I. Human Cloning Ethics
1. Do you think human cloning should be illegal, or allowed with restrictions?
2. What is the purpose of cloning?
3. Do you think human cloning is ethical?
4. What is the difference between cloning and reproducing?
5. Can humans be cloned?
II. Personal Feelings on Cloning
6. How would you feel if someone close to you was cloned?
7. What do you need to clone a human?
8. What are the dangers of cloning humans?
9. Can you clone yourself?
10. What do you think about clones being used as organ donors?
III. Cloning Process
11. How do you clone a human?
12. What is cloning?
13. Do you believe that scientists will be able to clone humans successfully within the next ten years? Why or why not?
14. What are the disadvantages of human cloning?
15. Should we clone ourselves?
IV. Benefits and Risks
16. Are there any benefits of cloning humans?
17. Do you think that cloning humans will help us discover new medical treatments and cures for diseases?
18. Can we clone humans?
19. What would happen if scientists were allowed to clone humans?
20. Do you think that clones should have the same rights as their originals? Why or why not?
V. Legal and Social Aspects
21. Is human cloning legal?
22. Do you think that cloning for medical research is a good idea or bad idea?
23. Do you think cloning will help people with their medical conditions?
24. Are there any risks in cloning humans?
25. Do you think it’s ok to clone humans?
VI. Future of Cloning
26. When can we start cloning humans?
27. What are the benefits of cloning humans?
28. Is it ethical to clone a human being?
29. Do you think we should make a law against cloning humans?
30. What is the difference between cloning and genetic engineering?
VII. Reasons for Cloning
31. Why do people want to clone humans?
32. Do you think human cloning should be legal?
33. Can you clone cells?
34. Will human cloning be used to create new organs for people who need them?
35. Should there be a limit on how many clones a person can make of themselves? If so, what should that limit be?
VIII. Opinions on Cloning
36. How do you feel about human cloning?
37. How many babies have been cloned?
38. Does human cloning have any benefits for society? If so, what are they?
39. Can we clone humans from our own cells?
40. Do you think that we should clone humans?
IX. Morality of Cloning
41. Do you think cloning humans is wrong?
42. Do you think human cloning is a good thing or a bad thing?
43. How does cloning work?
44. How long does it take to clone a human being?
45. What is the future of cloning technology?
X. Cloning and Society
46. How will cloning affect family relationships?
47. Should clones be treated differently than non-clones?
48. How might cloning change our understanding of identity?
49. What role should government play in cloning?
50. How do different cultures view cloning?
XI. Cloning and Science
51. What scientific advancements have been made in cloning?
52. How can cloning help endangered species?
53. What is the relationship between cloning and genetic diversity?
54. Can cloning be used in agriculture?
55. What are the potential benefits of cloning in medicine?
XII. Cloning and Technology
56. How does technology influence cloning?
57. What are the ethical concerns of cloning technology?
58. How can cloning technology be regulated?
59. What future technologies might improve cloning?
60. How will cloning technology evolve in the next decade?