed discrimination in your community?
7. How does discrimination shape someone’s opportunities in life?
8. What is the impact of discrimination on social harmony?
9. Can discrimination take place at schools or universities?
10. Why is it important to stand up against discrimination?

III. Personal Experiences with Discrimination

11. Have you or someone you know ever faced discrimination?
12. How did you or they deal with the experience of being discriminated against?
13. What support is available for victims of discrimination?
14. Can sharing stories about discrimination help fight it?
15. How can someone’s self-esteem be affected by discrimination?

IV. Discrimination in the Workplace

16. What is workplace discrimination and what forms can it take?
17. How can companies prevent discrimination at work?
18. Why is diversity training important in offices?
19. What should you do if you see someone being discriminated against at work?
20. Can discrimination affect someone’s career growth?

V. Laws Against Discrimination

21. What laws does your country have to protect people from discrimination?
22. How do these laws help people who have been discriminated against?
23. What is the role of the government in addressing discrimination?
24. Should there be stricter penalties for those who discriminate?
25. How can people learn about their rights concerning discrimination?

VI. Culture and Discrimination

26. How can cultural beliefs lead to discrimination?
27. What can be done to challenge discriminatory cultural practices?
28. How does discrimination vary across different cultures?
29. Can understanding different cultures reduce discrimination?
30. What role does education play in changing discriminatory attitudes?

VII. Media and Discrimination

31. How does the media portray discrimination?
32. Can the media help in the fight against discrimination?
33. What is the effect of stereotypes in media on discrimination?
34. Do you know any movies or shows that address the issue of discrimination?
35. How can social media influence attitudes toward discrimination?

VIII. Standing Up Against Discrimination

36. How can individuals make a stand against discrimination?
37. Why is it important to speak out when we see discrimination?
38. How can protests and movements lead to change?
39. What is an ally, and how can allies help combat discrimination?
40. What can you do if you feel unsafe to stand up against discrimination?

IX. Discrimination and Education

41. How can schools help prevent discrimination?
42. What should be included in the school curriculum to combat discrimination?
43. How can students support classmates who face discrimination?
44. Why is it important to have diverse teachers and role models in schools?
45. What can be the impact of inclusive education on society?

X. Overcoming Discrimination

46. Can discrimination ever be completely eliminated?
47. What are some success stories of overcoming discrimination?
48. How can counseling and support groups help victims of discrimination?
49. What does a world without discrimination look like to you?
50. How can communities rebuild after instances of discrimination?

XI. International Perspectives on Discrimination

51. How does discrimination differ around the world?
52. What can we learn from other countries that have made progress in fighting discrimination?
53. How do international organizations combat discrimination?
54. What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
55. How do global events like the Olympics challenge discrimination?

XII. Future Directions

56. What changes would you like to see in your lifetime regarding discrimination?
57. How can new generations change the narrative on discrimination?
58. What role does leadership play in addressing discrimination?
59. How can technology be used to fight discrimination?
60. What will you tell your future children about discrimination and equality?