I. Magic Basics
1. Why is magic so popular?
2. What makes a good magician?
3. How do you become a magician?
4. Do you have to be born with the power of magic? Or can anyone learn it?
5. Is it easier to be a magician if you have special powers like telepathy or clairvoyance?
II. Famous Magicians
6. What are some of the most famous magicians in history?
7. Who was Harry Houdini, and why is he famous as a magician?
8. What’s the difference between an illusionist and a magician?
9. What’s the difference between an escapologist and a magician?
10. What do you like about magic?
III. Personal Opinions
11. What don’t you like about magic?
12. What is your favorite kind of magic trick?
13. Do you think the world would be a better place if everyone could do magic?
14. Which is more impressive: to bend spoons with your mind or make someone disappear in front of their friends?
15. What other kinds of things can magicians do besides magic tricks?
IV. Magic vs. Science
16. Which one is better: magic or science?
17. How many tricks do you think you know?
18. Do you believe in magic?
19. What is the best magic trick you have ever seen?
20. Do you think it’s possible to use magic to change things?
V. Changing the World
21. What would you like to change with magic?
22. Do you think there are real witches and wizards living in our world today?
23. What is magic?
24. What is the difference between magic and science?
25. What are some examples of magic in your life?
VI. Magic Practices
26. Can you make a magic potion?
27. When is the best time to practice magic?
28. Can you make a magic wand?
29. What do you think of witches and wizards?
30. Would you like to be a magician?
VII. Beliefs and Spirits
31. Do you believe that there are fairies in this world?
32. Do you believe that there is a world beyond this one where spirits exist?
33. Where do you think the power of magic comes from?
34. What would happen if we stopped believing in magic altogether?
35. Why do we still believe in magic even though we know it does not exist?
VIII. Defining Magic
36. Do you believe in magic? Why or why not?
37. Can you define magic?
38. Is magic real?
39. Where does magic come from?
40. How does magic work?
IX. Being a Magician
41. What does it mean to be a magician?
42. What is the most challenging part of being a magician?
43. Do you think anyone can become a magician?
44. What skills do you need to be a good magician?
45. How do you feel when you perform a magic trick?
X. Audience Reactions
46. How do you think an audience feels when they see a magic trick?
47. What is the best reaction you have seen from an audience?
48. Do you think people are more impressed by magic tricks or by the magician’s personality?
49. How can a magician connect with their audience?
50. What do you think is the most important thing for a magician to remember?
XI. Magic in Culture
51. How is magic represented in movies and books?
52. What role does magic play in different cultures?
53. Can you think of a famous movie that features magic?
54. How do children view magic compared to adults?
55. What do you think about magic shows on television?
XII. Future of Magic
56. How do you think magic will change in the future?
57. What new magic tricks do you think will be created?
58. Do you think technology will change magic?
59. How can magicians use social media to share their magic?
60. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start learning magic?