Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Field Hockey” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Field Hockey Basics

1. What is the penalty for hitting another player with your stick in field hockey?
2. What are the positions in field hockey?
3. What are some reasons why people should play field hockey?
4. How long do you play field hockey for?
5. How long does it take to learn how to play field hockey?

II. Rules and Equipment

6. What’s the difference between a penalty stroke and an indirect free hit?
7. What kinds of balls are used in field hockey?
8. What is your favorite part of playing field hockey?
9. Do you play any other sports? If so, which ones and why did you choose them over field hockey?
10. How many people are on an international field hockey team?

III. History and Popularity

11. Who invented field hockey?
12. What countries play the most field hockey?
13. What’s your favorite part about playing field hockey?
14. What is the longest field hockey stick?
15. What’s the difference between a penalty stroke and a penalty corner?

IV. Game Mechanics

16. Do you think that field hockey will become more popular in the future?
17. What is a penalty corner? Who gets to shoot from it? How many shots can they take?
18. Why do you like field hockey?
19. How many players are on a field hockey team?
20. What’s your favorite piece of equipment in field hockey?

V. Skills and Strategies

21. What are the top three things you need to remember when playing field hockey?
22. What are the different kinds of sticks used in field hockey?
23. How old do you have to be to play field hockey?
24. What’s your favorite field hockey position?
25. How long is a game of field hockey usually played for?

VI. Participation and Inclusivity

26. What are some reasons why people should not play field hockey?
27. Can anyone play field hockey, no matter what age or gender they are?
28. What kind of equipment do you need to play field hockey?
29. What are the two main positions in field hockey?
30. What position do you play in field hockey?

VII. Improving Skills

31. What are some ways to improve your field hockey skills?
32. How many players are on a penalty corner line?
33. What’s the best part about playing in a team sport?
34. What does a field hockey player wear?
35. How do you score a goal?

VIII. Advanced Rules

36. Can a ball be hit with both hands at the same time?
37. What are the rules of field hockey?
38. How many goals does it take for a team to win the game?
39. What’s the most difficult part of playing in a team sport?
40. What is a field hockey stick made of?

IX. Understanding the Game

41. What are the basic rules of field hockey?
42. Do you play this sport?
43. What is a penalty stroke?
44. What kinds of skills do you need to play field hockey?
45. What’s the best part of playing field hockey?

X. Playing Frequency

46. How often do you play field hockey?
47. Why do you think field hockey is so popular?
48. What is the most famous field hockey player?
49. How many points does it take to win a game of field hockey?
50. Do you think that field hockey should be played more often in schools?

XI. Knowledge of the Game

51. Do you know the rules of field hockey?
52. What is your favorite field hockey memory?
53. How do you feel when you play field hockey?
54. What do you think is the most important skill in field hockey?
55. How do you prepare for a field hockey game?

XII. Future of Field Hockey

56. What changes would you like to see in field hockey?
57. How can field hockey be promoted in schools?
58. What do you think the future of field hockey looks like?
59. Who inspires you in field hockey?
60. What advice would you give to someone starting field hockey?
