Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Sisters” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Sisters and Brothers

1. How are sisters different from brothers?
2. Do you think sisters get on with each other better than brothers?
3. Do you ever envy your sister?
4. Do you have any siblings, if so, what are their names and how old they are?
5. Do you get on well with your sister?

II. Sibling Relationships

6. What are some things that siblings love about each other?
7. What advice would you give to someone who wants to get on better with their sister?
8. What are some things that siblings do together?
9. Do you have any friends who are like a sister to you?
10. What are the similarities between sisters and brothers?

III. Feelings and Emotions

11. If you don’t have a sister, do you wish you had one?
12. What are some things that siblings hate about each other?
13. How do you feel when your sister is upset?
14. What is your favorite memory with your sister?
15. Do you think sisters support each other in difficult times?

IV. Activities Together

16. What activities do you enjoy doing with your sister?
17. Do you like to travel with your sister?
18. What games do you play with your sister?
19. Do you have any traditions with your sister?
20. What do you like to watch on TV with your sister?

V. Communication

21. How do you communicate with your sister?
22. Do you share secrets with your sister?
23. How do you feel when you argue with your sister?
24. What do you do to resolve conflicts with your sister?
25. How often do you talk to your sister?

VI. Growing Up Together

26. What was it like growing up with your sister?
27. How did your relationship with your sister change as you grew older?
28. What lessons have you learned from your sister?
29. What is the funniest thing you remember doing with your sister?
30. How do you celebrate special occasions with your sister?

VII. Personal Growth

31. How has your sister influenced your life?
32. What are your sister’s strengths?
33. What do you admire most about your sister?
34. How do you support your sister in her goals?
35. What challenges have you faced together?

VIII. Future Aspirations

36. What dreams do you have for your sister?
37. How do you think your relationship with your sister will change in the future?
38. What advice would you give your sister for her future?
39. What do you hope to achieve together in the future?
40. How can you help each other reach your goals?

IX. Cultural Perspectives

41. How do different cultures view sisters?
42. Are there any cultural traditions related to sisters in your culture?
43. How do you think cultural differences affect sibling relationships?
44. What role do sisters play in family dynamics in your culture?
45. How do you celebrate sisterhood in your culture?

X. Personal Stories

46. Can you share a funny story about your sister?
47. What is the most memorable gift you have given your sister?
48. How did you celebrate your sister’s birthday last year?
49. What is something you learned from your sister that you will never forget?
50. How do you feel when you think about your sister?

XI. Sisterly Advice

51. What advice would you give to your sister about friendship?
52. How can your sister improve her confidence?
53. What is the best advice your sister has given you?
54. How can your sister handle stress better?
55. What advice would you give your sister about school?

XII. Reflections

56. What is your biggest regret regarding your sister?
57. How has your sister changed your life for the better?
58. What is a lesson you learned from your sister’s mistakes?
59. How do you want to be remembered by your sister?
60. What is your hope for your sister’s future?
