Paul Holmes -
English Professor

Free Materials For ESL Teachers and Learners

“Studying” ESL Discussion Questions

I. Study Habits

1. What are your favorite study techniques?
2. How do you stay focused while studying?
3. How often do you take breaks during study sessions?
4. Do you prefer studying alone or with others?
5. How do you plan your study schedule?
6. How do you keep yourself motivated to study?
7. Do you use any study tools or apps?

II. Study Environment

8. Where is your favorite place to study?
9. What kind of atmosphere do you prefer for studying?
10. Do you listen to music while studying? If so, what kind?
11. How do you minimize distractions while studying?
12. Do you prefer studying in the morning or at night?

III. Learning Styles

13. Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?
14. What teaching methods work best for you?
15. How do you take notes during lectures?
16. Do you prefer reading textbooks or watching videos for learning?
17. How do you practice speaking a new language?

IV. Study Challenges

18. What subjects do you find most difficult?
19. How do you overcome study challenges?
20. How do you manage test anxiety?
21. Have you ever experienced a study burnout? How did you recover?
22. How do you handle difficult assignments or projects?

V. Time Management

23. How do you balance your study time with other activities?
24. How do you prioritize your study tasks?
25. Do you use any time management techniques or tools?
26. How do you avoid procrastination?
27. How do you stay organized with assignments and deadlines?

VI. Memory and Retention

28. What techniques do you use to remember information?
29. How do you review material before a test?
30. Do you use flashcards or other memory aids?
31. How do you retain information from previous lessons?
32. How do you connect new information with what you already know?

VII. Group Study and Collaboration

33. Do you participate in study groups? Why or why not?
34. How do you contribute to group study sessions?
35. What are the benefits of studying with others?
36. How do you handle disagreements in a study group?
37. Do you have a study buddy or mentor?

VIII. Test Preparation

38. How do you prepare for exams or tests?
39. What are your favorite test-taking strategies?
40. How do you stay calm during a test?
41. How do you manage your time during a test?
42. How do you review and learn from past exams?

IX. Learning Goals

43. What are your current learning goals?
44. How do you set realistic and achievable goals?
45. How do you track your progress towards your goals?
46. How do you celebrate your learning achievements?
47. What skills would you like to improve?

X. Online Learning

48. Have you taken any online courses? How was your experience?
49. What are the advantages of online learning?
50. What challenges have you faced in online learning?
51. How do you stay engaged in an online class?
52. Do you prefer online or in-person learning?

XI. Extracurricular Activities

53. What extracurricular activities do you participate in?
54. How do these activities contribute to your learning?
55. How do you balance extracurricular activities with studying?
56. Have you learned any new skills through these activities?
57. What activities do you enjoy most and why?

XII. Learning from Mistakes

58. How do you learn from your mistakes?
59. Can you share an example of a mistake that helped you grow?
60. How do you handle setbacks in your learning journey?
