Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Animals” ESL Discussion Questions

I. General Knowledge

1. What is your favorite animal and why?
2. Can you name three mammals?
3. What animal do you think is the most interesting?
4. Are there any animals you are afraid of? Why?
5. What are some differences between wild animals and pets?

II. Habitats and Ecosystems

6. What animals live in the ocean?
7. Can you name an animal that lives in the desert?
8. What is a habitat?
9. How do animals adapt to their environment?
10. Why is biodiversity important?

III. Animal Behavior

11. What do you know about animal migration?
12. Can you explain why some animals hibernate?
13. What is an example of a nocturnal animal?
14. How do animals communicate with each other?
15. What animal is known for its intelligence?

IV. Endangered Species

16. Can you name an endangered animal?
17. Why do animals become endangered?
18. How can we help protect endangered animals?
19. What is a wildlife conservation area?
20. Do you think zoos are good for animals?

V. Pets and Domestic Animals

21. Do you have any pets? What kind?
22. What responsibilities come with having a pet?
23. How do domestic animals differ from their wild ancestors?
24. What are some benefits of having pets?
25. Can animals understand humans?

VI. Animal Health and Care

26. How do you take care of a sick animal?
27. Why is vaccination important for pets?
28. What should you feed your pets?
29. How can you tell if an animal is happy or healthy?
30. What are some common diseases that affect animals?

VII. Wildlife and Nature

31. Have you ever seen wild animals in their natural habitat?
32. What’s the difference between a national park and a zoo?
33. Why is it important to not disturb wildlife?
34. How does pollution affect animals?
35. What can we do to preserve natural habitats?

VIII. Animal Rights and Ethics

36. What are animal rights?
37. Do you think animals should be used for scientific research?
38. How do you feel about hunting?
39. Should all animals be treated the same way?
40. What do you think about keeping exotic animals as pets?

IX. Animals in Culture and Mythology

41. Can you name an animal that is important in your culture?
42. Are there any animals that are considered lucky or unlucky?
43. How are animals portrayed in folklore and myths in your country?
44. Do you know any stories where animals are the main characters?
45. What animal symbols are used in your country’s flags or emblems?

X. Animal Science and Studies

46. What is zoology?
47. Have you ever participated in a scientific study about animals?
48. What have you learned from observing animals?
49. Why is it important to study animal behavior?
50. What careers involve working with animals?

XI. Unique and Unusual Animals

51. Can you name a unique or unusual animal?
52. What makes some animals unique in their appearance or behavior?
53. Are there any animals you didn’t believe existed until you saw them?
54. What animal has the most interesting survival tactic?
55. Do you know any animals that have special abilities?

XII. Animals and Technology

56. How is technology used to study or protect animals?
57. Have you heard of any inventions made for animals?
58. Can technology help endangered species to survive?
59. What are your thoughts on cloning animals?
60. How can social media help in animal conservation efforts?
