I. General Questions about GM Foods
1. Can we produce enough food for everyone on Earth without using genetic modification?
2. Does genetic engineering pose environmental risks that other types of plant breeding don’t pose?
3. Do you think there will be more genetically modified foods on the market in the future?
4. Why are some people against the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture?
5. Are there any health benefits associated with eating non-modified foods instead of modified ones?
II. Understanding GMOs
6. Do you know what genetic engineering is?
7. Do GMOs kill bees, butterflies and other insects?
8. Do you think we should use genetically modified food in our daily lives or not? Why or why not?
9. Should we use genetic engineering to create new foods? Why or why not?
10. Are GM foods good for our environment?
III. Health and Safety
11. What’s the difference between traditional breeding and genetic engineering?
12. What happens when you eat GMOs?
13. Do you agree with the opinion that genetic engineering may be a better way to produce more food than other methods like traditional cross-breeding or natural selection?
14. How do you know if your food is organic or not?
15. Is it dangerous to eat genetically modified foods?
IV. Opinions on GM Foods
16. Are you for or against GM food?
17. How do you feel about genetically modified food?
18. Do you think that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are dangerous to the environment?
19. Do you know what a genetically modified organism (GMO) is?
20. Do you believe that genetically modified food is safe for human consumption?
V. Consumption of GM Foods
21. Are you interested in eating genetically modified food?
22. Do genetically modified crops grow faster than non-genetically modified crops?
23. Should we eat genetically modified food? Why or why not?
24. How much do we really know about the health effects of eating GM foods?
25. What is the difference between GMO and non-GMO food?
VI. Identifying GM Foods
26. Can you tell if a food is genetically modified just by looking at it?
27. Are genetically modified crops good for the environment?
28. Why is there so much controversy around the use of GM food in our food supply?
29. Do you think we should have genetically modified food in our diet?
30. Is it safe to eat genetically modified food?
VII. Current GM Foods
31. What kind of foods are being genetically modified right now?
32. Should there be more studies about the effects of GM foods on human health?
33. Are there any health risks associated with eating genetically modified foods?
34. What do you think will happen if everyone eats genetically modified food?
35. Why are some foods labeled as “organic” when they contain genetically modified ingredients?
VIII. Growing GM Foods
36. Is it possible to grow crops without using pesticides and herbicides?
37. What are some of the benefits of genetically modified food?
38. Do you know what genetically modified food is?
39. Would you eat genetically modified food if it was cheaper than organic food?
40. How does genetic modification work?
IX. GM Foods vs Organic Foods
41. What is the difference between genetically modified food and organic food?
42. Do you think that GMOs are dangerous to humans?
43. How are genetically modified foods regulated by the government?
44. Are GM foods safe for humans and animals to eat?
45. How can I find out if a food product is genetically modified?
X. Concerns about GM Foods
46. Are there any dangers associated with eating genetically modified foods, such as toxicity or allergenicity?
47. Do you think that genetically modified foods should be labelled as such by the manufacturer or retailer?
48. Are there any benefits of genetically modified food?
49. What are some of the concerns about genetically modified crops and foods?
50. How are genetically modified crops grown?
XI. Types of GM Foods
51. How many types of genetically modified foods are there and what are they used for?
52. What are the most common genetically modified crops?
53. Are there any genetically modified fruits that you enjoy?
54. What are some examples of genetically modified vegetables?
55. How do genetically modified foods differ from traditional foods?
XII. Future of GM Foods
56. What do you think the future holds for genetically modified foods?
57. Should more countries adopt the use of genetically modified foods?
58. How can technology improve the safety of genetically modified foods?
59. What role do you think consumers play in the future of GM foods?
60. Would you support more research on genetically modified foods?