I. General Dog Questions
1. Do you think dogs are smarter than humans? Why or why not?
2. Do dogs need to be trained to obey humans?
3. Do you have more than one dog? If so, do they get along with each other?
4. How do you know when your dog is sick?
5. Do you think it’s important for children to have pets, like dogs or cats?
II. Dog Behavior
6. What do you think about dogs?
7. Are dogs popular in your country?
8. Do you know how to make a dog happy?
9. Is it true that some dogs can be trained to do tricks like sit, roll over, and play dead?
10. Do dogs need special toys?
III. Dog Care
11. Does your dog have a favorite time of day to eat?
12. Are dogs friendly?
13. What are the pros and cons of having a dog around the house vs not having one?
14. Does your dog know how to play with other dogs?
15. What is it like to live with a dog?
IV. Dog Intelligence
16. Are dogs good at catching prey?
17. Do you think dogs are smarter than cats?
18. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
19. Do you think it is more difficult to train a dog or a cat?
20. Has your dog ever bitten anyone before?
V. Dog Ownership
21. Do you know how to take care of a dog?
22. Do you have a dog?
23. Do dogs like music?
24. Do you believe that humans and dogs have the same capacity for feeling emotions?
25. Do dogs understand what we are saying to them?
VI. Dog Benefits
26. Do dogs make good pets?
27. What kind of food should you give your dog?
28. Is it true that dogs like to play games with their owners, such as fetching sticks?
29. Does your family have a pet?
30. Are there any breeds of dogs that are best suited for living in apartments or small spaces?
VII. Dog Training
31. Is it easy to train a dog?
32. Is it easy to take care of a dog?
33. Have you ever had any experience with raising or training animals such as dogs or cats?
34. Why do you think dogs are so popular as pets?
35. What is the best way to train a dog?
VIII. Dog Preferences
36. Do you like dogs?
37. Have you ever had a pet dog?
38. What would you do if someone abandoned their dog in front of your house? Would you try to find the owner, or keep the dog yourself?
39. Does your dog have a favorite toy?
40. Is there anything that makes your dog nervous or scared?
IX. Dog Dreams and Emotions
41. Do dogs dream like humans do?
42. Are dogs dangerous?
43. Are dogs smart?
44. Do you think that dogs are better than cats?
45. Is it true that some dogs are specially trained to help people with disabilities like blindness or deafness?
X. Dog Appearance
46. What color is your dog’s fur?
47. Is it true that dogs are man’s best friend?
48. Does your dog ever get in trouble for barking too much?
49. What breed is your dog?
50. Is it easy to find a good home for a dog?
XI. Dog Health
51. How often should you take your dog to the vet?
52. What vaccinations do dogs need?
53. How can you tell if your dog is healthy?
54. What should you do if your dog gets hurt?
55. Do you give your dog any special treats for being good?
XII. Dog Adoption
56. Why do people adopt dogs from shelters?
57. What should you consider before adopting a dog?
58. How can you help dogs that are in shelters?
59. What is the best age to adopt a dog?
60. How can you find a good dog trainer?