Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Breaking up” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Breaking Up

1. What are some signs that it’s time to end a relationship?
2. Why do people get back together after breaking up?
3. What are some reasons why people break up with their partners?
4. How do you get over a breakup?
5. How do you know if your relationship is over?

II. Emotions After a Breakup

6. Why is it so hard to get over a breakup?
7. What would be your reaction if someone broke up with you?
8. Do you think breaking up is ever a good idea?
9. What is the hardest part of breaking up?
10. How do you know when it’s time to break up with someone?

III. Breaking Up Process

11. How do you feel about breaking up with someone?
12. What are the worst parts of a relationship?
13. Do you think there’s a right way to break up with someone?
14. How do you deal with a breakup?
15. When did you last break up with someone?

IV. Prevention and Communication

16. How can people avoid breaking up?
17. What should you say when breaking up with someone?
18. What are the best parts of a relationship?
19. Do you think that breaking up is easy or hard for most people in general?
20. When should I start thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend/girlfriend?

V. After the Breakup

21. What are the advantages of breaking up?
22. Have you ever been hurt by someone in a relationship before?
23. If someone breaks up with me, how long should I wait before going after them again (if at all)?
24. What are the steps to break up with someone?
25. Are there any situations where it’s ok to break up with someone?

VI. Life After a Breakup

26. What happens after you break up with your partner?
27. What’s the best way to break up with someone?
28. What are the disadvantages of breaking up?
29. How can you stay friends after a breakup?
30. What advice would you give to someone going through a breakup?

VII. Moving On

31. How long does it usually take to get over a breakup?
32. What activities can help you heal after a breakup?
33. How can you rebuild your self-esteem after a breakup?
34. What are some positive things about being single after a breakup?
35. How do you feel about dating again after a breakup?

VIII. Reflection

36. What lessons have you learned from past relationships?
37. How do you think a breakup changes a person?
38. What do you wish you had done differently in past relationships?
39. How can you ensure you don’t repeat the same mistakes in future relationships?
40. What advice would you give to your younger self about relationships?

IX. Support Systems

41. Who do you turn to for support after a breakup?
42. How can friends help someone going through a breakup?
43. What role does family play in supporting someone after a breakup?
44. How can support groups help those dealing with breakups?
45. What are some unhealthy ways people cope with breakups?

X. Moving Forward

46. How can you start dating again after a breakup?
47. What should you look for in a new partner after a breakup?
48. How can you tell if you’re ready to date again?
49. How can you avoid comparing new partners to your ex?
50. What are some signs that you are ready to move on?

XI. Personal Growth

51. How can you grow as a person after a breakup?
52. What new hobbies or interests can you explore after a breakup?
53. How can you focus on self-care after a breakup?
54. What are some ways to boost your confidence after a breakup?
55. How can you set new goals for yourself after a breakup?

XII. Future Relationships

56. What qualities do you want in your next relationship?
57. How can you ensure that your next relationship is healthier?
58. What are your hopes for future relationships?
59. How can you communicate better in future relationships?
60. What lessons do you want to take into your next relationship?
