Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Astronomy” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Basic Astronomy Questions

1. Do all stars have planets around them?
2. How many planets does our solar system have?
3. What is gravity? Where does it come from? Why does it exist at all?
4. What is the difference between an asteroid and a meteor?
5. How do you measure the distance from Earth to Mars?

II. Planets and Their Characteristics

6. What is the difference between a planet and a star?
7. What is a constellation?
8. Is Pluto a planet or not? Why or why not?
9. How did we know that Pluto was not really a planet after all?
10. How do scientists use telescopes to study objects in space?

III. Moons and Other Celestial Bodies

11. How many moons does Jupiter have?
12. What are some things that you can see in space?
13. How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach Earth?
14. Is our Sun a star or a planet?
15. What causes an eclipse?

IV. Understanding the Universe

16. What is the difference between a planet and an asteroid?
17. Is there life on other planets?
18. What is the sun?
19. Why do we call our galaxy “Milky Way”?
20. What are the names of the planets in English?

V. Comets, Asteroids, and More

21. What are comets and meteorites made of?
22. How can we know that Earth goes around the Sun?
23. Why do we see different constellations at different times of year?
24. What is the difference between a planet and a moon?
25. What is astronomy?

VI. The Milky Way and Beyond

26. How many stars are there in the Milky Way galaxy?
27. Why do we have seasons on Earth?
28. What is an asteroid belt and where can you find one in our Solar System?
29. How many moons does the Earth have?
30. What is a black hole?

VII. Galaxies and Their Mysteries

31. How many galaxies are there in the universe?
32. What are planets made of?
33. What is a galaxy?
34. What are the names of some constellations?
35. Can you see all of the planets in our solar system with your eyes alone?

VIII. Discoveries in Astronomy

36. How did astronomers figure out that our solar system has eight planets?
37. What are stars made of?
38. What is the Milky Way?
39. What happens when we spin around really fast and then stop suddenly?
40. Which planet has the longest day, and why?

IX. Earth and Its Features

41. What causes tides in Earth’s oceans?
42. What is the name of the star that is closest to us?
43. How does the Earth’s rotation affect day and night?
44. Why do we have a leap year?
45. What is the atmosphere, and why is it important?

X. The Future of Space Exploration

46. What are some future missions to Mars?
47. How do scientists plan to explore other galaxies?
48. What technology is used to send spacecraft into space?
49. What are the challenges of living in space?
50. How can we protect Earth from asteroids?

XI. The Role of Technology in Astronomy

51. What is a space probe?
52. How do satellites help us learn about space?
53. What is the Hubble Space Telescope?
54. How do scientists use computers in astronomy?
55. What role does artificial intelligence play in space exploration?

XII. Fun Facts About Space

56. What is the hottest planet in our solar system?
57. What is the coldest place in the universe?
58. How many Earths can fit inside the Sun?
59. What is the largest volcano in the solar system?
60. What is the most distant galaxy we have discovered?
