Paul Holmes -
English Professor

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“Having children” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Benefits of Having Children

1. What are the benefits of having children?
2. What are your hopes for your child’s future?
3. How often do you spend time with your kids (and what do you do together)?
4. How important do you think it is for parents to spend time with their children every day? Why or why not?
5. What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a parent?

II. Reasons for Having Children

6. Are there any reasons why people shouldn’t have children?
7. Are you planning to have children?
8. What age do you think is best for a woman to have her first child?
9. Do you think it’s selfish to have a child if you can’t afford it financially, physically, or emotionally?
10. Do you think that it is important for a child to have siblings? Why or why not?

III. Perspectives on Parenthood

11. Why do people decide not to have children?
12. What do you think about having an only child?
13. What are the worst things about having children?
14. Are there any benefits to not having children, such as more time for yourself or more money in your bank account?
15. Do you like being an only child or do you wish you had siblings?

IV. Parenting Responsibilities

16. Do you believe that children can be taught to be responsible adults by their parents?
17. Do you think that there is an age at which people should stop having children? If so, what age would that be and why?
18. Do you think it’s important for children to have lots of friends or just one or two close ones? Why or why not?
19. Do you think it’s important for women to work outside the home?
20. How do you feel about the cost of raising a child?

V. Family Planning

21. Would you recommend starting a family at this point in time in history?
22. How old do you think is the right age to start thinking about having children?
23. What’s the worst thing about being a parent?
24. How do you feel about being a parent?
25. Are there any reasons why people should have children?

VI. Family Dynamics

26. Do you have children?
27. Do you want to have a big family or a small family?
28. Do you feel like having children has changed the way you see the world?
29. What is it like being a parent?
30. How do you and your partner share responsibilities in parenting?

VII. Teaching and Guidance

31. Do you think it is important for parents to teach their children how to drive? Why or why not?
32. Are there any differences between raising boys and girls?
33. Have you ever felt like your child was smarter than you?
34. How did your parents influence your decision to have children?
35. What are the most important qualities for a parent?

VIII. Societal Views

36. What are some bad things about having children in our society today?
37. Have you thought about what your child’s name will be?
38. Should women work outside of the home while raising children, or should they stay home with their kids?
39. Have you ever changed your mind about having children? If so, why did you change your mind and what was the outcome of that decision?
40. What are the best things about having children?

IX. Partnership in Parenting

41. Does your spouse/partner help with childcare? If so, how? If not, why not?
42. Why do you want to have children?
43. What kind of parent do you want to be?
44. What are the disadvantages of having children?
45. Do you plan on having one child or more than one?

X. Personal Reflections

46. What is your favorite thing about having children?
47. What age do you think is best for a man to have his first child?
48. What are some good things about having children in our society today?
49. How has having a child affected your relationship with your partner or spouse?
50. How many children would you like to have in your lifetime?

XI. Parenting Challenges

51. Do you think that parenting should be a full-time job or can it be done by others during the day while you are at work?
52. Are there any disadvantages of having children?
53. Do you have any advice for new parents?
54. Do you think people should have children because it’s their duty or because they really want them?
55. If you could do it all over again, would you have kids? Why or why not?

XII. Enjoying Parenthood

56. What’s the best thing about being a parent?
57. What’s been the most surprising thing about being a parent?
58. Do you have any advice for young people who are considering becoming parents someday?
59. Do you like children? Why or why not?
60. Is it better to raise kids in the city or in the countryside?
