Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Rural Life” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Daily Life in Rural Areas

1. What are some common jobs in rural areas?
2. How do people in rural areas get their food?
3. What types of houses are common in rural areas?
4. How do children in rural areas get to school?
5. What do people do for fun in rural areas?

II. The Natural Environment

6. What kind of animals can you find in rural areas?
7. What are some common plants or crops grown in rural areas?
8. How do the seasons affect rural life?
9. Are there many rivers or lakes in rural areas?
10. How do people in rural areas take care of the environment?

III. Community and Relationships

11. How do people in rural areas know each other?
12. What are some traditions in rural communities?
13. How do rural communities celebrate weddings?
14. Are there community centers or gathering places in rural areas?
15. How do people help each other in rural communities?

IV. Education and Schools

16. What is a typical school day like in rural areas?
17. Do children have to travel far for school in rural areas?
18. Are there many schools in rural areas?
19. How do rural schools compare to city schools?
20. What subjects are taught in rural schools?

V. Healthcare in Rural Areas

21. How far do people have to travel to see a doctor?
22. Are there hospitals in rural areas?
23. How do rural people handle emergencies?
24. What are some common health issues in rural areas?
25. Do people in rural areas use traditional medicine?

VI. Technology and Connectivity

26. Do rural areas have good internet connection?
27. How do people in rural areas stay connected with the world?
28. What types of technology are common in rural homes?
29. Are there many shops that sell technology in rural areas?
30. How has technology changed life in rural areas?

VII. Transportation and Travel

31. What kinds of transportation do people use in rural areas?
32. How do people travel to nearby cities or towns?
33. Are the roads in rural areas good?
34. How do people get around if they don’t have a car?
35. Do people in rural areas travel often?

VIII. Economy and Resources

36. What are the main sources of income in rural areas?
37. Do people in rural areas trade goods and services?
38. How do rural economies differ from urban economies?
39. Are there many stores in rural areas?
40. How do rural areas get resources like water and electricity?

IX. Festivals and Celebrations

41. What are some popular festivals in rural areas?
42. How do rural communities prepare for celebrations?
43. Are there special foods that are made for festivals?
44. Do people from cities visit rural areas for festivals?
45. How important are festivals to rural communities?

X. Challenges of Rural Life

46. What are some challenges people face living in rural areas?
47. How do rural areas get affected by bad weather?
48. What happens when there is not enough work in rural areas?
49. How do people in rural areas access information?
50. What are some ways rural life could be improved?

XI. Rural vs. Urban Life

51. What are the main differences between rural and urban life?
52. Why might someone choose to live in a rural area instead of a city?
53. Can you think of any advantages of living in a rural area?
54. What are the disadvantages of living in a rural area?
55. Would you prefer to live in a rural area or a city? Why?

XII. The Future of Rural Life

56. How do you think rural life will change in the next 10 years?
57. Will technology have a big impact on rural areas?
58. Do you think more people will move to rural areas in the future?
59. How can rural areas attract more young people?
60. What do you think are the biggest challenges rural areas will face in the future?
