Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Facebook” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Facebook Usage

1. What kind of posts do you find interesting or funny on Facebook these days?
2. Do you have any embarrassing photos on Facebook?
3. What is Facebook?
4. What are some of your favorite posts by other people on Facebook lately?
5. How do you feel about social media?

II. Facebook Features

6. Do you ever use Messenger for group chats with friends or family members? Why or why not?
7. What are the most popular hobbies on Facebook?
8. Why do people use Facebook?
9. Who invented Facebook?
10. What is your least favorite part of Facebook?

III. Facebook Experience

11. How often do you use Facebook?
12. What is your favorite feature on Facebook?
13. Are there any other social media sites that are similar to Facebook?
14. Do you have any friends who use WhatsApp instead of Messenger? What do they think of it?
15. What do you like most about the way Facebook looks?

IV. Facebook Interactions

16. Do you think it’s OK for people who aren’t friends with each other to exchange direct messages on Facebook?
17. Why do people post so many pictures of their pets on Facebook?
18. Have you ever created a group on Facebook? If so, what kind of group was it and why did you create it?
19. How many people use Facebook?
20. Can you remember the first time you used Facebook?

V. Facebook Future

21. What would you like to see added to Facebook in the future?
22. How do you delete your Facebook account?
23. What’s the most annoying thing about Facebook?
24. How does it feel when someone likes one of your posts?
25. What’s one thing that makes you annoyed about the way people use social media these days?

VI. Facebook Preferences

26. Do you want to see more posts from people or businesses on Facebook?
27. How do you get your friends to like your status?
28. Do you have any friends that you’ve met only online through Facebook?
29. How do you feel about “tagging” people in photos?
30. How can we keep our personal information private on Facebook?

VII. Facebook Functions

31. What do you use Facebook for the most?
32. Do you use Facebook to connect with friends and family, or do you prefer using other social media platforms?
33. Who uses Facebook?
34. What is the most popular language on Facebook?
35. What is the best way to avoid Facebook addiction?

VIII. Facebook Opinions

36. What do you think of Facebook?
37. What is something cool that happened on Facebook recently?
38. When did you first start using Facebook Messenger?
39. What is the difference between a ‘like’ and a ‘love’ on Facebook?
40. What is the main reason to use Facebook?

IX. Facebook Usage Decisions

41. Should people use Facebook?
42. Do you like to use Facebook?
43. What do you think of when you see the word “Facebook”?
44. Is it true that Facebook knows more about you than you know about yourself?
45. What’s the last photo you posted on Facebook? Where was it taken and what does it show?

X. Facebook Business

46. Have you ever used Facebook as a way to promote your business or organization? If so, how did it go?
47. What would you like to change about Facebook?
48. What’s the best part of using Facebook Messenger?
49. What is your Facebook profile picture?
50. What is your favorite thing about Facebook?

XI. Facebook Demographics

51. Why do some people not use Facebook?
52. How old is Facebook?
53. What kind of information do you share on Facebook?
54. What do you like about Facebook?
55. Is your family on Facebook? Why or why not?

XII. Facebook Improvements

56. What is one thing that could make Facebook better for you?
57. What is your opinion on Facebook’s privacy policies?
58. How do you feel about Facebook’s role in society?
59. What changes would you like to see in Facebook’s news feed?
60. Would you recommend Facebook to others? Why or why not?
