Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Depression” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Understanding Depression

1. What do you think depression is?
2. How is depression different from feeling sad?
3. Can depression affect anyone?
4. What might cause someone to become depressed?
5. Is it possible to see if someone is depressed just by looking at them?

II. Symptoms of Depression

6. What are some common signs that a person might be depressed?
7. Can depression change the way a person acts?
8. Do you think depression can affect someone’s sleep?
9. How can depression influence a person’s thoughts?
10. Can depression make it hard for someone to enjoy things they used to like?

III. Seeking Help

11. Why might someone feel ashamed to ask for help with depression?
12. Who can a person talk to if they think they are depressed?
13. How can a doctor help someone who is depressed?
14. What should you do if a friend tells you they are depressed?
15. Why is it important to listen to someone who is feeling depressed?

IV. Treatments for Depression

16. What are some ways to treat depression?
17. Can talking to a therapist help with depression?
18. Are there medicines for depression?
19. How can exercise affect depression?
20. Do you think a good diet can help with depression?

V. Depression and Society

21. How does society view depression in your country?
22. Do you think people with depression face stigma?
23. Should schools teach students about mental health and depression?
24. How can workplaces support employees with depression?
25. Why might some people not understand depression?

VI. Depression and Relationships

26. Can depression affect someone’s relationships?
27. How can you support a family member who has depression?
28. What should you not say to someone who is depressed?
29. How can depression impact a romantic relationship?
30. What can friends do to help each other with depression?

VII. Coping Mechanisms

31. What are some healthy ways to cope with depression?
32. Can writing in a journal help with depression?
33. Why might some people use alcohol or drugs when they’re depressed?
34. How can hobbies or interests help with depression?
35. What role can pets play in helping someone with depression?

VIII. Depression in Different Age Groups

36. Do you think depression is more common in any particular age group?
37. How can depression affect children differently than adults?
38. Why might teenagers be at risk for depression?
39. Can elderly people become depressed?
40. How can we help older people who might be depressed?

IX. Depression and Physical Health

41. Can depression make physical health problems worse?
42. Is there a connection between depression and chronic pain?
43. How does not getting enough sleep relate to depression?
44. Can depression lead to weight gain or weight loss?
45. Why is it important to take care of your physical health when you’re depressed?

X. Cultural Perspectives on Depression

46. How is depression viewed in different cultures?
47. Do you think some cultures are more open to talking about depression?
48. Can cultural beliefs affect how someone deals with depression?
49. Are there any traditional remedies for depression in your culture?
50. How can we respect cultural differences when discussing depression?

XI. Depression and Daily Life

51. How can depression affect a person’s daily routine?
52. What changes might someone with depression make to their daily life?
53. Can a regular schedule help with depression?
54. How can depression influence someone’s work or study?
55. What can someone do to feel better on a bad day with depression?

XII. Overcoming Stigma

56. What can we do to reduce the stigma around depression?
57. Why is it harmful to ignore or make fun of depression?
58. How can sharing personal stories help with the stigma of depression?
59. What role can the media play in changing perceptions about depression?
60. How can education help in understanding and accepting depression?
